DEF II was a programming strand on BBC2, which aired at 6pm on Mondays and Wednesdays from 9 May 1988 to 23 May 1994, to serve the teenage market. It was produced by Janet Street-Porter, and followed on from her influential youth TV show Network 7, on Channel 4. In fact, many of the presenters and staff on DEF II started their careers on Network 7 and had followed Street-Porter when she was "poached" by the BBC. It had an ident featuring a barcode which differed from the usual idents used on BBC2.
Programmes included:
Palavras e ações lançadas em minha direção
me atingiram em cheio e agora em meu peito estão
à esquerda alojados, só tentando me derrubar
Família e amigos não vão me deixar fraquejar.
Seguirei os seus conselhos
quem tá de fora vê melhor
com a cabeça fria e a razão
eles irão me ajudar
Sentimentos me corroendo
as coisas que ela me disse estão doendo
aqui dentro, do meu peito
a cura ninguém tem e eu estou sofrendo
Agora que algum tempo já passou
aprendi que não é feio chorar
que não devemos reprimir os sentimentos
bonito é dizer o que estamos sentindo
Minha Família, meus amigos
vocês são tudo que eu tenho nessa vida
quando eu preciso são vocês que me amparam
obrigado, amo vocês.
DEF II was a programming strand on BBC2, which aired at 6pm on Mondays and Wednesdays from 9 May 1988 to 23 May 1994, to serve the teenage market. It was produced by Janet Street-Porter, and followed on from her influential youth TV show Network 7, on Channel 4. In fact, many of the presenters and staff on DEF II started their careers on Network 7 and had followed Street-Porter when she was "poached" by the BBC. It had an ident featuring a barcode which differed from the usual idents used on BBC2.
Programmes included:
The Independent | 24 Oct 2020
South China Morning Post | 24 Oct 2020
Democratic Underground | 24 Oct 2020
South China Morning Post | 24 Oct 2020
The Independent | 24 Oct 2020
The Times of India | 24 Oct 2020
Newsweek | 23 Oct 2020
The Guardian | 24 Oct 2020