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State Bicycle: Building a strong customer base

“Facebook has been a critical partner in helping us develop a relationship with our customers.”


Arizona-based bicycle manufacturer State Bicycle Co. wanted to use Facebook to familiarize people with its brand and vision to:
  • Increase engagement when communicating product releases and upcoming events
  • Drive its Facebook audience to purchase directly from


To familiarize people with its company, State Bicycle Co. first created a Page:
  • Updated its profile picture with the company’s logo and cover photo featuring an image of one of its new fixed-gear bikes
  • Added milestones to the Page to define key moments, such as “State Bicycle Co. wins Wolfpack Marathon Crash Race”
The company also ran Facebook Ads to drive bike sales:
  • To see if people interested in music would purchase bikes, they tested broad category targeting, including “Arcade Fire,” “M83,” and “Passion Pit” and specific likes and interests focusing on rival brands, such as “big shot bikes,” “mission bicycle” and general keywords “fixies” and “track bikes”.
  • They targeted people living in cities with ads by promoting specific events such as a bike ride in Austin, Texas
State Bicycle Co. wanted to increase engagement on its Page in several ways, including:
  • Hosting frequent photo contests on its Page (Ex. the winner of the photo of the most beat-up bike got a new bike)
  • Running “Facebook Friday,” which included a discount coupon specifically for people who saw State Bicycle Co.’s posts on Fridays
  • Encouraging people to like posts to see a sneak peak of new products
State Bicycle Co. ran sponsored stories to reach more people and drive more awareness of its brand:
  • They used a sponsored story to increase the distribution of a Page post by featuring an image of a Black Friday poster with deals on State Bicycle Co. items


  • $500,000 in annual incremental sales from coupon codes and traffic exclusively from Facebook
  • 12% of traffic to the State Bicycle Co. website came from Facebook
  • 1/5th cost per click on Facebook compared to other advertising platforms
  • 10x growth in the number of people who like their Page, from 4,600 to 46,000-plus within 12 months


State Bicycle Co. is a bike manufacturer that specializes in top-quality, limited edition, fixed-gear, single-speed and track bicycles.