To take on the problems not accept them


>WELCOME to the webpage of the IWW in Australia.

 If you are a working person you might have noticed that there are a lot of things stacked against you. This little page is run by the Industrial Workers of the World; our aim is to even the odds.
We believe that all workers would benefit from forming One Big Union to organise the ongoing struggle against all those who think themselves our betters. The pre-amble to our constitution ends, "It is the historic mission of the working class to do away with capitalism. The army of production must be organised, not only for everyday struggle with capitalists, but also to carry on production when capitalism shall have been overthrown. By organising industrially we are forming the structure of the new society within the shell of the old."
Sounds pretty true to us. If it does to you, maybe you should Join us. Or see us on Facebook at the only official Australian IWW page. Think about it anyway!
Or just have a browse around our website. Of course all articles found here are the expression of the writers not union policy, unless specifically stated otherwise. We are a union not a party.


From this point onwards any comments that are considered to be snide, abusive, threatening or unnecessarily personal in their nature will be removed without notice.
In addition to this any comments, or submitted articles, that contain allegations against, or assertions about, individual members of the IWW (whether named or otherwise) will be prevented from being posted (or removed). This forum is not the appropriate place for such allegations or assertions.

Criticisms of the IWW of a general and constructive nature are most welcome.

If particular members of this forum persist with comments of the personal or abusive type they will be given a warning and then removed temporarily from the forum. After being allowed back to the forum, if forum members persist further in comments of the above nature they will be permanently removed from the forum.

Prepare for the worst, you no longer have any rights

It is no cliche that any Liberal government will always make things worse for the 80% of the population that make up the work force of this country, by cutting services reducing funding and lowering the tax base by giving the top 12% more consesions than the remaining 88% combined. Word speak from pollies always twists reality to such a degree you can never be sure you agree or disagree with what they say, the taunt of " faceless men" ' numbers man" etc are mere boogey men to frighten children, if our unions are corrupt who corrupted them? rhetorical question folks it is always Large corporations who don't want an organised work force to bring them to task and keep our places of employment safe, secure and happy.

IWW Comrades in the territory known as Australia

IWW Comrades in the territory known as Australia


I hope further futile personal resentments are not the product of this document. 

Please forget about my x number or if my dues are in good standing.

Even if my identity is not legitimate to you, it can not be dennied that the changes or next steps that we want are not in the votes that saddly imitate the electoral parlamentarian system of the occupying state.

You can not deny that our shallow relationships are quickly becoming very disfunctional when in such historical times we should already be an inmense revolutionary commune.

Brisbane IWW in September 2013

This Sunday is the first Sunday of the month of September, and would normally be the date for a meeting.

Weather is a class issue


All the examples given here are from the United States. It is pretty clear, however, that things are not too much different down here.

The Three Factors That Put Lower-Income Americans At Greater Risk From Extreme Weather

Posted: 19 Aug 2013 12:40 PM PDT

New Orleans residents in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

CREDIT: AP Photo/Nam Y. Huh

2013 OZ IWW Ballots issued

We have just sent out our annual union ballot for 2013, new candidates for office holders and some fresh perspectives coming for 2014, being an open and diverse union things don't always run smoothly but that is the price or real democracy with no entrentched leader ship, a 2 term limit on officers and annual elections,  we strive to be frank and fair.

Sydney Branch Meeting Sat 21st Sept

Sydney Branch Meeting Sat 21st Sept


Our monthly meet and social is on and this month as usual at the Petersham Community Bowling Club from 3pm down stairs in the Committee room,  the Sydney Uni Actions and the upcoming OZ IWW ellection will be on the agenda, all and sundry welcome and kids are never a problem

In Brisbane, need support with a workplace problem?

The Brisbane Solidarity Network (BSN) has a number of IWW members as participants. In the past we have intervened, or provided support on a variety of workplace or housing issues. To get in touch call BSN on 0744220238 or visit For a FAQ on BSN see (have no fear, odds are that you'll get in touch diredtly with a wobbly, or someone supportive of the IWW who will point you in the right direction)

Brisbane IWW Meeting August

After some rest time, we are ready to get busy again. Brisbane IWW will have it's next meeting Sunday, 4th August, 2013. Meeting at 12pm, at 69 Thomas St, West End. All welcome. Lots of energy floating around, so it is time to get organised! Also keep in touch with what's happening through the Brisbane Solidarity Network

Sydney IWW May Day Party against Work

With May day around the corner why not let your hair down and take a sicky and remember those who fought the real struggles to get your current standard of living.

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