The Open Data Research network


Governments, civil society organisations and companies across the world are actively engaging with open data: publishing and using datasets to promote innovation, development and democratic change.

The Open Data Research network has been established to connect researchers from across the world working to explore the implementation and impact of open data initiatives. It is a joint project of IDRC and the Web Foundation, and is seeking to develop wider partnerships over the coming year.

The network currently hosts the 'Exploring the Emerging Impacts of Open Data in Development Countries (ODDC)' programme.

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Going beyond the ‘Open Definition’ in the Uganda case study

By Bernard Sabiti

The Uganda/Kenya ODDC case study seeks to answer two major research questions namely;

1. How open data initiatives in the two countries are contributing to poverty reduction through impacts on resource mobilization

2. How  the contribution of open data initiatives to poverty reduction resources allocations could be strengthened in the future?

Research Notes from the Asian Regional Meeting of ODDC Network, New Delhi, 16-18 July 2013

In the study plan reformulation brief, we have already discussed why we decided to shift away from a sectoral focus (that on organisations engaging with issues of urban development) to a more wider perspective of data/information intermediary organisations. In the South and South-East Asian Regional Meeting of the ODDC network held in New Delhi, 16-18 July 2013, we had the opportunity to further discuss the various implications of and methodological challenges generated by this shift of focus.

Open Data & Privacy - discussion notes

On 1st August two IDRC research networks came together for a web meeting to explore Open Data and Privacy. The Privacy in the Developing World network, and the Open Data in Developing Countries network set out to explore whether open data and protecting privacy are inherently in tension, or whether the two can be complementary, and to identify particular issues that might come up around privacy and open data in the developing world.

ODDC Web Meetings: Ethical issues in open data: privacy - August 1st

As we’ve been getting the ODDC project up and running we’ve been hosting a series of web meetings with project partners to get to know each other, and to talk about research issues. In coming months we’re planning to hold thematic web meetings, focussing on different issues relevant to open data research, and that fit into our evolving research framework.

We’ll be exploring how to open up these meetings beyond the ODDC network alone, so if you are interested in taking part in any of the upcoming web meetings, please do get in touch.

Publication: Researching the emerging impacts of open data - ODDC conceptual framework

We've been working on developing the Exploring the Emerging Impacts of Open Data in Developing Countries project since April 2012. In that process we looked across existing literatures on open data, transparency and accountability, the economic re-use of data, and inclusion and empowerment to identify key issues that our research should address. The result is written up in the first ODDC working paper, setting out the conceptual framework guiding our work.