Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations

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In 1896 Auguste Fabre, a Frenchman involved in the cooperative movement, wrote a short book about American skyscrapers. The phenomenon was still so new that he used the English word "Sky Scratchers... [Image gallery]
In September 1895 a "very dangerous anarchist woman from New York" was searched by the Amsterdam police.This woman was Emma Goldman (1869-1940), anarchist, advocate of women's and workers' rights as... [Image gallery]
De oorlog in Vietnam bracht een golf van acties in Nederland op gang. De felheid en bitterheid daarvan paste helemaal in het Koude Oorlogsklimaat dat ook in ons land heerste. Vanaf 1965 waren er... [Image gallery]
The IISH received an important addition to the archive of David H.D. Truong, formerly known as Truong Dinh Truong. Truong was born in 1945 as the son of a South Vietnamese presidential candidate and... [Collection highlight]
The Institute received a collection of documents from Kevin Keating, a well known local activist in San Francisco. The material (mostly copies) consists of leaflets, posters, articles, letters and... [Collection highlight]
In two letters of April 1930 there is mention of a public debate on the best solution to the problems of the Jewish people. The debate was to be held in New York in the summer of 1930, when Abramovi... [Collection item]
"Les Malthusiens proposent un massacre annuel des innocents dans toutes les familles dont la génération dépasserait le nombre fixé par la loi.Non, en vérité, je n'exagère rien. Ne sait-on pas que l'... [Collection item]
Payday at one of the then thirteen Libbey-Owens-Ford glass and plaskon plants in the USA around 1950. All wage employees were paid by check every two weeks, normally on Fridays. The original caption... [Collection item]
A protest against the repression of the revolt of the Russian sailors by the Bolshevik authorities in Leningrad in 1921.  From the brochure: 'Kronstad the Paris Commune'. [Collection item]
Report of the Imperial Court of Russia. The story of the attempt on Tsar Aleander II life in 1882. [Collection item]
