
About the blog
Tim’s blog started out as a space for me to easily share resources and reflective learning from my various work as a trainer and consultant on youth participation; a campaigner and activist on fair trade and ethical investment; a dabbler in social media; and a developer of online tools for the not-for-profit sector.

It is still very much that eclectic space – unapologetically organised around the ebb and flow of my work and interests. That principle of organisation: sharing that which I have to share – seems to have worked so far – and provides readers with, I hope, a stream of content to dip into or skip over according to their own interests.

Of course, you can also explore the blog archives by theme (look for the category and tag cloud links).

About Tim

Tim Davies

Tim’s blog is by me, Tim Davies, a 28 year old independent consultant & action-researcher based in Oxford, UK, and since October 2011, a PhD Student in Web Science and Social Policy with the University of Southampton.

I started out getting involved in both online technologies and youth participation in 1999. The participation thread of my work and interests took my from working with a local youth council in Southern England, via a place on the advisory board of the DFES Children and Young People’s Unit, to a role as a part-time participation trainer with The National Youth Agency. Since 2005 I’ve worked as a consultant in youth participation, first for The National Youth Agency, and now independently through Practical Participation. In recent years my work has included facilitating social reporting at the Internet Governance Forum, developing linked-data demonstrators for IKM Emergent, and supporting the emergence of an eco-system of applications of data around the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI).

The technology thread of my work and interests had found me developing touch-screen information systems, youth focussed interactive websites, national shared learning tools, web-based management information systems for grant-making and many social media based projects. Since 2006 I’ve been writing and running training sessions and workshops on the use of social media – particularly with a focus on social justice campaigning and work with young people.

Underpinning all my work is a commitment to social justice – with a focus on Children’s Rights, ethical trade and appropriate technology.

I hold a first class degree in Politics, Philosophy and Economics (PPE) from Oriel College, Oxford and an MSc in the Social Science of the Internet from the Oxford Internet Institute. I’m current studying for a PhD in Web Science and Social Policy with the Web Science Doctoral Training Centre at the University of Southampton.

When not blogging or working on the things I blog about – I can most often be in the kitchen cooking in the spirit of the slow food movement.

See the full list on Google Scholar.

8 thoughts on “About

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