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Nature morte-portrait

Le nil le calendrier et la blague à tabac
Comme doit être la peinture
Et la littérature
Une tête sans chevelure
Des yeux en trait
Une virgule
Un nez plat un méplat
Au front
Mon portrait
Mon coeur bat
Et c'est la pendule
Dans la glace je suis en pied
Ma tête fume

Still Life-Portrait

Cigarette papers datebook and tobacco pouch
Ought to be like painting
And literature
A hairless head
Eyes straight
A flat nose a plane
On the forehead
My portrait
My heart beats
It's an alarm clock
In the mirror I'm full length
My head smokes

        Translated by Kenneth Rexroth

Pierre Reverdy website here.

A Magazine of Many E-Things
Issue 31
Read it here

Prague, New York, Sydney, London, Melbourne
Issue 4
Contents, ordering - click here

Canterbury - Collective Poetry Magazine
Issue 1
Contents, ordering - click here

Coming up at ModCon

Followed, this coming Friday by Ann Vickery and Ali Alizadeh
launching The Political Imagination -
a special issue of 'Southerly' magazine:

click on the posters to enlarge them

Acts is a sequence of performative, diegetic abstractions that pep up the experiential with humorous cynicism. Here are some sentient strategies for tackling a theory. Ali Alizadeh poeticizes Jacques Lacan's three interrelated levels of reality - the symbolic, the imaginary and the real. A question might be 'Is poetry a mere side-effect of philosophy?' Does Ali Alizadeh know the answer? One thing I know is that you can savour these shrewd poems without needing any Lacanian expertise. They are genuinely responsive to this erratic world and will account for it, genially, on your behalf.

For further information visit Black Rider Press

Last week, I visited Rangitoto Island, & climbed to the summit.
Photos of this young volcano can be found here

Farewell Rangitoto, Farewell Aotearoa, New Zealand

At Auckland University today, Susan Davis presented a selection of flags made by her late husband, the poet and artist, Leigh Davis. The class, 'Poetry Off The Page', is an undergraduate course in the English Department - the students are inventive and know how to make art from language in a variety of ways. To see photos of the flags and the presentation, click here and then click on the images in the set.

Happy Hybridities for Adam Aitken
from the album Great Gift Ideas from New Zealand

Memorial Hall, Whanganui, Aotearoa New Zealand