Izbet Tabib (15/07/2006)
Solidarity with Prisoner Khader Adnan, Tel Aviv, Israel (14/2/2012)
Action against bulldozers, Al-Walaja (04/08/2010)
Palestinian farmers prevented from harvesting their land, Saffa (27/06/09)

In the past two years, Anarchists Against the Wall has been subject to a growing wave of assaults on anti-occupation activists in  Israel and the West Bank.

In order to sustain our work and provide legal representation to arrested activists, we have issued an urgent appeal for  regular supporters to help us raise $1500 by the end of each month.



West Bank demonstrations persist in face of violence and extreme heat

In spite of the middle eastern summer heat, the Ramadan fast, and the soldiers' violence - demonstrations continue throughout the West Bank,


Bil'in Protest and Wad Rahhal Work-Day Accounts, Ni'ilin and Nabi Saleh Video Report

About 40 Palestinains, internationals and Israelis, gathered in Wad Rahhal for a work day in the fields. After a few hours work, when the participants have already begun to make their way back to the village, armed settlers arrived at the scene accompanied by two military jeeps and made false allegations that stones have been thrown in the direction of one of the settlements.

Weely demonstrations and a direct action in Wallaja

In addition to regular weekly demonstrations throughout the West Bank, a special direct action took place in Wallaja on Wednesday. 14 Palestinians and Israelis were arrested.


Increased Army Violence During Weekend Demonstrations

Demonstrations over the weekend were violently attacked by the army using sound and tear gas grenades, hitting two international demonstrators in the head and ear in Beit Ummar and Ma'asara; in Bil'in, European Parliament Member Louisa Morgantin was arrested. 


July 16 & 17 Weekly Demonstraions

Dozens of Israelis and internationals joined the Palestinian demonstrations in Bil'in, Ni'ilin, Wad-Rahal, and Hebron, in protest against the wall and settlements, and a call to open Shuhada street in Hebron.

 Hebron, July 17 2010Hebron, July 17 2010

Six years to The Hague rulling against The Wall

Demonstrations throughout the West Bank commemorate the sixth anniversary to The Hague rulling, which is still not being implemented by Israel.


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