Ghostly Painted Figures in an Abandoned Building in Leipzig

Ghostly painted figures by Daan Botlek

Danish artist Daan Botlek recently painted this trio of ghostly white figures on an abandoned building in Leipzig, Germany. The paintings were part of the exhibition “If paradise is half as nice (part 2).” For more of Botlek’s street art and illustration work, see his Behance gallery.

Ghostly painted figures by Daan Botlek

Ghostly painted figures by Daan Botlek


Animated Photo GIFs of Mesmerizing Morphing Objects by Zack Dougherty

Surreal animated GIFs by Zack Dougherty

Digital artist Zack Dougherty adds pulsating, morphing, and moving objects to photographs in his curiously mesmerizing animated GIFs. In some of the GIFs he chooses an object in the photo to manipulate, in others he adds absurdist objects like giant black orbs to otherwise ordinary photos. Since 2011 he has posted hundreds of his curious GIFs on his Tumblr blog.

Surreal animated GIFs by Zack Dougherty

Surreal animated GIFs by Zack Dougherty

Surreal animated GIFs by Zack Dougherty

via iGNANT

Your House, A Model of a House Cut Out of the Pages of a Book

Your House by Olafur Eliasson

Artist Olafur Eliasson used a laser cutter to make a model of his house in the pages of a book for his sculpture, “Your House.” The house’s interior is modeled across 454 pages, with each page representing a 2.2-centimeter section of the actual structure. The book was produced in 2006 in a limited edition of 225.

Your House by Olafur Eliasson

Your House by Olafur Eliasson

Your House by Olafur Eliasson

via not shaking the grass, Visual News

photos via not shaking the grass

Anamorphoses, Whimsical Anamorphic Picture Frame Installations by Papier Peintres

Anamorphoses by Ella and Pitr

French street art duo Ella & Pitr (aka Papier Peintres) created a series of whimsical anamorphic picture frame installations for their photo series, “Anamorphoses.” The series was created for an ad campaign for the National Dramatic Center of St. Etienne in France.

Anamorphoses by Ella and Pitr

Anamorphoses by Ella and Pitr

via, My Modern Metropolis

Barbican: Microcosm Of London, A Video Game-Style Animated History of the Barbican

The video game-style animation “Barbican: Microcosm Of London” traces the history of London’s Barbican complex from a Roman-era fort to the modern day cultural and residential center that is home to the performing arts venue, the Barbican Centre. The animation was created by UK studio Persistent Peril for the Barbican Centre.

submitted via Laughing Squid Tips

video via Persistent Peril

A Table That Mimics 3D Objects Presented In Front of a Camera in Real Time

Professor Hiroshi Ishii and his students at the MIT Media Lab have created a table that replicates 3D objects presented in front of a camera in real time. In this video by John Maeda, a man places his hands under the camera and the table mimics them, allowing him to hold a red ball using a representation of his hands created by table.


video via John Maeda

via Gizmodo, Daily Picks and Flicks

Orchid, High-Speed Photography of Blossom-Like Paint Splashes


Switzerland-based photographer Fabian Oefner has created “Orchid,” a series of photos of paint splashing in a blossom-like pattern. According to a video by The Creator’s Project, Oefner filled a tank with layers colored paint and threw a sphere into the paint, capturing the resulting splash with high-speed photography. The rest of the series can be found at Oefner’s website. Previously, we’ve written about several of Oefner’s scientific high-speed photography projects.




images via Fabian Oefner, video via The Creator’s Project

submitted via Laughing Squid Tips