Rationalist Society


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Joined July 2010

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  1. "Advancing religion" = proselytising. In a secular country, why should proselytising get automatic tax breaks?

  2. Indifference to religion is a perfectly reasonable position to hold. Hear, hear!

  3. Like large religious organisations, large media organisations such as Gawker often think they are above the law.

  4. On the eve of the UN's conference on drugs, a stunning revelation about the origins of the "war on drugs".

  5. "Many students will have no awareness that they stand guilty before God" - RI instruction manual for Yr 6. Bullying?

  6. Wow, science is really becoming sexy. World Science Festival at Brisbane next 6 yrs.

  7. 10 to the 500 universes, but how many persevere over time?

  8. John Howard was adept at pulling the levers of the culture wars. Turnbull is proving no match for him.

  9. Four people arrested in the Paris area suspected of planning a terror attack, French media report via

  10. Aust Christian Lobby is no charity - it's a lobby, for goodness' sake.

  11. Safe Schools review findings - nothing wd satisfy "the usual suspects" - via

  12. Practically the entire legal community of the UK has signed a letter declaring "not fit... via

  13. The obsession with government budget surplus is BAD economics - here's why.

  14. Staring at your phone all the time is like living in Plato's cave.

  15. Rationalist Society followed , , and
  16. Creative! Local young people in Bendigo use humour to fight back against anti-Muslim bigots.

  17. Three steps forward - let's overturn Kevin Andrews law that robbed Territorians of their right to independence.

  18. For those with the means, a peaceful death at home is a possibility but not for most of us. Not OK!

  19. Drake days indeed for , . Such a wonderful country, so ill-served by its political leaders.

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