- published: 14 Oct 2013
- views: 1994

MSNBC's Chuck Todd To [Deluded] Ted Cruz: 'What Planet Are You Living On ?!'
How 'Racism' Caused The U.S. Government Shutdown: http://www.politicalarticles.net/blog/20...
published: 14 Oct 2013
MSNBC's Chuck Todd To [Deluded] Ted Cruz: 'What Planet Are You Living On ?!'
MSNBC's Chuck Todd To [Deluded] Ted Cruz: 'What Planet Are You Living On ?!'
How 'Racism' Caused The U.S. Government Shutdown: http://www.politicalarticles.net/blog/2013/10/14/how-racism-caused-the-u-s-government-shutdown/ ---------------------------------- ** Visit PoliticalArticles.NET: http://www.politicalarticles.net/ ** Want To Show Us Some Love? Go Here: http://tinyurl.com/leh6kd5 ** Signup For Our Blog Newsletter and We'll Drop You a Line When New Articles Come Up: -- MAIN OPTION: http://tinyurl.com/main-option -- OTHER OPTIONS: http://tinyurl.com/other-options2 ** Like Us on FaceBook: http://goo.gl/usmuY ** Follow Us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/padotnet ** Add Us To Your Circles In Google: http://goo.gl/GF9Sc ** Racism, Prejudice & Hate: http://tinyurl.com/Racism-Prejudice-Hate ** Politics USA: http://goo.gl/Zs5nL ** Points To Ponder: http://goo.gl/MGHFo ----------------------------------- published: 14 Oct 2013
- views: 1994

MSNBC Owned By Russel Brand! Must See!
Did anyone see this live? I can't believe they aired it. Russel Brand stops in to take a p...
published: 19 Jun 2013
author: ThinkOutsideTheTV
MSNBC Owned By Russel Brand! Must See!
MSNBC Owned By Russel Brand! Must See!
Did anyone see this live? I can't believe they aired it. Russel Brand stops in to take a piss on the mainstream media before he leaves on his comedy tour.- published: 19 Jun 2013
- views: 116771
- author: ThinkOutsideTheTV

MSNBC's Chris Hayes Goes Oops Upside Bill O'Reilly's 'Super Racist' Head Again
MSNBC's Chris Hayes Goes Oops Upside Bill O'Reilly's 'Super Racist' Head Again - - - - - -...
published: 27 Jul 2013
author: Den Havoc
MSNBC's Chris Hayes Goes Oops Upside Bill O'Reilly's 'Super Racist' Head Again
MSNBC's Chris Hayes Goes Oops Upside Bill O'Reilly's 'Super Racist' Head Again
MSNBC's Chris Hayes Goes Oops Upside Bill O'Reilly's 'Super Racist' Head Again - - - - - - - - - - - - IGNORE MSNBC's Chris Hayes Goes Oops Upside Bill O'R...- published: 27 Jul 2013
- views: 5644
- author: Den Havoc

Why Cenk Uygur Left MSNBC - Part 1
Cenk Uygur (host of The Young Turks) explains why he turned down a new, significantly larg...
published: 21 Jul 2011
author: TheYoungTurks
Why Cenk Uygur Left MSNBC - Part 1
Why Cenk Uygur Left MSNBC - Part 1
Cenk Uygur (host of The Young Turks) explains why he turned down a new, significantly larger MSNBC contract after hosting a prime-time show on the network th...- published: 21 Jul 2011
- views: 267783
- author: TheYoungTurks

MSNBC War Cheerleaders Get OWNED by Hillary Mann Leverett - September 1, 2013
Aired September 1, 2013....
published: 01 Sep 2013
MSNBC War Cheerleaders Get OWNED by Hillary Mann Leverett - September 1, 2013
MSNBC War Cheerleaders Get OWNED by Hillary Mann Leverett - September 1, 2013
MSNBC. Aired September 1, 2013.- published: 01 Sep 2013
- views: 4255

Ron Paul Squares Off Against MSNBC's Alex Wagner in Explosive Interview
Former Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) joined MSNBC's Alex Wagner on Thursday for a wide-ranging and ...
published: 05 Sep 2013
Ron Paul Squares Off Against MSNBC's Alex Wagner in Explosive Interview
Ron Paul Squares Off Against MSNBC's Alex Wagner in Explosive Interview
Former Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) joined MSNBC's Alex Wagner on Thursday for a wide-ranging and contentious interview focused on President Barack Obama's push for American intervention in the Syrian civil war. What followed was a tense and heated exchange between the two ideologically unaligned figures about the need for intervention in Syria, American foreign policy in general, and Paul's speaking before "anti-Semitic" groups. Wagner opened by asking about a recent interview Paul conducted with Wikileaks founder Julian Assange on his web-based interview program, but the conversation quickly turned to the push for intervention in Syria. Paul questioned the "so-called gas deaths" in Syria supposedly ordered by President Bashar al-Assad and suggested that pro-intervention advocates have absolved the rebel factions fighting against Assad of any malfeasance. "Do you really think President Obama is looking for a reason to go to war in Syria," Wagner asked She noted that the president has been reluctant to go to war. "I think the pressure comes from the people around him," Paul said. "It might be contradicting some of his self-instincts." Paul said that the leadership of both the Democratic and Republican Parties in Congress are behind Syrian intervention in opposition to rank-and-file opinion.- published: 05 Sep 2013
- views: 429

Congressman Sean Duffy Rips MSNBC Anchor!
What was supposed to a discussion on MSNBC Tuesday over the effects of the government shut...
published: 09 Oct 2013
Congressman Sean Duffy Rips MSNBC Anchor!
Congressman Sean Duffy Rips MSNBC Anchor!
What was supposed to a discussion on MSNBC Tuesday over the effects of the government shutdown on military veterans' families became a tense argument about the news media's coverage on Obamacare, and even left the news anchor speechless. The back and forth took place between Rep. Sean Duffy (R-Wis.) and Andrea Mitchell. "You need Jon Stewart on Comedy Central to ask [Health and Human Services Kathleen] Sebilius, 'Hey, why won't you treat these two equally,' and she can't answer it," Duffy said. "That's how pathetic I think news reporting has become when we won't ask tough questions to the administration."- published: 09 Oct 2013
- views: 9579

Russell Brand puts MSNBC's Morning Joe in its place
Comedian Russell Brand terrified anchors on MSNBC's Morning Joe program by lecturing them ...
published: 18 Jun 2013
author: peopleoverpolitics
Russell Brand puts MSNBC's Morning Joe in its place
Russell Brand puts MSNBC's Morning Joe in its place
Comedian Russell Brand terrified anchors on MSNBC's Morning Joe program by lecturing them about how the media distracts from real news by obsessing about sup...- published: 18 Jun 2013
- views: 210869
- author: peopleoverpolitics

Glenn Greenwald Takes MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski, to Task for Using NSA WH Talking Points 06102013
Guardian reporter Glenn Greenwald, who broke the stories on the NSA's phone and internet s...
published: 10 Jun 2013
author: bydesign001
Glenn Greenwald Takes MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski, to Task for Using NSA WH Talking Points 06102013
Glenn Greenwald Takes MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski, to Task for Using NSA WH Talking Points 06102013
Guardian reporter Glenn Greenwald, who broke the stories on the NSA's phone and internet surveillance programs last week and helped reveal on Sunday the iden...- published: 10 Jun 2013
- views: 60146
- author: bydesign001

MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski Has Best Possible Reaction to Miley Cyrus' VMA Performance
--MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski Has Best Possible Reaction to Miley Cyrus' VMA Performance
published: 26 Aug 2013
MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski Has Best Possible Reaction to Miley Cyrus' VMA Performance
MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski Has Best Possible Reaction to Miley Cyrus' VMA Performance
--MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski Has Best Possible Reaction to Miley Cyrus' VMA Performance - -Morning Joe opened this morning with the biggest news story of the day: Miley Cyrus' "disturbing" twerking at the MTV Video Music Awards. Joe Scarborough and his male cohorts began by laughing about the spectacle before Mika Brzezinski jumped in with a more serious take. "I wouldn't make a joke of it actually," Brzezinski said. "I think that was really, really disturbing." She went on to describe how "that young lady, who is 20, is obviously deeply troubled, deeply disturbed, clearly has confidence issues, probably eating disorder and I don't think anybody should have put her on stage. That was disgusting and embarrassing." Scarborough started talking about his two older sons, with Brzezinski jumped back in with, "They don't think that's attractive, Miley. Nobody does actually." Before Scarborough could get another word in, she was off again. "That was not attractive. That was not fun. That was not funny. That was really, really bad for anybody who's younger and impressionable and she's really messed up." She said MTV should be "ashamed of themselves" for putting it on the air. Harkening all the way back to Britney Spears' 2001 VMA performance, Scarborough chalked the phenomenon up to the "Britney-fication of American culture." He said the "real disgrace" is that "MTV knows the people watching these shows are tweeners" and they are promoting the "sexualization of pre-teen girls." "The whole thing was cringe worthy but I feel bad for her," Brzezinski said, before trying to move on to another, more important story. "She is a mess. Someone needs to take care of her. Someone needs not to put her on stage and make a complete fool of herself." When the show's producer apparently threatened to show the clip for MTV again, Brzezinski vetoed it, saying, "I don't want to see that ever again on this show." Watch video below, via MSNBC: - - - - - - - - - - IGNORE- published: 26 Aug 2013
- views: 301

Ron Paul Destroys MSNBC's Alex Wagner On Syria
Alex Wagner and Ron Paul got into an extremely heated debate on Thursday after she questio...
published: 06 Sep 2013
Ron Paul Destroys MSNBC's Alex Wagner On Syria
Ron Paul Destroys MSNBC's Alex Wagner On Syria
Alex Wagner and Ron Paul got into an extremely heated debate on Thursday after she questioned his speaking engagement at what she said has been called an "anti-Semite group." The former Congressman was on to talk about his new venture, the Ron Paul Channel. Wagner asked Paul about his upcoming speaking gig at the Fatima Center in Canada, saying that it has been called a "hard-core anti-Semite group." For its part, the organization has denied that the conference has anything to do with anti-Semitism. "Is this something that you would reconsider doing?" Wagner asked on Thursday. "No," Paul began, adding that he talks to Republicans who disagree with him. "I'm going to a conservative, Catholic group that is pro-peace, and wants to hear my foreign policy and my take on economy," he said. "I wouldn't be on this station if I had to have a litmus test. I mean, you have --" "This station --" Wagner tried to interject. "-- Why can't I go there?" Paul shouted. Wagner said that there was a difference between MSNBC and the Fatima Center, citing the group's views. Paul said that he had "nothing to do with" the Fatima Center's beliefs, adding, "Sounds to me like you have me on here to bash Catholics!" Later, he questioned why she brought the subject up, saying, "It astounds me." Wagner proceeded to explain her line of questioning. Watch the debate unfold in the video above.- published: 06 Sep 2013
- views: 767

Do MSNBC Hosts Get Pressured To Be Partisan?
"In a wide-ranging interview with Ora.TV host Larry King, MSNBC host Chris Matthews admitt...
published: 19 Oct 2013
Do MSNBC Hosts Get Pressured To Be Partisan?
Do MSNBC Hosts Get Pressured To Be Partisan?
"In a wide-ranging interview with Ora.TV host Larry King, MSNBC host Chris Matthews admitted that the hosts on the liberal cable news network are under "group pressure" to display a more liberal partisan slant. He added that this directive is not unique to MSNBC. Other cable networks, Matthews said, are under the same pressure to exhibit personality and display their points of view...".* Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian, Ben Mankiewicz (What The Flick?! and TYT Sports), and John Iadarola (TYT University and Common Room) break it down on The Young Turks. *Read more here from Noah Rothman / Mediaite: http://www.mediaite.com/tv/matthews-reveals-msnbc-hosts-anchors-under-group-pressure-to-be-more-partisan/- published: 19 Oct 2013
- views: 26964

MSNBC Martin Bashir Mocks Ted Cruz on Shutdown Defeat Praising GOP 'Profile in Courage'
Defiant Cruz rails against U.S. fiscal deal, but won't delay it
(Reuters) - A defiant Sena...
published: 16 Oct 2013
MSNBC Martin Bashir Mocks Ted Cruz on Shutdown Defeat Praising GOP 'Profile in Courage'
MSNBC Martin Bashir Mocks Ted Cruz on Shutdown Defeat Praising GOP 'Profile in Courage'
Defiant Cruz rails against U.S. fiscal deal, but won't delay it (Reuters) - A defiant Senator Ted Cruz railed against a bipartisan U.S. Senate deal to lift the federal debt limit and reopen the government on Wednesday, but said he would not try to block or delay its passage. Cruz, a conservative Texas Republican, said he would vote against the measure because it provides no relief to Americans from what he calls the harmful effects of "Obamacare" health insurance reforms. However, he said that at this point there was nothing to gain from taking procedural measures to delay it. Cruz has waged a weeks-long campaign to persuade Republicans to use the threat of a government shutdown and failure to lift the federal debt limit as leverage to defund, delay, or otherwise undermine President Barack Obama's signature health care law. "The timing of the vote will make no difference in the outcome, and so I don't intend to delay the timing of the vote. I intend to vote no," Cruz told reporters. "It will be a bad deal for the American people today, tomorrow or the next day." Under Senate rules, any senator can object to pending legislation, a move that would require a 60-vote majority to proceed to a yes or no vote. The process requires several days to complete, and with the U.S. Treasury set to exhaust its borrowing capacity on Thursday, time for passage is running short. In a campaign-style speech before cameras as the Senate deal was announced, Cruz said the bipartisan plan reflected "the "traditional approach of the Washington establishment of maintaining the status quo and doing nothing to respond to the suffering that Obamacare is causing to millions of Americans." Although the health reform is aimed at providing affordable care to tens of millions of uninsured Americans, Cruz and other Republicans blame it for causing premiums to rise in some areas and for prompting companies to reduce hiring or to shift employees from full-time work to part-time work. In the end, the only Obamacare concession in Wednesday's Senate-negotiated deal was the inclusion of a provision requiring that those applying for insurance subsidies verify their income. Government-run health insurance exchanges started operating on October 1, and the deal does not alter a requirement that individuals obtain coverage starting on January 1 or pay a tax penalty. The deal still requires passage in both the Senate and House of Representatives. 'COURAGEOUS STAND' Lawmakers and aides from both parties on Capitol Hill have criticized Cruz for using his fight against Obamacare, which included a well-publicized 21-hour speech on the Senate floor, as a personal platform to seek the Republican presidential nomination in 2016. The Tea Party firebrand won election to the Senate only last November. Although Cruz has not announced his formal intention to run for president, some political analysts say the fame he has gained from his recent efforts has elevated him to a leading Republican contender, alongside House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan, the party's 2012 vice presidential candidate, and fellow conservative Senator Rand Paul. Cruz defended his efforts to use the fiscal deadlines to try to thwart Obamacare, saying he was doing what Americans wanted. Despite the government shutdown, which has forced the temporary layoff of hundreds of thousands of government employees, and angst in financial markets as to whether the United States would default on its obligations, Cruz said the effort was worth it as it had caused "millions upon millions of people rise up" against Obamacare. He praised House Republicans, whose demands for Obamacare concessions - and their refusal by Democrats - forced much of the government to close on October 1. "We saw the House of Representatives take courageous stand listening to the American people, that everyone in official Washington just weeks ago said would never happen. That was a remarkable victory to see the House engage in a profile in courage." He blamed the failure to stop the health care law on Senate Republicans who had failed to unite in the fight over the fiscal deadlines. "I would point out, that had Senate Republicans united, and supported House Republicans, the outcome of this I believe would've been very, very different," he said.- published: 16 Oct 2013
- views: 7
Vimeo results:

JELLYFISH LAKE by Sarosh Jacob
Palau is a special place. Thousands of years ago these je...
published: 30 Apr 2011
author: Sarosh Jacob
JELLYFISH LAKE by Sarosh Jacob
Palau is a special place. Thousands of years ago these jellyfish became trapped in a natural basin on the island when the ocean receded. Over time they evolved into a new species that lost most of their stinging ability.
Film / Edit: Sarosh Jacob http://www.saroshjacob.com
Equipment: Canon 5D Mark II, Sigma 15mm Fisheye Lens and Aquatica Housing
Music: Radiohead "Nude" http://radiohead.com
Follow me on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/MiiaFV
Please see my new video here: http://youtu.be/4MTa6r1nFr8
Jellyfish Lake was featured in the new Microsoft IE9 Internet Explorer 9 TV Commercial "a more beautiful web" See here: http://vimeo.com/45522018
Special thanks to Keith Rivers Films, Vimeo, and the Micorsoft IE9 team!
Special thanks to MSNBC Today's Dara Brown for the feature: http://overheadbin.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2011/05/25/6718227-photographer-swims-with-jellyfish

Meme Proposal | Tim * Audrey
Song credit goes to Christina Perri - A Thousand Years. (All rights reserved to the WMG)
published: 11 Dec 2011
author: Crazy Monkey Studio
Meme Proposal | Tim * Audrey
Song credit goes to Christina Perri - A Thousand Years. (All rights reserved to the WMG)
"Tim and Audrey would like to thank all of you for the best wishes. Keep safe and have a very merry Christmas."
For the first time, we got to shoot a proposal and it was real fun. It was a covert mission (ok la..more like a paparazzi mission). We went to venue a day before to scout the place, discuss how to hide those cameras and look at how to be invisible.
On that day, we were all dressed in black. Talked using walkies. Used wine bottles, glasses, cutleries, vases and flowers as cover. We sat around the restaurant as guests but with our cameras on. And yes, we achieved total invisibility. Audrey walked into the restaurant, sat with her friends and never noticed us.
Not until the prime time when Tim revealed himself with meme place cards that was part of his proposal. That was when all the cameras (all 4 in total) started rolling.
In Audrey own words :)
"Even scarier, there was another cameraman hiding behind me the whole time in the corner recording us eating!! Super not aware of my surroundings lo I sure become a victim of crime wan cos people will just sneak up on me and rape/rob/stab/kidnap me easily."
Don't worry Audrey, it was just SK with his tame camera. Not too worry.
It was a very romantic, genuine and touching proposal. Congrats to Tim and Audrey.
Tim's blog - http://timothytiah.com/2011/12/21/video-of-our-meme-proposal
Audrey's blog - http://fourfeetnine.com/2011/12/11/the-proposal
You can also follow Tim and Audrey on Twitter - @timothytiah (http://twitter.com/timothytiah) @fourfeetnineaud (http://twitter.com/fourfeetnineaud)
- Top 3 of The Most Heartfelt Wedding News Of 2011 by Huffington Post (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/12/24/wedding-stories-the-most-heartfelt_n_1164122.html#s564453&title;=Meme_Proposal_Goes)
More of the Meme Proposal on news and wedding portals!
- MSNBC (http://digitallife.today.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2011/12/22/9632821-man-proposes-using-internet-meme-flashcards)
- CBS News (http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-504784_162-57347182-10391705/memorable-wedding-proposal-using-internet-memes)
- Huffington Post (http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2011/12/22/meme-filled-marriage-proposal-video_n_1164674.html)
- PC World (http://www.pcworld.com/article/246888/guy_proposes_to_girlfriend_with_memes_geek_girls_green_with_envy.html)
- Gizmodo (http://gizmodo.com/5870282/this-guy-proposed-to-his-girlfriend-with-internet-memes)
- Mashable (http://mashable.com/2011/12/22/marriage-proposal-internet-memes)
- Associated Press (http://news.yahoo.com/malaysia-proposal-video-wins-hearts-worldwide-015903552.html)
- Wedding Guide Asia (http://www.weddingguideasia.com/2011/12/the-best-of-2011)
- MSN Malaysia (http://video.malaysia.msn.com/watch/video/internet-memes-wedding-proposal-goes-viral-nuffnang-founder-proposes-to-gf/1nobs2whn?from)
- Yahoo Taiwan (http://tw.nextmedia.com/applenews/article/art_id/33924568/IssueID/20111230)

While on our way home from photographing Formula Drift Palm Beach, Larry Chen and I found ...
published: 14 Jun 2011
author: Joe Ayala
While on our way home from photographing Formula Drift Palm Beach, Larry Chen and I found ourselves stranded over night in Dallas Fort Worth (DFW) as our flights home were canceled. The following is a brief summary of the events that took place that night.
"TANDEM OF DIE" DVD Coming Soon by Joe Ayala & Justin Shreeve.
Check out our other videos at vimeo.com/tod

"Goldfish Salvation" Riusuke Fukahori
Thank you very much for following us.
Please check on our website!
published: 01 Dec 2011
author: ICN gallery
"Goldfish Salvation" Riusuke Fukahori
Thank you very much for following us.
Please check on our website!
Great news!
MSNBC documentaries "Caught on Camera" - "Riusuke Fukahori/Goldfish Salvation" will air on October 20th at 8pm Eastern time in USA & Canada.
Do not miss it!!
When struggling with artistic vision, Fukahori's pet goldfish became his inspiration and ever since his passion and lifelong theme. His unique style of painting uses acrylic on clear resin which is poured into containers, resulting in a three-dimensional appearance and lifelike vitality.
This video gives you a glimpse of his amazing painting process.
Artist Riusuke Fukahori's London debut exhibition "Goldfish Salvation" was held at ICN gallery from 1 December 2011 - 11 January 2012.
Portions of this promotional video of Riusuke Fukahori's process contains shots from a TV-CM for Yagimoku.inc. (Shizuoka, Japan) which have been used with their permission.
Client: Yagimoku.inc.
Agency: Bergman inc.
Production: Hexaproject inc.
Sound: "Early Morning Movabillity", Jemapur
Youtube results:

Ron Paul Heated Debate With Alex Wagner on Syria - MSNBC - September 5, 2013
9/5/13 - Former Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) joined MSNBC's Alex Wagner on Thursday for a wide-ran...
published: 05 Sep 2013
Ron Paul Heated Debate With Alex Wagner on Syria - MSNBC - September 5, 2013
Ron Paul Heated Debate With Alex Wagner on Syria - MSNBC - September 5, 2013
9/5/13 - Former Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) joined MSNBC's Alex Wagner on Thursday for a wide-ranging and contentious interview focused on President Barack Obama's push for American intervention in the Syrian civil war. What followed was a tense and heated exchange between the two ideologically unaligned figures about the need for intervention in Syria, American foreign policy in general, and Paul's speaking before "anti-Semitic" groups. Wagner opened by asking about a recent interview Paul conducted with Wikileaks founder Julian Assange on his web-based interview program, but the conversation quickly turned to the push for intervention in Syria. Paul questioned the "so-called gas deaths" in Syria supposedly ordered by President Bashar al-Assad and suggested that pro-intervention advocates have absolved the rebel factions fighting against Assad of any malfeasance. "Do you really think President Obama is looking for a reason to go to war in Syria," Wagner asked She noted that the president has been reluctant to go to war. "I think the pressure comes from the people around him," Paul said. "It might be contradicting some of his self-instincts." Paul said that the leadership of both the Democratic and Republican Parties in Congress are behind Syrian intervention in opposition to rank-and-file opinion. "I think there's a historic event going on here and if this vote is won, that is defeat the request to have a more military approach to Syria, I think it'll be historic," Paul said. He noted that such a defeat would be an unusual alignment of the "libertarian Republicans" and the "progressive Democrats." Wagner appeared to agree with Paul but countered his assertion by saying that it was the president's push for an unpopular war in Congress which united Democrats and Republicans against him. "Do you not applaud the president for making that decision?" Wagner asked. Paul did not. He said that the president came under pressure and did not seek Congressional authority out of deference to the Constitution. "In terms of surveillance, how confident are you that we are seeing the end of what has been termed the American empire in terms of a broad overreach and surveillance of Americans citizens" Wagner asked. "We haven't' seen the end of it," Paul replied. "Tyrants and empires cling desperately, and their best weapon is lying." Paul said the "people are waking up" and he was encouraged by a close vote in the House in which the Amash/Conyers Amendment to scale back the powers of the National Security Agency was narrowly defeated. Paul added that this problem would also be solved if the "conspiracy" of the American government to "run all these wars" was ended and American troops came home. "We haven't proven any lies yet from this administration," Paul said. "But believe me, there's going to be found many, many deceptions." Wagner took issue with this statement. "Don't you think this is sort of irresponsible?" she asked. Paul went on to say that there is little proof to suggest that Assad is behind the use of chemical weapons in Syria. "Quite frankly, if they were honest with us -- some are, some of the neo-cons are more honest, Tehran is -- this is all to do with getting Iran and taking that country over, and we've been doing that since 1953," Paul asserted. Wagner asked Paul about his speech coming up at the Fatima Center, which she said has been accused of being an anti-Semitic organization. Asked if he would reconsider this speech, Paul said "no." Wagner cited some of the items in that group's charter that led some to believe the organization is anti-Semitic. "I have nothing to do with that," Paul said. "Sounds to me like you have me on here to bash Catholics." "There have been a lot of folks that have been involved with your campaign, supporters, newsletters that have been accredited to you that have strong anti-Semitic, racist undertones," Wagner said. Paul said that he has been dealing with accusations like these his whole political career. "When people disagree with your ideas they have to destroy your character," Paul insisted."- published: 05 Sep 2013
- views: 301

Tea Party Rep. Clashes with MSNBC Anchor: Obama Will 'Negotiate with Terrorists' But Not the GOP
10/5/13 - In light of a New York Times article published Saturday that described an "epic ...
published: 05 Oct 2013
Tea Party Rep. Clashes with MSNBC Anchor: Obama Will 'Negotiate with Terrorists' But Not the GOP
Tea Party Rep. Clashes with MSNBC Anchor: Obama Will 'Negotiate with Terrorists' But Not the GOP
10/5/13 - In light of a New York Times article published Saturday that described an "epic battle" raging within the Republican Party, MSNBC's Craig Melvin invited tea party congressman Joe Barton (R-TX) on his show and began by asking one question: "Who's calling the shots, is it Speaker Boehner or Texas Senator Ted Cruz?" Barton began by denying that any major divide exists in the GOP between the tea party faction and the establishment. As for Cruz, Barton assured Melvin, "He is not calling the shots." Instead, he said President Obama's "calling the shots" in the House of Representatives "by refusing the negotiate." He added, "He'll negotiate with terrorists overseas, but he won't negotiate with Speaker Boehner." After playing a recent clip of Barton arguing against Obamacare on the House floor, Melvin asked, "Is that really the most effective use of time right now?" Barton said that fact the Melvin played the soundbite on the air proves that it was an effective use of his time, and continued to argue that "the people" don't want the Affordable Care Act to be implemented. Remidning Barton that Congress voted for Obamacare and the Supreme Court upheld it (in a vote Barton called "questionable"), Melvin asked, "At what point do you stop this silly little game?" Barton fought back against accusations that he doesn't care about opinion polls that show high disapproval numbers for Republicans in this fight because he's in a safely conservative district in Texas. When he pivoted back to talking about the failures of Obamacare, Melvin asked, "Are you aware that the program itself was rolled out just a few days ago?" He said he was aware that some people have begun to apply for the exchanges, but declared, "I don't believe Obamacare as it is a law will ever really work." "That's not the issue!" Melvin shot back. "The issue is reopening the government!"- published: 05 Oct 2013
- views: 41

Stephen Moore nukes MSNBC Chris Hayes on rich liberals wanting to pay higher taxes (7/8/12)
Chris Hayes invites Stephen Moore on his show July 8, 2012 to set him up on Romney taking ...
published: 10 Jul 2012
author: unhappyview54
Stephen Moore nukes MSNBC Chris Hayes on rich liberals wanting to pay higher taxes (7/8/12)
Stephen Moore nukes MSNBC Chris Hayes on rich liberals wanting to pay higher taxes (7/8/12)
Chris Hayes invites Stephen Moore on his show July 8, 2012 to set him up on Romney taking advantage of tax laws and so Moore nukes him on how rich hypocritic...- published: 10 Jul 2012
- views: 58958
- author: unhappyview54

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz's Shocking, Insufficient, Rambling Response to MSNBC on Obamacare Enrollees
10/9/13 - Maybe Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL), chairwoman of the Democratic Nationa...
published: 09 Oct 2013
Debbie Wasserman-Schultz's Shocking, Insufficient, Rambling Response to MSNBC on Obamacare Enrollees
Debbie Wasserman-Schultz's Shocking, Insufficient, Rambling Response to MSNBC on Obamacare Enrollees
10/9/13 - Maybe Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL), chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee, was simply caught off guard when MSNBC anchor Thomas Roberts asked her about the government's stated inability to report on exactly how many people have signed up for the Affordable Care Act's health insurance exchanges. Or maybe, nine days into the opening of those exchanges, the White House and the Democratic Party still do not have a convincing explanation for why the number of enrollees is perilously low. Either way, Wasserman Schultz delivered a pitiful performance on Wednesday when she was asked why the government will not release details on the number of Obamacare enrollees. Roberts began by playing a portion of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius' interview with Comedy Central's Jon Stewart who mocked how difficult it is to enroll in the exchanges. "So, how would you respond to the messaging and the criticism that there has been about the rollout of Obamacare," Roberts asked. "Even though the government is not running the actual insurance exchanges, it is running the rollout and should be able to provide every curious American about the data — and certainly journalists about the data — of how many people are actually signing up accessing Obamacare. So, where is that number?" After stumbling for a bit, Wasserman Schultz responded by attacking the question. "We're eight days in and to be insisting on data being produced day by day for a six-month enrollment program, that — is a little bit unfair," she replied. She said that there is good news in the fact that the servers which support HealthCare.Gov were only designed to handle 50,000 visitors... per day. She added that there have been 250,000 visitors per day, which indicates heavy interest in the program. "So, the analogy that I've used repeatedly is that the Republicans, because they don't like their kitchen redesign, are trying to burn their house down," Wasserman Schultz continued, pivoting to more comfortable territory. "They don't even acknowledge or agree that everyone should have access in America to quality, affordable health care. That is the rub," she added. "And they don't accept that President Obama was reelected last November." Roberts eventually, mercifully, cut her off for time. If this is the best Obamacare's defenders can come up with, the program may be in more trouble than most presently know.- published: 09 Oct 2013
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