Northern Territory

WGAR News: Yiŋiya speaks about Stronger Futures from Gapuwiyak

Newsletter date: 31 October 2013


* Yiŋiya speaks about Stronger Futures from Gapuwiyak
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Background to 'Stronger Futures' new NT Intervention laws

* Why Warriors presents Bridging the Gap Seminars [Featuring Richard Trudgen, Witiyana Marika and Dianne Gondarra]
* Why Warriors: Cross Cultural Solutions for Working with Indigenous People

* University of Western Sydney, YouTube: UWS Yarramundi Lecture 2013
[Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Yirrkala Bark Petition]

WGAR News: CAALAS Celebrates 40 Years [Central Australian Aboriginal Legal Aid Service]: CAAMA Photos

Newsletter date: 26 October 2013


* CAAMA Photos: CAALAS Celebrates 40 Years [Featuring Central Australian Aboriginal Legal Aid Service]

* Gail Liston, ABC News: Legal aid service says alcohol bans will not work [Featuring CAALAS]
* Background to the NT Alcohol Mandatory Treatment Bill, Northern Territory Government

* Tracker: More NT jail deaths 'unless alcohol cut' [Featuring Kwementyaye Briscoe]
* Background to the justice for Kumentjaye Briscoe campaign

* CAAMA Audio: Warlpiri Elder wants his responsibilities returned! [Featuring Rex Japananka Granites]

WGAR News: Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 38 events from 22 October 2013

Newsletter date: 20 October 2013

WGAR events postings for each State and Territory:

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Tue 22 October 2013: Perth, WA
Free seminars - Engaging Indigenous communities and improving community governance
"Closing the Gap is hosting free seminars in Perth and Canberra
discussing the evidence on engaging with Indigenous communities
and improving community governance."
Dr Janet Hunt, Australian National University

NT events: Family Matters: Kids safe in culture, not in care: Territory Forum & Community Consult'n

Northern Territory Aboriginal rights events for your diary

WGAR events postings for each State and Territory:

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Thu 14 November 2013: Charles Darwin University, NT
Family Matters - Kids safe in culture, not in care
Territory Forum and Community Consultation
"Did you know that in the Northern Territory, Aboriginal and Islander
children are six times more likely to be placed in out-of-home care
than non-Aboriginal children? ...

WGAR News: 996 Aboriginal deaths by suicide - another shameful Australian record: The Stringer

Newsletter date: 17 October 2013


* SNAICC News: Culture is Life campaign update
* Culture Is Life campaign: The Elders Report
* Culture Is Life campaign: Promoting community led solutions to Indigenous youth suicide
* The Wire: New mental health app for indigenous communities [Suicide prevention; featuring Professor Helen Christensen and Joe Tighe]
* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: 996 Aboriginal deaths by suicide - another shameful Australian record
* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: 996 deaths by suicide - one in 24 die by suicide

WGAR News: Anti-Poverty Week: the first three 'concerned Australians' books are now available for download

Newsletter date: 14 October 2013


* 'concerned Australians': Anti-Poverty Week
* 'concerned Australians': Dispossession is Poverty Poster
* 'concerned Australians': The following books and publications are available for download:
* 'concerned Australians': Book Reviews
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Background to 'Stronger Futures' new NT Intervention laws


- Online Books

'concerned Australians': Anti-Poverty Week

WGAR News: Interview with Dr. Djiniyini Gondarra, a senior Dhurili Clan leader of the Yolngu people

Newsletter date: 13 October 2013


* NIRS 'Weekly News In Review':
"A fascinating interview with Dr Dr. Djiniyini Gondarra, a senior Dhurili Clan leader of the Yolngu people of Northeast Arnhem Land."
*'concerned Australians': Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights Report [Stronger Futures]
* Background to 'Stronger Futures' new NT Intervention laws

*'concerned Australians': Community Living Areas
* Background to Aboriginal Community Living Area Land Reform in the Northern Territory (NT)

WGAR News: Premiere of John Pilger's documentary film 'Utopia' held at London National Film Theatre

Newsletter date: 11 October 2013


* 'concerned Australians': John Pilger's film "UTOPIA"
* Café Whispers: Notes from London [Featuring John Pilger's documentary 'Utopia']
* Economic Voice: 'Utopia' by John Pilger released in UK on 15th November
* A new John Pilger film, Utopia, to be released in UK cinemas in November


- Announcement

'concerned Australians': John Pilger's film "UTOPIA"

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