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Secret Cafe.

November 12, 2010

You’re invited to a secret cafe for the benefit of Erik Oseland
What: Breakfast for dinner, warm drinks, and other cozy treats
When: 6-9pm on Sunday, November 28th
Location: Secret! email for further information. But
we’ll narrow it down to Minneapolis, MN.

$5-15 requested donation, which will all go towards Erik’s commissary and
Gluten free and vegan treats will be served

Book Requests (Part 1)

October 19, 2010

Hey there, this is the first reading list I am compiling in effort to stave off really bad books that you might get me on accident (this isn’t to say your taste is bad, it is just a precaution). Also, this isn’t to say that you shouldn’t send me a book you think I would really really like! Surprises can be fun too! Unfortunately, all books must be mailed directly from a publisher or a recognized and verifiable distributor (i.e. Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Borders); fortunately, you can order pretty much any book via Barnes and Noble or Amazon. With out further delay, here it is!


- Books of Norwegian Names.

How to Stay Alive in the Woods: A Complete Guide to Food, Shelter and Self-Preservation Anywhere (By: Bradford Angier)

- Against History Against Leviathan! (By: Fredy Perlman)

- Letters of Insurgents (By: Fredy Perlman)

- Norsk, nordmenn og Norge 1: Textbook for Beginning Norwegian. (By: Kathleen Strokker & Haddal Odd)

- Discipline and Punish (By: Michel Foucault)

- National Geographic

- Planet Earth (The Book).

- Bleach –past issue #32– (By: Tite Kubo)

- Akira (Graphic Novel/Manga)

- Species Being

- Books about Yoga & Pilates.

- Art of War (By: Sun Tzu) /// There are thousands of different versions of this text; send me all of them.

- Caliban & the Witch (By: Silvia Federici)

- Wolf’s Rain (By: Keiko Nobumoto)

- Dragon Hunter –past issue #4–(By: Hong Seock-Seo)

- Ponyo –the book–.

- N’Dréa: One Woman’s Fight To Die Her Own Way (By: Andréa Dorea)

- Outlaws of the Sertão: Writings of Os Cangaceiros Vol. II (Translated by Wolfi Landstreicher)

- Books (By: Alfredo Bonanno)

- Having little, being much (By: Fredy Perlman)

- Books on Native resistance –Dakota–.


If you decide to buy me a book, e-mail: exitpanopticon(at) saying you did so. This way, I don’t get thirteen copies of the same book.

[Note: Books with a strike through them have already been purchased for Erik.]

Later, Erik.

An informative post.

October 18, 2010

Hey there, so, if you’re at this site, it is likely that you’ve been directed here via a friend, an internet post, or  whatever. So, I will go ahead and skip the formalities and jump right into the meat of things; y’all know the drill by now, huh?.

  • LETTERS: I would love to get a letter from you, I just ask that you refrain from talking about abstract things like your “activism” or the “movement”. I would love to hear about your interests, passions, favorite song lyrics, crushing break-up story, or, vibrant and brilliant life. I will NOT respond to you if you make the terrible mistake of mentioning anything illegal (yes, smoking pot counts); DO NOT talk to me about anything you wouldn’t otherwise talk about in a police station with a pig breathing down your neck. 4×6 pictures are allowed. Polaroids are not. You can write me at:

Erik Oseland
297 Century Ave S.
Maplewood, MN  55119

  • VISITS: I am allowed to have one 20 minute video screen visit per week,  3 people can attend per session (infants count), and I can receive visits Mon-Fri 7:30AM-3:30PM. You must schedule the visit one business day ahead of time. We are coordinating my visits through the following e-mail to deter potential overlap:
  • MONEY: If you would like to send me money for Doritos, pillows, books, etc. Please e-mail:

Talk to you soon?
Thanks bunches!

With heart,


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