Electronics and Computer Science (ECS), University of Southampton

Electronics and Computer Science (ECS)

Tim Davies

Photograph of Tim Davies
http://widgets.ecs.soton.ac.uk/image.php?id=person_26663&maxw;=250&maxh;=300&corners;=0&edge;=1&checksum;=06ace6b61ab5740ff6718162c9872450Photograph of Tim Davies
Tim Davies

ECS, Faculty of Physical and Applied Sciences
University of Southampton
Southampton, United Kingdom. SO17 1BJ

Position: Postgraduate, part-time in Web and Internet Science
Email: tim.davies@soton.ac.uk
Homepage: http://www.timdavies.org.uk
URI: http://id.ecs.soton.ac.uk/person/26663 [browse]

Additional Contact Details

Twitter: @timdavies

Interests: civic engagement, digital literacy, epistemology, inclusion, international development, internet governance, linked data, open data, political theory, youth policy


MSc Social Science of the Internet, Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford (2010)

BA, Politics, Philosophy, Economics, Oxon (2006)


Selected consultancy work.


Working with AidInfo to support the development of an infomediary ecosystem around International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) data, and on tracking the impacts of open information in aid and development.

Working with Nominet Trust on the development of a series of Open Data Days to explore the use of open data in the charity sector. 

Working with Nominet Trust on a 'social reporting review' of insights into the use of technology to support youth engagement in employment, enterprise and community action


Working with the DFID-CSO Youth Working Group to map the impact of the Youth Participation in Development Guide and to identify future opportunities to promote youthled development. 

Working with CABI/Research for Development on the development a linked data prototype connecting research publications and aid projects.

Working with IKM Emergent/Young Lives on a linked data pilot looking at the use of linked open data in research communication.

Other Professional Activities


Co-Editor, Open Data and Community Informatics, special issue of the Journal of Community Informatics - 2012

Executive and advisory

Founder and co-director, Practical Participation Ltd

Advisory Council Member, Open Rights Group

Member of Dynamic Youth Coalition on Internet Governance

Conferences Attended

Academic conferences

18th November 2011 - Digital Literacy and Self-Regulation Online: Insights for Policy - University of Leicester, UK
Presenting on 'Rethinking Responses to Young People's Online Lives'. 

Practitioner/Policy Conferences

10th - 12th July 2012: World Bank / Data.gov.uk International Open Government Data Conference, Washington DC, USA
Presenting on 'Open data in developing countries' and moderating a panel on Open Data Engagement. 

19th - 20th June 2012: W3C Using Open Data: Policy Modelling, Citizen Empowerment, Data Journalism - European Commission Albert Borschette Conference Centre, Brussels
Presenting position paper on 'Supporting open data use through active engagement (PDF)' [Slides]

26th March 2012 - ORGCon - Open Rights Group Conference - London
Chairing panel on 'Raw, big, linked, open: is all this data doing us, our economy and our democracy any good?' and panelist on 'Communications Bill: Child Protection vs Censorship'

22nd - 23rd March 2012 - E-Campaigners Forum Knowledge Exchange Track
Co-chair of knowledge exchance academic-practitioner track.  

October 2011 - Open Government Data Camp - Warsaw
Presenting on 'Open data is not enough', and co-organising open development and Organisational Identifiers satelite events.  

20th October 2011 - EU Safer Internet Forum - Luxembourg
Opening keynote on 'Rethinking Responses to Children and Young People's Online Lives

September 2011 - Internet Governance Forum 2011 - Nairobi, Kenya
Organiser and chair of Workshop on 'Challenging Myths about Young People and Internet Governance' and panelist for 'Privacy and Security in an Open/Realtime/Linked Data World'. Co-ordinator of social media aggregator

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