- published: 10 Apr 2017
- views: 3617
NHF is a three-letter acronym that may refer to the following organisations:
Jessie Chung (Chinese: 鍾潔希; pinyin: ZhōngJiéXī) is an international recording artiste and actress from Malaysia who holds a doctor of medicine degree (M.D.) in Clinical Chinese and Western Integrative Medicine-Oncology from Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine. She is also a naturopathic doctor certified by the American Naturopathic Medical Certification Board and a certified nutritional consultant (CNC) from the American Association of Nutritional Consultants. She is also a Wushu practitioner, author, and entrepreneur. She achieved her master's degree in Business Administration at the University of South Australia, a bachelor's degree in Clinical Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine at the Oriental Medical Institute of Hawaii, and a bachelor's degree in Homeopathic Medical Science from the Homeo Research & Educational Institute.
She is the author of Stay Away from Cancer, Stay Away from Diseases, and Jessie’s Diary series. She has authored more than ten literary and medical works to date, most of them with translations in English and Bahasa Malaysia. She is the medical writer for New York’s Healthy Lifestyle, Singapore’s Health Journal, Malaysia’s prominent news magazines — City Magazine and I Trends, the Chinese press Kwong Wah Yit Poh, and the International Times.
Naturopathy or naturopathic medicine is a form of alternative medicine employing a wide array of "natural" modalities, including homeopathy, herbalism, and acupuncture, as well as diet (nutrition) and lifestyle counseling. Naturopaths favor a holistic approach with non-invasive treatment and generally avoid the use of surgery and drugs. Naturopathic medicine contains many pseudoscientific concepts and is considered ineffective and can be harmful, which raises ethical issues. Naturopaths have repeatedly been accused of being charlatans and practicing quackery.
Much of the ideology and methodological underpinnings of naturopathy are based on vitalism and self-healing, rather than evidence-based medicine. Naturopathic education contains little of the established clinical training and curriculum completed by primary care doctors, as naturopaths mostly train by studying unscientific notions and practicing unproven interventions and diagnoses. Naturopaths tend to oppose vaccines and teach their students anti- and alternative vaccine practices, resulting in lower vaccination rates. According to the American Cancer Society, "scientific evidence does not support claims that naturopathic medicine can cure cancer or any other disease."
Corporate video production refers to audio-visual corporate communications material (such as DVD, High-definition video, streaming video or other media) commissioned primarily for a use by a company, corporation or organisation. A corporate video is often intended for a specific purpose in a corporate or B2B environment and viewed only by a limited or targeted audience. This may include product, service or company promotional videos, training videos and information videos. Corporate video production is frequently the responsibility of a company marketing or corporate communications manager. Examples of corporate video include staff training and safety videos, promotional/brand films, and financial results videos.
With the growth of digital technology, there is now often convergence between corporate video and other forms of media communications, such as broadcast television and TV advertising. Also, a corporate video may be produced using the same production techniques and style as a broadcast television programme (such as using outside broadcasting facilities)—as a way of engaging audiences who are used to viewing popular media, a corporate video might even be themed on a well-known television series.
NHF SSS LED Making Training Video
NHF SSS PROJECT Introduction
12Til - No Hard Feelings N.H.F (Official Video)
Nhf nike tout
LAR Feat ABDELOS "Héé Vous la" Clip NHF
保绿木 NHF 投资一亿 打造的[女皇镇]引领健康产业发展新模式,打造新零售概念行业领航者
Lea Dobričić / NHF 2016 / full set
NHF Dynamo Birth
NHF Pking! - 100% Firecape's / Torso's / Void's
Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin 2000 and Bitcoin NHF
NHF Corporate Video 2014
ZR vs. NHF (HD)
Marlo nhf ( 5mn A coeur ouvert ) NEUHOF 67 BASSEVILLE 83
Ashemi - NHF MUSIC [ Le CLIP ]
NHF Detox Program | Direction for Use (15 Days) | NHF Singapore
Natural Health Farm (NHF) Corporate Video 天然保健中心
MARLO NHF (EN CE QUI M'CONCERNE) 2009 en cellule
NHF Bio Veggie - Drink the Veggie, Taste the Fruits
Nhf youth
Ibo nhf
Official music video for 12 Til's new single "No Hard Feelings" filmed in North Hollywood, CA. Shot & Edit by Julian SK of SK Films. 12Til ------- https://m.youtube.com/user/RatedTG3 Julian SK of SK Films ------ https://www.instagram.com/skfilms615/ https://twitter.com/Julian__SK Subscribe for more videos! email skfilms615@gmail.com for video bookings.
2017年4月21日,女皇镇新零售概念店在广州市番禺区岭南电商产业园新零售区隆重开业。 马来西亚驻广州商贸领事:Puan Zaimah Osman 泰国总理办公室秘书: Sean Gho 美国上市集团NHF集团CEO:VERNON TEE 澳大利亚FAMI投资集团董事长:GARY scallan 广州市岭南电商产业园董事长欧南雄 东盟物联网电商协会创会会长女皇镇创始人兼董事长张絖雱先生、女皇镇总裁党媛媛女士、COO杨明先生出席此次发布会并且进行剪彩活动。 仪式上,几位贵宾就女皇镇新零售概念店开业表示热烈祝贺和发表重要讲话。女皇镇创始人兼董事长张絖雱做开幕致辞,并向参加仪式的来宾阐述了女皇镇项目的初衷和商业理念设计。 女皇镇新零售概念店的开业,在零售行业中有着新的重要意义,它是“虚”“实”融合的创新尝试,是落实《2017中央经济工作会议》关于振兴实体经济的重要举措。在2016年10月阿里云栖大会上,马云第一次提到了新零售,“未来的十年、二十年,没有电商这一说,只有新零售”。随之在当年的“双11”期间,国务院办公厅印发了《关于推动实体零售创新转型的意见》,表示将从7大政策措施支持实体零售发展,加快实体零售企业结构调整、创新发展方式、促进线上线下融合等,与马云提出的“新零售”不谋而合。 作为一家基于物联网技术、全球化健康产业的新零售平台,女皇镇凭借其创新性地与物联网的技术结合,建立了全新的零售理念,成为最具活力和价值的“新零售”模式。 作为一种全新的模式,新零售具有场景化、赋能化、扁平化、快捷化的特点,能够带给消费者妙趣恒生的场景体验和个性化需求的满足,促进销售模式升级和传统销售渠道的变革,构建完善的物流体系,实现终端消费者和品牌的直接链接,打造“线上+线下+物流”的沟通体系。 秉承全维度共享资源,多角度伸展开拓发展空间和全产业链的资源共享的发展理念,通过共享整合资源,紧...
The birth of NHF Dynamo (Goldhill's Most Wanted X Dynamic Sensation)
Hey, this is my (matt/mraaron0)'s first vegas edit so bare that in mind b4 u comment on the bad editing :P So yer this is some clips of NHF trips or solo firecape/void/torso pks, ofc we have had more but were not all constantly vidding + not every1 vids at all so enjoy!
* 4 Days past the hard fork. 3 months to segwit2x (Bitcoin 2000) * Bitcoin Cash vs. Bitcoin 2000 vs. Bitcoin NHF * Vote in my poll - which one will be the longest chain? https://twitter.com/ryanxcharles/status/893870728013004801 * John Stuart Millibit has an article on the instability around Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin https://t.co/urY7XUNal8 * Lucky games cryptocurrency casino to accept bitcoin cash https://forum.bitcoin.com/gambling/luckygames-ga-reolutionary-multicoin-casino-t33788.html#p78389 * Coinbase customers threaten to sue: http://fortune.com/2017/08/02/bitcoin-cash-lawsuit/ * Coinbase reverses stance on Bitcoin Cash https://blog.coinbase.com/update-on-bitcoin-cash-8a67a7e8dbdf * Erik Nakagawa tweets that the price of bitcoin is nearing one unit of San Francisco rent https://twitter...
15 years back, with only 5 staffs, Dr. Jessie Chung stated Natural Health Farm in Subang Jaya Selangor... 15 years later, Today ....
www.zorscy.eu Trackmania Nascar Mecz sparingowy ZR vs. NHF Wynik: 0-6 Trasy: 1- NASCAR mecz NHF vs ZR by micha_anio_ 2- Fire by silos 3- NASCAR-100-EXPERT by monso_le 4- Bayern Nascar by farfaraway 5- NASCAR_ZR_Edition_4 by kid_khan 6- Project Poland 10 by vamosdikar Muzyka: 1- In For The Kill (Skrillex Remix) by La Roux 2- Sexual Seduction by Skrillex 3- Rock'n Roll by Skrillex 4- Chaos Lives in Everything (feat. Skrillex) by KoRn 5- Voodoo People by The Prodigy 6- Meow (Skrillex Remix) by Dedmau5
MARLO ( 5MN A COEUR OUVERT ) les tee-shirt sont en vente disponible sur internet via ebay en attendant que le site officiel gangster D-TER !!!!!! grand merci a tous pour le soutient , #l'équipe GDT# https://www.facebook.com/GangsterDTer?ref=stream enregistré en cellule en 2012 avec les moyens du bord !!!!!!!!
CLIP du titre "NHF MUSIC". Starring : Amine (Danseur), Ali, Raifat, Enes, Kader, Samir... Paroles et mélodies vocales : Julien Hachemi. Beatmaker : AKR Productions. MERCI à : Camille, Tata Kerlousha et à la MADRE pour les prises de vue. MERCI à celles et ceux qui apparaissent dans le clip : Les enfants, vous rayonnez ! Mimi d'la Lyautey, quel talentueux danseur ! Mes voisins, amis, ma famille et tout ceux qui soutiennent ! Enregistré et mixé par Que-Franc pour E.S.T.L Productions. Tout droits réservés. © 2013.
Detox~The Only Way to Optimum Health, 健康的唯一途径~解毒排毒 SALES & ENQUIRY: CALL: +65 67348892 VISIT: 20 Ah Hood Road #01-07 Zhongshan Mall Singapore 329984 EMAIL: nhf.spore@gmail.com WEBSITE: www.nhf-spore.com Join us & Click LIKE to received latest health info : www.facebook.com/nhf.sg FAQ Q1 == What is the difference between Dr Jessie Chung Super Detox Ans: == Program and other detoxification products? Dr Jessie Chung Super Detox Program is one of the most complete and exhaustive deep cell detox program designed by Dr Jessie Chung (MD) after many years of clinical research. Its not only breaking up many types of toxin and bacteria in the large intestine and small intestine, but also enters into various cells such as brain, bone and blood to decompose various toxins including heavy metal (...
Natural Health Farm (NHF) is a chain of 90 retail outlets located mostly in shopping malls and hypermarkets nationwide and abroad, with its principal activities in retailing nutritional supplements, organic foods, healthcare-related products and nutritional consultation. We were founded by Dr. Jessie Chung, ND, MD in 1999. Besides in Malaysia, we operate outlets in the USA, China, Macau, Singapore, Australia, Brunei, Philippines, Kurdistan, and Thailand. A wide-range of products is offered, including vitamins, herbs, minerals, supplements, natural skincare products, slimming products, and organic foods. NHF obtained the Franchise License from KPDNKK in December 2011 and began its franchise business. To date, we have 19 franchise outlets. Natural Health Farm’s Outlets NHF employs a 180-pe...
Marlo ( en ce qui m'concerne ) grand merci a tous pour le soutient , #l'équipe GDT# https://www.facebook.com/GangsterDTer?ref=stream Enregistré en 2009 depuis l'enfer du terter avec les moyen du bord !!!!!
Reduce the risk of meat eaters Delicious complete vegetables & fruits fiber drink FIND OUT MORE: http://www.nhf.com.my/product/bio-veggie/ The 12 great benefits of "drinking" vegetables & fruits - Prevent diarrhea and constipation - Enhance phagocytic cell ability - Increase a sense of satiety - Inhibit carbohydrate turn into fat - Accelerate the decomposition of fat - Regulate blood sugar level - Regulate blood pressure - Reduce stress - Relieve fatigue - Relieve anxiety
Still in love
Still in love
Still in love
Still in love
Thinkin' maybe
Things are gonna turn around
Despite the arguments
We can see eye-to-eye
Over (over), Over (over)
Keeps playin' in my mind
This here ain't right for me
Too young to be held down
I fall for you
Each time, each time
This ain't no sayin'
I get stuck
All of the good times
Way down, the bad times
Guess that's why I'm still in love
Still in love with you
Despite all we go through
I can't turn away
You know that I'm still in love with you
You know that I can't give up
I'm still in love with you
Got all,
My girls
Tellin' me to just let it go
Tellin' me that it's just love lost
But I know (I know)
Got all,
My girls
Tellin' me I should free my heart
If it was so simple I would
I fall for you
Each time, each time
This ain't no sayin'
I get stuck
All of the good times
Way down, the bad times
Guess that's why I'm still in love
Still in love with you
Despite all we go through
I can't turn away
You know that I'm still in love with you
You know that I can't give up
I'm still in love with you
Still in love wit' ya
I'm so in love wit' ya
Still in love wit' ya
I'm so in love wit' ya
Still in love wit' ya
I'm so in love wit' ya
Still in love wit' ya
Still in love with you
Despite all we go through
I can't turn away
You know that I'm still in love with you
You know that I can't give up
I'm still in love with you