Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations

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SeminarThe Dark Side of DemocratizationDemocratisation in Indonesia and the Philippines comes with several problems. First, democratisation - and elections in particular - often comes with an... [Event]
On April 5 2004, five years after the elections in 1999, Indonesia elected a new parliament and new regional councils. For about 147 million Indonesians qualified to vote this was the first time they... [Image gallery]
Photos by Frits EisenloeffelPhotographer Frits Eisenloeffel travelled in December 1978 to Namibia to report on the elections. The elections were organized by the South African government and intended... [Image gallery]
On the occasion of the elections for the European parliament in 2004 the IISH presented a sample of ten posters on earlier elections, from the IISH collections. Ten European Elections PostersMore... [Image gallery]
Photos by Frits EisenloeffelPhotographer Frits Eisenloeffel travelled through Senegal in February-March 1978, following the national elections. The pictures on this page show a political rally in... [Image gallery]
The IISH has started an extensive project to document the tumultuous presidential elections in Iran in June 2009.Thousands of photographs, videos, films, leaflets, posters, and weblogs have been made... [News]
It was rumoured that President Zia ul-Haq of Pakistan was warned that he would die on 8/8/88. When nothing happened on that day, he seemed to be happy and triumphant. Nevertheless, nine days later... [Item of the Day]
The Republican Convention on 23 August 1972 chooses President Richard Nixon as presidential candidate. Nixon thereupon campaigns against the candidate of the Democrats, George McGovern. The main... [Item of the Day]
On 29 February 1996, Russian president Boris Yeltsin still had 108 days to go until the next presidential elections, according to this calendar. The curse of the Chechnya war clouded his first term... [Item of the Day]
Luíz Inácio Lula da Silva, like many other boys from poor Brazilian families, started his career as a bootblack. On his 57th birthday, 27 October 2002, he is elected president of Brazil. This is an... [Item of the Day]
