
The Web Use Project is Eszter Hargittai's research group at Northwestern University. The goal of the research conducted in this group is to learn about how people use the Web in their everyday lives and in particular, how differences in Internet use may contribute to social inequality.

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Recent Publications

Hargittai, E. & Litt, E. (Forthcoming). Facebook Fired? The Role of Internet Skill in People's Job-Related Privacy Practices Online. IEEE Security & Privacy.

Hargittai, E. & Shaw, A. (Forthcoming). Digitally Savvy Citizenship: The Role of Internet Skills and Engagement in Young Adults' Political Participation around the 2008 Presidential Elections. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media.

Hargittai, E. (In Press). The Potential - and Potential Pitfalls - of Survey Research. In The Practice of Research. Edited by Dana Fisher and Shamus Khan. Oxford University Press.

Hargittai, E. & Hsieh, Y.P. (2013). Digital Inequality. In Oxford Handbook of Internet Studies. Edited by William H. Dutton. Oxford University Press. 129-150.

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Recent Press

Online versus 'offline' relationships
(original link)
The Star Online
February 26, 2013
Search option from Facebook is a privacy test
(original link)
The New York Times
January 18, 2013
Helping kids cross the digital divide
(original link)
October 5, 2012
Les Americains ne souffrent pas d'infobesite (etude)
(original link)
Le Figaro
September 4, 2012

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