- published: 24 Dec 2011
- views: 898490
- author: duasoxp
Cherry Sketch-Up 003
Cherry Sketch-Ip 003 By Paris Christou using a Wacom Cintiq and Sketchbook Pro.
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published: 16 Oct 2013
Cherry Sketch-Up 003
Cherry Sketch-Up 003
Cherry Sketch-Ip 003 By Paris Christou using a Wacom Cintiq and Sketchbook Pro. Subscribe to the Channel if you would like to see more Cherry Sketches. Check out the description below for some cool info... Learn how to draw CHERRY and PINUPS! In my 8 HOUR MEGA VIDEO COURSE!!! Learn How to Draw CARTOON ANIMALS! In my 6 HOUR MEGA COURSE!!! PLUS LOTS MORE... at http://www.toonboxstudio.com FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions. Basics to Sketchbook Pro: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZDUWspKTvt0&list;=PLCqoYkvllQgO8kCHNBwQd_MNmgbMNijMR&index;=1 How to Rotate the Canvas: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=STtPb1WyPgU&list;=PLCqoYkvllQgO8kCHNBwQd_MNmgbMNijMR&index;=7 How to Draw Solid Clean Lines: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dgN01vZktgs&list;=PLCqoYkvllQgO8kCHNBwQd_MNmgbMNijMR&index;=10 How to Color Line Art: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8MM5rSPinG4&list;=PLCqoYkvllQgO8kCHNBwQd_MNmgbMNijMR&index;=11 How to Create Line Art: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpLKcJiekFc&list;=PLCqoYkvllQgO8kCHNBwQd_MNmgbMNijMR&index;=6 -What Software are you using? I Use Sketchbook Pro -How can i change my cursor to a pen? You can NOT change it! My recording software changes it so that when you watch my videos, you can follow what i'm doing. -What recording software do you use? I use Camtasia. -What Digital Tablet do you use? I use a Wacom Cintiq 24HD and NOT a mouse. -Do you take Requests? Not anymore! If i take a request... then everyone will want a request. -My tablet or Software is not working properly, can you help me? I'm not a technical guy, it is best to contact customer support for either tablet or software. -Why does Cherry have Big Lips, Big Boobs, Tiny Waist, Long Legs blah blah blah? Because She is a Cartoon Character and... Why Not! -Is Cherry copied from: The Little Mermaid, Jessica Rabbit, Mandy, Sky Doll etc? Seriously!!!!??? Observe the characters carefully and you will see that they are NOTHING alike! Check out my other videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/Toonboxstudio OFFICIAL WEBSITE: http://www.toonboxstudio.com TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Toon_Box_Studio FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/toonboxstudio DEVIANTART: http://toonboxstudio.deviantart.com YOUTUBE: http://www.youtube.com/toonboxstudio- published: 16 Oct 2013
- views: 1417
THE WOLF AMONG US [HD+] #003 - Schöne Frauen bedeuten Probleme ★ Let's Play The Wolf Among Us
► WOLF AMONG US #003 • PLAYLIST: http://bit.ly/WolfAmongUs
► Bedeutet ebenfalls PROBLEME: ...
published: 14 Oct 2013
THE WOLF AMONG US [HD+] #003 - Schöne Frauen bedeuten Probleme ★ Let's Play The Wolf Among Us
THE WOLF AMONG US [HD+] #003 - Schöne Frauen bedeuten Probleme ★ Let's Play The Wolf Among Us
► WOLF AMONG US #003 • PLAYLIST: http://bit.ly/WolfAmongUs ► Bedeutet ebenfalls PROBLEME: http://gronkh.de?p=21221 ► DAS WOLFSRUDEL: http://bit.ly/JoinGroArmy ···················································································· «THE WOLF AMONG US» Point'n Click Adventure von Telltale Games (2013). Offizielle Seite: https://www.telltalegames.com/thewolfamongus/ «LET'S PLAY THE WOLF AMONG US» Kommentiertes Gameplay von Gronkh (2013). Offizielle Seite: http://gronkh.de/the-wolf-among-us ···················································································· WICHTIGER HINWEIS: Wenn Dir das Spiel gefällt, bitte unterstütze die Entwickler und kaufe Dir das Spiel im Original! http://gronkh.de/amazon/the+wolf+among+us ···················································································· ALLE FOLGEN FRÜHER SEHEN AUF: • http://gronkh.de • http://gronkh.de/facebook • http://gronkh.de/twitter WEITERE YOUTUBE-CHANNEL: • http://youtube.com/GronkhZeugs • http://youtube.com/GronkhOSTs • http://youtube.com/GronkhLogos • http://youtube.com/dieSuperhomies • http://youtube.com/PlayMassiveTV ································································································- published: 14 Oct 2013
- views: 51667
모여라 딩동댕 - 땡이의 여름나기_#003
공식홈페이지 : http://home.ebs.co.kr/moding
2000년 9월 처음 시작한 "모여라 딩동댕"은 국내 유일의 어린이를 위한, 어린이에 의한...
published: 18 Oct 2013
모여라 딩동댕 - 땡이의 여름나기_#003
모여라 딩동댕 - 땡이의 여름나기_#003
공식홈페이지 : http://home.ebs.co.kr/moding 2000년 9월 처음 시작한 "모여라 딩동댕"은 국내 유일의 어린이를 위한, 어린이에 의한, 어린이의 공개방송으로 서울을 비롯한 전국 각지로 찾아가 즐거운 공연을 선사하고 있습니다. 어린이들의 눈높이에 맞는 공연내용으로 다양한 지식과 더불어 무한한 상상력과 감성을 키워주는 프로그램입니다. ★장난감 나라, 조이랜드 천 개의 별빛이 켜지면 새로운 세상이 열린다~ 그 곳은 장난감 나라, 조이랜드!! 반딧불이 삼총사를 쫓아가면 장난감 나라의 귀여운 마스코트 콩콩조이와 로보카 보안관 마리오를 만날 수 있어요. 그런데 언제나 이들을 노리는 악당, 나잘난과 더잘난! 하지만 걱정 말아요~ 우리에게는 번개맨이 있으니까요~! ★번개체조 번개맨과 꼬마 번개맨들이 펼치는 신나는 번개체조~! 친구들도 함께 따라 해봐요~ ★뚝딱이와 이야기 속으로 수리수리 뚝딱뚝딱 펑~하면.. 뚝딱이와 이야기 세상 속으로 들어가요. 그 곳은 어디일까? 뚝딱이는 무엇으로 변했을까? 어떤 친구들을 만날까? 궁금하다면 다같이 주문을 외워봐요. 수리수리 뚝딱뚝딱 펑~- published: 18 Oct 2013
- views: 349
나도 요리사 - 스무 번째 도전요리 양파와 낙지2_#003
공식홈페이지 : http://home.ebs.co.kr/nadoyorisa/main
나도 요리사는요!
여섯 악동이 요리 여행을 떠난다!
리얼 키즈 쿠킹 버라...
published: 18 Oct 2013
나도 요리사 - 스무 번째 도전요리 양파와 낙지2_#003
나도 요리사 - 스무 번째 도전요리 양파와 낙지2_#003
공식홈페이지 : http://home.ebs.co.kr/nadoyorisa/main 나도 요리사는요! 여섯 악동이 요리 여행을 떠난다! 리얼 키즈 쿠킹 버라이어티 "나도 요리사" 전국 방방곡곡을 여행하며 신선한 요리 재료를 찾고, 직접 구한 재료로 요리 만들기에 도전한다. 요리 여행을 통해 자연을 배우고, 바른 먹거리에 대한 이해를 함께하며, 땀의 의미를 알아간다. 친구들과 함께 요리를 하면서 자신감과 독립심을 키우며,나아가 올바른 식습관 형성에 도움을 줄 것으로 기대된다. 요리 여행을 통한 여섯 악동의 좌충우돌 성장기 "나도 요리사" 마늘과 양파로 채소빵을 만들어 본다.- published: 18 Oct 2013
- views: 33
딩동댕유치원 - 방귀대장 며느리,얄라차는 나의것_#003
공식홈페이지 :
방귀대장 며느리,얄라차는 나의것,
빙귀 한방에 집을 무너뜨리는 며느리를 쫓아내야 할까요? 말까요?
콩콩 앞으로 허이! 콩콩 위로 헛,
published: 18 Oct 2013
딩동댕유치원 - 방귀대장 며느리,얄라차는 나의것_#003
딩동댕유치원 - 방귀대장 며느리,얄라차는 나의것_#003
공식홈페이지 : 방귀대장 며느리,얄라차는 나의것, 빙귀 한방에 집을 무너뜨리는 며느리를 쫓아내야 할까요? 말까요? 콩콩 앞으로 허이! 콩콩 위로 헛, "텔레비전을 통해 유치원을 다니자! 기본 생활습관과 질서, 배려, 협동 등 바른 인성을 키우며 사람과 자연을 존중하고 우리 문화를 이해할 수 있는 TV 속 유치원을 만들어보자는 의미에서 2012년 딩동댕 유치원은 시작되었습니다. 전인 발달이 고루 이루어진 창의적인 인재로 자랄 수 있게 도와주는 딩동댕 유치원은, 2012년 개편된 교육과정인 누리 과정의 5개 영역을 토대로 구성되었으며, 스스로 탐색해보고, 상상하고 유추하는 과정을 유아의 주도적인 놀이 경험을 강조하고자 합니다."- published: 18 Oct 2013
- views: 25
딩동댕유치원 - 어느길로 갈까?,날아올라 저높이_#003
공식홈페이지 :
어느길로 갈까?,날아올라 저높이,
1시간 걸리는 험한길과 10시간 걸리는 안전한 길, 두가지 중에 어떤 길로 가야할까요?
숨을 천천히 들...
published: 18 Oct 2013
딩동댕유치원 - 어느길로 갈까?,날아올라 저높이_#003
딩동댕유치원 - 어느길로 갈까?,날아올라 저높이_#003
공식홈페이지 : 어느길로 갈까?,날아올라 저높이, 1시간 걸리는 험한길과 10시간 걸리는 안전한 길, 두가지 중에 어떤 길로 가야할까요? 숨을 천천히 들이 마시고 푸~~ 내뱉어 , "텔레비전을 통해 유치원을 다니자! 기본 생활습관과 질서, 배려, 협동 등 바른 인성을 키우며 사람과 자연을 존중하고 우리 문화를 이해할 수 있는 TV 속 유치원을 만들어보자는 의미에서 2012년 딩동댕 유치원은 시작되었습니다. 전인 발달이 고루 이루어진 창의적인 인재로 자랄 수 있게 도와주는 딩동댕 유치원은, 2012년 개편된 교육과정인 누리 과정의 5개 영역을 토대로 구성되었으며, 스스로 탐색해보고, 상상하고 유추하는 과정을 유아의 주도적인 놀이 경험을 강조하고자 합니다."- published: 18 Oct 2013
- views: 475
직업의 세계 - 일인자 - 야구를 말하다. 야구해설가 허구연_#003
공식홈페이지 : http://home.ebs.co.kr/jobno1/main
야구를 말하다. 야구해설가 허구연,
야구해설 30년, 공부하는 야구해설가 허구연...
published: 18 Oct 2013
직업의 세계 - 일인자 - 야구를 말하다. 야구해설가 허구연_#003
직업의 세계 - 일인자 - 야구를 말하다. 야구해설가 허구연_#003
공식홈페이지 : http://home.ebs.co.kr/jobno1/main 야구를 말하다. 야구해설가 허구연, 야구해설 30년, 공부하는 야구해설가 허구연 야구에 대한 폭넓은 지식과 경험을 통해, 깊이 있는 해설을 들려주고 있는 야구해설가 허구연. 야구 해설에 몸담은 지 30년이 지난 지금까지도 매일 5대의 모니터 앞에서 미국의 메이저리그, 일본의 프로야구, 국내 중계를 모니터한다. 중계 전 경기에 출전하는 팀과 선수들에 대한 정보를 꼼꼼히 기록하고 준비하는 등 야구 공부를 게을리 하지 않는 그. 그의 깊이 있는 해설 뒤에는 이렇듯 끊임없는 준비와 노력이 있었다. 야구에 대한 열정으로 똘똘 뭉친 47년 야구 외길인생, 야구해설가 허구연을 만나본다. 한국 프로야구의 역사를 함께하다 1982년 프로야구의 시작부터 프로야구 관중 600만 시대에 이르기까지, 한국 프로야구 30년 역사를 함께 한 야구해설가 허구연. 그의 야구 인생은 야구의 도시 부산의 한 초등학교에서 시작한다. 학창시절 야구부로 활약하며 촉망받는 야구선수가 된 허구연. 1976년 갑작스러운 부상으로 은퇴를 선언한 그는 야구해설위원으로 활약하게 된다. 일본식 야구 용어가 주를 이루었던 80년대 야구용어를 정립하고 야구 중계의 정확한 룰을 제시하며 독보적인 해설의 일인자가 되기까지 그 파란만장했던 야구 외길인생을 만나본다. 한국 야구의 발전을 위해 '허프라'가 되다 한국 야구 발전을 위해 쓴 소리를 마다치 않는 촌철살인의 야구해설가 허구연. 그가 가장 중요하 게 생각하고 강조하는 것이 바로 '인프라'이다. '인프라' 얘기를 어찌나 많이 하는지 그의 별명이 '허프라'일 정도. 프로야구가 시작한 지 30년이 지났지만, 야구 시설과 환경은 변하지 않고 있는 것 이 현실이다. 선수들이 더 좋은 환경에서 야구를 할 수 있도록, 더 많은 사람이 자연스럽게 야구를 접할 수 있도록 전국적으로 야구장 및 다목적 구장을 건립하는 등 야구 인프라를 세우는 데 힘쓰 고 있는 '야구발전실행위원장'으로의 허구연을 만나본다. 우리나라에 존재하는 직업 개수 12,000여 개! 그 중 자신의 일을 '천직'이라고 여기며 평생을 바쳐 각 분야 최고 일인자 위치에 오른 인물들! 그들의 땀과 눈물, 신념과 의지의 현장을 담은 감동 다큐멘터리. 직업의 세계-일인자는 각종 직업의 최고 권위자가 갖고 있는 '열정과 긍지', 그리고 일인자의 위치에 오르고 그 자리를 지켜내기 위한 '숨은 노력과 헌신, 그리고 삶의 애환'을 휴먼다큐멘터리로, 치열한 삶의 현장인 '직업의 세계'를 현장다큐멘터리로 담아냅니다. 정상에 선 사람들의 감동적인 삶의 역정은 이 시대에 진지한 직업 성찰과 외길 인생에 대한 진정한 존중을 불러일으킬 것입니다.- published: 18 Oct 2013
- views: 43
GTA 5 (GTA V) [HD+] #003 - M wie Michael ★ Let's Play Grand Theft Auto V
► GTA V (GTA 5) #003 • PLAYLIST: http://bit.ly/playGTA5
► GROSS DIEB AUTOS frisch auf http...
published: 18 Sep 2013
GTA 5 (GTA V) [HD+] #003 - M wie Michael ★ Let's Play Grand Theft Auto V
GTA 5 (GTA V) [HD+] #003 - M wie Michael ★ Let's Play Grand Theft Auto V
► GTA V (GTA 5) #003 • PLAYLIST: http://bit.ly/playGTA5 ► GROSS DIEB AUTOS frisch auf http://gronkh.de?p=20504 ► GANG-REKRUTIERUNG: http://bit.ly/JoinGroArmy ···················································································· «GRAND THEFT AUTO V» Open World Rüpel-RPG von Rockstar Games (2013). Offizielle Seite: http://www.rockstargames.com/V/ «LET'S PLAY TOGETHER GTA 5 (GTA V)» Kommentiertes Gameplay von Sarazar & Gronkh (2013). Offizielle Seite: http://gronkh.de/gta-5 ···················································································· Gangmitglied SARAZAR: http://youtube.com/sarazar Endscreen-Mucke von CIRCLE OF ALCHEMISTS: http://youtube.com/circleofalchemists ···················································································· WICHTIGER HINWEIS: Wenn Dir das Spiel gefällt, bitte unterstütze die Entwickler und kaufe Dir das Spiel im Original! http://gronkh.de/amazon/gta-5 ···················································································· ALLE FOLGEN FRÜHER SEHEN AUF: • http://gronkh.de • http://gronkh.de/facebook • http://gronkh.de/twitter WEITERE YOUTUBE-CHANNEL: • http://youtube.com/GronkhZeugs • http://youtube.com/GronkhOSTs • http://youtube.com/GronkhLogos • http://youtube.com/dieSuperhomies • http://youtube.com/PlayMassiveTV ····················································································- published: 18 Sep 2013
- views: 113096
GTA ONLINE [HD+] #003 - First Blood ★ Let's Play GTA Online
► GTA ONLINE #003 • PLAYLIST: http://bit.ly/playGTAonline
► Dieser STYLE geht steil meint ...
published: 03 Oct 2013
GTA ONLINE [HD+] #003 - First Blood ★ Let's Play GTA Online
GTA ONLINE [HD+] #003 - First Blood ★ Let's Play GTA Online
► GTA ONLINE #003 • PLAYLIST: http://bit.ly/playGTAonline ► Dieser STYLE geht steil meint http://gronkh.de/?p=20960 ► JOIN DIE CREW: http://bit.ly/JoinGroArmy ···················································································· «GRAND THEFT AUTO ONLINE» Multiplayer Thug Life von Rockstar Games (2013). Offizielle Seite: http://www.rockstargames.com/V/ «LET'S PLAY TOGETHER GTA ONLINE» Kommentiertes Gameplay von siehe unten (2013). Offizielle Seite: http://gronkh.de/gta-online ···················································································· DIE CREW: Tobinator » http://youtube.com/TobinatorLetsPlay Mafuyu » http://youtube.com/MafuyuX Sarazar » http://youtube.com/Sarazar Gronkh » http://youtube.com/Gronkh ···················································································· WICHTIGER HINWEIS: Wenn Dir das Spiel gefällt, bitte unterstütze die Entwickler und kaufe Dir das Spiel im Original! http://gronkh.de/amazon/gta-5 ···················································································· ALLE FOLGEN FRÜHER SEHEN AUF: • http://gronkh.de • http://gronkh.de/facebook • http://gronkh.de/twitter WEITERE YOUTUBE-CHANNEL: • http://youtube.com/GronkhZeugs • http://youtube.com/GronkhOSTs • http://youtube.com/GronkhLogos • http://youtube.com/dieSuperhomies • http://youtube.com/PlayMassiveTV ····················································································- published: 03 Oct 2013
- views: 172753
OUTLAST [HD+] #003 - Da geht die Pumpe! ★ Horror ★ Let's Play Outlast
► OUTLAST #003 • AUTOPLAY: http://goo.gl/2sezWR
► In der Ecke kauernd wimmert http://gronk...
published: 07 Sep 2013
OUTLAST [HD+] #003 - Da geht die Pumpe! ★ Horror ★ Let's Play Outlast
OUTLAST [HD+] #003 - Da geht die Pumpe! ★ Horror ★ Let's Play Outlast
► OUTLAST #003 • AUTOPLAY: http://goo.gl/2sezWR ► In der Ecke kauernd wimmert http://gronkh.de?p=20263 ► JUHU: http://bit.ly/JoinGroArmy ····························································································· «OUTLAST» Indie-Horror-Game von Red Barrels (2013). Offizielle Seite: http://redbarrelsgames.com/ «LET'S PLAY OUTLAST» Kommentiertes Gameplay von Gronkh (2013). Offizielle Seite: http://gronkh.de/outlast ····························································································· WICHTIGER HINWEIS: Wenn Dir das Spiel gefällt, bitte unterstütze die Entwickler und kaufe Dir das Spiel im Original! http://store.steampowered.com/app/238320/?l=german ····························································································· ALLE FOLGEN FRÜHER SEHEN AUF: • http://gronkh.de • http://gronkh.de/facebook • http://gronkh.de/twitter WEITERE YOUTUBE-CHANNEL: • http://youtube.com/GronkhZeugs • http://youtube.com/GronkhOSTs • http://youtube.com/GronkhLogos • http://youtube.com/dieSuperhomies • http://youtube.com/PlayMassiveTV ·····························································································- published: 07 Sep 2013
- views: 354414
Vimeo results:
View from the ISS at Night
Every frame in this video is a photograph taken by astronauts aboard the International Spa...
published: 16 Jul 2012
author: Knate Myers
View from the ISS at Night
Every frame in this video is a photograph taken by astronauts aboard the International Space Station (ISS).
I created this timelapse on a long weekend after discovering the image library online. I used Photoshop and Sony Vegas to edit and compile the footage.
The music is a track from one of my favorite sci-fi movies, Sunshine. I knew the beautiful music would fit well with the powerful imagery.
*** Thank you all for likes,comments, shares and support this video has received. I'm truly glad so many have enjoyed it.***
You can view my other work and see my other projects here:
Music by John Murphy - Sunshine (Adagio In D Minor)
Performed by the City Of Prague Philharmonic
Image Courtesy of the Image Science & Analysis Laboratory,
NASA Johnson Space Center, The Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth
100 days, 100 songs, 100 locations, 100 dances.
100 Songs:
001. Heart of Glass / Blondie...
published: 16 Feb 2009
author: Ely Kim
100 days, 100 songs, 100 locations, 100 dances.
100 Songs:
001. Heart of Glass / Blondie
002. Jimmy / M.I.A.
003. Deceptacon / Le Tigre
004. Im on Fire / 5000 Volts
005. Je Veux Te Voir / YELLE
006. The Way I Are / Timbaland
007. Too Young / Phoenix
008. Over And Over / Hot Chip
009. Stick It To The Pimp / Peaches
010. Say My Name / Destiny's Child
011. Pin / Yeah Yeah Yeahs
012. Geremia / Bonde Do Role
013. Let Me Clear My Throat / DJ Kool
014. Point Of No Return / Expose
015. Bubble Sex / The Seebach Band
016. Pump Up the Jam / Technotronic
017. Let's Make Love And Listen To Death From Above / CSS
018. Hella Nervous / Gravy Train
019. Me Plus One / Annie
020. Don't Go / Yaz
021. Bootylicious / Destiny's Child
022. Electric Feel / MGMT
023. Boys Don't Cry / The Cure
024. Lose Control / Missy Elliott
025. Ride The Lightning / Evans And Eagles
026. Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough / Michael Jackson
027. Hearts On Fire / Cut Copy
028. Tainted Love / Soft Cell
029. Between Us & Them / Moving Units
030. It Feels Good / Tony Toni Tone
031. Polaris (Club Mix) / Cyber People
032. You Never Can Tell / Chuck Berry
033. Huddle Formation / The Go! Team
034. Pump That / FannyPack
035. My Love / Justin Timberlake
036. Hung Up / Madonna
037. Justice - D.A.N.C.E (MSTRKRFT Remix) / Justice
038. Cybernetic Love / Casco
039. Creep / TLC
040. When I Hear Music / Debbie Deb
041. B.O.B. / Outkast
042. Bubble Pop Electric / Gwen Stefani
043. Miss You Much / Janet Jackson
044. You Spin Me Round / Dead Or Alive
045. Slide In / Goldfrapp
046. Kelly / Van She
047. Mine Fore Life / The Sounds
048. Disco Heat / Calvin Harris
049. Nighttiming / Coconut Records
050. Club Action / Yo Majesty
051. Pogo / Digitalism
052. Lip Gloss / Lil Mama
053. Heartbeats / The Knife
054. Enola Gay / OMD
055. Goodbye Girls / Broadcast
056. Kids In America / Kim Wilde
057. Kiss / Prince
058. Tenderness / General Public
059. Push It / Salt N Pepa
060. Circle, Square, Triangle / Test Icicles
061. Day 'N' Nite (Crookers Remix) / Kid Cudi
062. Shadows / Midnight Juggernauts
063. Paris (Aeroplane Remix) / Friendly Fires
064. Out At The Pictures / Hot Chip
065. Me Myself and I / De La Soul
066. AudioTrack 10 / Diplo
067. Girls & Boys / Blur
068. Heater / Samim
069. I Wanna Dance With Somebody / Whitney Houston
070. Hands In The Air / Girl Talk
071. Limited Edition OJ Slammer / Cadence Weapon
072. Meeting In The Ladys Room / Mary Jane Girls
073. NY Lipps / Soulwax
074. Lex / Ratatat
075. Gravity's Rainbow (Soulwax Remix) / Steve Aoki
076. Once In A Lifetime / Talking Heads
077. Leave It Alone / Operator Please
078. Half Mast / Empire Of The Sun
079. Hardcore Girls / Count and Sinden feat. Rye Rye
080. Dance, Dance, Dance / Lykke Li
081. Never Gonna Get It / En Vogue
082. Blue Monday / New Order
083. Crazy In Love (Featuring Jay-Z) / Beyoncé
084. 10 Dollar / M.I.A.
085. Love To Love You Baby / Donna Summer
086. Steppin' Out / Lo-Fi-Fnk
087. Karle Pyar Karle / Asha Bhosle
088. Love Will Tear Us Apart / Joy Division
089. Straight Up / Paula Abdul
090. My Drive Thru / Santogold, Casablancas, NERD
091. Like A Prayer / Madonna
092. Freedom 90 / George Michael
093. Black & Gold / Sam Sparro
094. B-O-O-T-A-Y / Spank Rock and Benny Blanco
095. Great Dj / The Ting Tings
096. In A Dream / Rockell
097. Don't Stop the Music / Rihanna
098. Hong Kong Garden / Siouxsie & The Banshees
099. It's Tricky / D.M.C.
100. Bizarre Love Triangle / New Order
A Song of Our Warming Planet
When faced with the challenge of sharing the latest climate change discoveries, scientists...
published: 25 Jun 2013
author: Ensia
A Song of Our Warming Planet
When faced with the challenge of sharing the latest climate change discoveries, scientists often rely on data graphics and technical illustrations. University of Minnesota undergrad Daniel Crawford came up with a completely different approach. He’s using his cello to communicate the latest climate science through music.
Thermometer measurements show the average global temperature has risen about 1.4 °F (0.8 °C) since 1880. Typically, this warming is illustrated visually with line plots or maps showing year-by-year changes in annual temperatures. As an alternative, Crawford used an approach called data sonification to convert global temperature records into a series of musical notes.
The final result, “A Song of Our Warming Planet,” came about following a conversation Crawford had with geography professor Scott St. George during an internship. St. George asked Crawford about the possibility of turning a set of data into music.
“Data visualizations are effective for some people, but they aren’t the best way to reach everyone,” says St. George. “Instead of giving people something to look at, Dan’s performance gives them something they can feel.”
Crawford based his composition on surface temperature data from NASA’s Goddard Institute of Space Studies. The temperature data were mapped over a range of three octaves, with the coldest year on record (–0.47 °C in 1909) set to the lowest note on the cello (open C). Each ascending halftone is equal to roughly 0.03°C of planetary warming.
In Crawford’s composition, each note represents a year, ordered from 1880 to 2012. The pitch reflects the average temperature of the planet relative to the 1951–80 base line. Low notes represent relatively cool years, while high notes signify relatively warm ones.
The result is a haunting sequence that traces the warming of our planet year by year since the late 19th century. During a run of cold years between the late 1800s and early 20th century, the cello is pushed towards the lower limit of its range. The piece moves into the mid-register to track the modest warming that occurred during the 1940s. As the sequence approaches the present, the cello reaches higher and higher notes, reflecting the string of warm years in the 1990s and 2000s.
Crawford hopes other researchers and artists will use or adapt his composition to support science outreach, and has released the score and sound files under a Creative Commons license.
“Climate scientists have a standard toolbox to communicate their data,” says Crawford. “We’re trying to add another tool to that toolbox, another way to communicate these ideas to people who might get more out of music than maps, graphs and numbers.”
The video ends with a stark message: Scientists predict the planet will warm by another 1.8 degrees Celsius (3.2 degrees Fahrenheit) by the end of this century. This additional warming would produce a series of notes beyond the range of human hearing.
Support for this project was provided by the Institute on the Environment, the College of Liberal Arts, the Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program and the School of Music at the University of Minnesota.
Video production by Elizabeth Giorgi.
Sound recording and engineering by Michael Duffy.
Musicmatters Video Yearmix 2011
001. Jessie J Do It Like A Dude
002. Ace Da hood Hustle Hard (Remix)
published: 30 Dec 2011
author: jkmm
Musicmatters Video Yearmix 2011
001. Jessie J Do It Like A Dude
002. Ace Da hood Hustle Hard (Remix)
003. Dj Khaled Feat VA My Hood (Remix)
004. Kelly Rowland Feat. Lil Wayne Motivation
005. Kanye West All Of The Lights
006. Lupe Fiasco The Show Goes On
007. Nelly Feat. Kelly Rowland Gone
008. Chris Brown Feat. Lil Wayne & Busta Rhymes Look At Me Now
009. U$O Skru Op!
010. Katy Perry Feat Kanye West E.T.
011. Kidd Ik Lavet Penge
012. Lil Wayne How To Love
013. Lil Wayne Feat. Rick Ross John
014. Dr. Dre Feat Eminem & Skylar Grey I Need A Doctor
015. Big Sean Feat. Nicki Minaj Dance (A$$) (Remix)
016. Rasmus Seebach I Mine Øjne
017. Nik & jay Udødelige
018. Jeremih Feat 50 Cent Down On me
019. Rihanna Cheers (Drinkt To That)
020. Wiz Khalifa Black & Yellow
021. Nik & Jay Gi' Mig Dine Tanker (Part 1+2)
022. Young FokMedMigNU
023. Lil Wayne & Cory Gunz 6 Foot 7 Foot
024. Burhan G Jeg 'I Live 2011
025. Diddy Dirty Money Coming Home
026. Jennifer Lopez Feat. Lil Wayne I'm Into You
027. Xander Det Burde Ikk Være Sådan Her
028. Rihanna California King Bed
029. Jimilian Finde Dit Smil Igen
030. Rick Ross Feat. Drake & Chrisette Michele Aston Martin Music
031. Bad Meets Evil Fast Lane
032. L.O.C. Feat. U$O Momentet (Malthe Madsen Remix)
033. Jessie J Feat. B.o.B Price Tag
034. Ankerstjerne Feat. Burhan G Tag Hvad Du Vil
035. Bruno Mars Lazy Song
036. Medina Kl.10
037. Bad Meets Evil Feat. Bruno Mars Lighters
038. Owl City Alligator Sky
039. P!nk F**king Perfect
040. Wafande Feat. Xander En Anden
041. Ankerstjerne Nattog
042. Sean Paul Feat. Alexis Jordan Got 2 Luv U
043. Jason Derulo It Girl
044. Nik & jay Mod Solnedgangen
045. Kanye West Feat. Nicki Minaj Monster
046. Swizz Beatz Feat. Eve Everyday
047. Black Eyed Peas Just can't Get Enough
048. Wiz Khalifa Roll Up
049. Jay Z & Kanye West Feat. Otis Redding Otis
050. Chipmunk Feat. Chris Brown Champion
051. Nicole Scherzinger Feat. 50 Cent Right There
052. Dr. Dre Feat Snoop Dogg & Akon Kush
053. Keyshia Cole Feat. Nicki Minaj I Ain't Thru'
054. Kato Feat. Ida Corr, Camille Jones & Johnson Sjus
055. Mary J. Blige Feat Diddy Someone To Love Me (Naked)
056. Beyonce Move Your Body
057. The Lonely Island Feat. Michael Bolton Jack Sparrow
058. Nicki Minaj Feat. Drake Moment 4 Life
059. Beyonce Best Thing I Never Had
060. Ne-Yo One In a Million
061. Avril Lavigne Smile
062. Wafande Feat. Kaka Gi' Mig Et Smil
063. Diddy Dirty Money I Hate That You love
064. Britney Spears Criminal
065. Stephanie Partyrock (Gir en F*uck)
066. Aqua Playmate To Jesus
067. Michael Jackson Hollywood
068. Aura Dione Geronimo
069. Chris Brown & Justin Bieber Right Next To U
070. Ke$ha Blow
071. Jennifer Lopez Papi
072. Nicki Minaj Feat. Rihanna Fly
073. Electric Lady Lab Wondering
074. Robyn Indestructible
075. Jason Derulo Don't Wanna Go Home
076. Studio Killers Ode To The Bouncer
077. Stilettos Click Click Click
078. Lady Gaga Born This Way
079. Robyn Call Your Girlfriend
080. Medina For Altid
081. Nicole Scherzinger Poison
082. DEV In The Dark
083. Coldplay Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall (Swedish House Mafia Remix)
084. Avicii Feat. Leona Lewis Collide
085. Usher More
086. Outlandish TriumF
087. Fedde Le Grand So Much Love
088. Clemens Byen Sover
089. Bingo Players Cry (Just A Little)
090. Sisse Marie Dirty Hands
091. Avicii Fade Into Darkness
092. Katy Perry Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.)
093. NERVO Feat. Ollie James Irresistible
094. Enrique Feat. Ludacris Tonight i'm Fucking You
095. Alexis Jordan Good Girl
096. David Guetta Feat. Taio Cruz & Ludacris Little Bad Girl
097. Example Changed The Way You Kiss Me
098. Alexandra Stan Mr. Saxobeat
099. Cedric Gervais Feat. May Love Is The Answer
100. Ida Corr Musen Efter Katten
101. Swedish house Mafia Save The World
102. Beyonce Run The World (Girls)
103. Andreea Balan Trippin'
104. Nicki Minaj Superbass
105. Kelly Rowland Feat. The Wav's Down For Whatever
106. Adele Rolling In The Deep (Benny Royale Re-Fix)
107. Rune RK Feat. Majid Animal
108. Taio Cruz Feat. Flo Rida Hangover
109. Dj's From Mars Feat. Fragma Insane (In The Brain)
110. L.O.C. Langt Ude (Mike Hawkins Remix)
111. Roger Sanchez Feat. Mobin Master & MC Flipside Worldwide
112. Saturdays All Fired Up
113. Ferry Corsten C
Youtube results:
Spinnin' Sessions 003 - Guest: Firebeatz
Spinnin' Records presents the best EDM radioshow on earth! Subscribe to Spinnin TV NOW: ht...
published: 30 May 2013
author: Spinnin\' Records
Spinnin' Sessions 003 - Guest: Firebeatz
Spinnin' Sessions 003 - Guest: Firebeatz
Spinnin' Records presents the best EDM radioshow on earth! Subscribe to Spinnin TV NOW: http://youtube.com/SpinninTV Download on iTunes: http://itun.es/i6xH9...- published: 30 May 2013
- views: 71518
- author: Spinnin\' Records
HALF-LIFE 2 (CM13) [HD+] #003 - Gleis geht's los! ★ Let's Play Half-Life 2
HALF-LIFE 2 #003 • AUTOPLAY: http://goo.gl/L5Yxef ▻ ICH KOMME GLEIS, brüllt http://gronkh....
published: 07 Aug 2013
author: Gronkh
HALF-LIFE 2 (CM13) [HD+] #003 - Gleis geht's los! ★ Let's Play Half-Life 2
HALF-LIFE 2 (CM13) [HD+] #003 - Gleis geht's los! ★ Let's Play Half-Life 2
HALF-LIFE 2 #003 • AUTOPLAY: http://goo.gl/L5Yxef ▻ ICH KOMME GLEIS, brüllt http://gronkh.de?p=19627 ▻ JUHU: http://bit.ly/JoinGroArmy ····················...- published: 07 Aug 2013
- views: 83756
- author: Gronkh
FABLE 2 [HD+] #003 - Zehn Jahre später ★ Let's Play Fable 2
► FABLE 2 #003 • PLAYLIST: http://goo.gl/C2BFAA
► FABLETOP RPGs nur bei http://gronkh.de?p...
published: 04 Sep 2013
FABLE 2 [HD+] #003 - Zehn Jahre später ★ Let's Play Fable 2
FABLE 2 [HD+] #003 - Zehn Jahre später ★ Let's Play Fable 2
► FABLE 2 #003 • PLAYLIST: http://goo.gl/C2BFAA ► FABLETOP RPGs nur bei http://gronkh.de?p=20163 ► JUHU: http://bit.ly/JoinGroArmy ···················································································· «FABLE 2» Action-Rollenspiel von Lionhead Studios / Microsoft (2008). Offizielle Seite: http://www.lionhead.com/games/fable-ii/ «LET'S PLAY FABLE 2» Kommentiertes Gameplay von Gronkh (2013). Offizielle Seite: http://gronkh.de/fable-2 ···················································································· WICHTIGER HINWEIS: Wenn Dir das Spiel gefällt, bitte unterstütze die Entwickler und kaufe Dir das Spiel im Original! http://gronkh.de/amazon/fable-2 ···················································································· ALLE FOLGEN FRÜHER SEHEN AUF: • http://gronkh.de • http://gronkh.de/facebook • http://gronkh.de/twitter WEITERE YOUTUBE-CHANNEL: • http://youtube.com/GronkhZeugs • http://youtube.com/GronkhOSTs • http://youtube.com/GronkhLogos • http://youtube.com/dieSuperhomies • http://youtube.com/PlayMassiveTV ····················································································- published: 04 Sep 2013
- views: 19018
Martin Garrix presents The Martin Garrix Show 003
Download The Martin Garrix Show on iTunes: http://bit.ly/THEMARTINGARRIXSHOW Join me on Fa...
published: 28 Jun 2013
author: Martin Garrix
Martin Garrix presents The Martin Garrix Show 003
Martin Garrix presents The Martin Garrix Show 003
Download The Martin Garrix Show on iTunes: http://bit.ly/THEMARTINGARRIXSHOW Join me on Facebook: http://facebook.com/MartinGarrixOfficial Follow me on Twitt...- published: 28 Jun 2013
- views: 42113
- author: Martin Garrix