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(monkeon, Sat 2 Nov, 10:16, 26 replies)
I'd like you to so terribly terribly much...

(VicBrown, Thu 31 Oct, 12:16, 9 replies)

(prodigy69, Thu 31 Oct, 10:01, 9 replies)
"For the last time Dougal, the droids out there are far, far away"

(Q4nobody, Wed 30 Oct, 16:48, 21 replies)
must have bindun

(HappyToast, Wed 30 Oct, 15:50, 10 replies)

(mofaha, Tue 29 Oct, 18:36, 12 replies)
Honestly, you wait all day for a bus...

(orbojunglist, Thu 24 Oct, 20:44, 35 replies)
Buy, buy, buy!

(Beau Bo d'Or, Thu 24 Oct, 0:30, 3 replies)

(Beau Bo d'Or, Wed 23 Oct, 23:23, 2 replies)
The wife works for Apple so I had to listen to the keynote speech today....
It inspired me...

(Captain_lambkin, Tue 22 Oct, 19:24, 8 replies)
XML feeds
B3ta newsletter issue 605 is out now! There's cool stuff that we can't remember because we wrote it in a daze. But, er, wedding in a box, Daily mail or Stormfront, the internet's blingiest cats...
Read newsletter 605
published by rob on 1st Nov at 6pm
Question of the Week
Fancy Dress Failures Pt 2
Janet Aylia asks, "Did you go all-out only to find you'd fallen for the age-old 'you're the only one who dressed up' gag? Did you wrap yourself in cotton wool and ketchup and offend the local vicar by dressing as a tampon?"
Read all 115 stories (open)
asked by chthonic on 31st Oct at 8pm
The Hollywood Internet
What if the internet existed in classic films? How would the characters have made use of it? How would they have been marketed? What plots would have been ruined, and which enhanced? Please show us, via the medium of image-based web humour. Challenge suggested by Monkeon.
See all 137 images (open)
set by Fraser on 31st Oct at 8am
Fitness quotes over pictures of drinking
Well chose pics make this quite a giggle.

See all 20 popular links (5 made popular today)
linked to by UltimateMonkey on 5th Nov at 5pm
B3ta newsletter issue 604 is out now! Retro-computers as keyboards, sushi cats, a neon stickman toddler and George Osborne's Austerity Ninja.
Read newsletter 604
published by rob on 25th Oct at 5pm
Question of the Week
Battered wonders, "What amazing stuff have you got up to with Lego?" Or just tell us about the time you got a Lego brick stuck up your privates.

All people referring to 'Legos' will be shot at down. Or dawn. Your choice.
Read all 170 stories (closed)
asked by chthonic on 24th Oct at 3pm
Soviet Propaganda UK
Comrades! This week's Proletariat challenge is to take Soviet propaganda posters and update them to reflect life in modern Britain. Fight the Bourgeoisie! With revolution! And Photoshop!
See all 126 images (closed)
set by Fraser on 23rd Oct at 9pm
The new hotness is B3ta newsletter issue 603. By 'hotness' we mean 'newsletter', of course. This week: Game of Thrones, hidden willies, spywear and cake-o-matic.
Read newsletter 603
published by rob on 18th Oct at 4pm
Question of the Week
Bad Dates
Tell us about your least successful date. Arrive late? Forget their name? Show them goatse on your phone just as the main course arrived? Or was it the other way around?
Read all 131 stories (closed)
asked by chthonic on 17th Oct at 4pm
The humble chicken is one of the most popular meals across the globe, but it's never been celebrated with its own b3ta image challenge. This week, we're putting that right. Chickens. Go mental.
See all 169 images (closed)
set by Fraser on 17th Oct at 8am
You thought we had forgotten. You thought we had forgiven. Witness now the terrible vengeance of B3ta newsletter issue 602. Features dogs, willy-beakers and sausage art.
Read newsletter 602
published by rob on 11th Oct at 5pm
Question of the Week
Irrational people
Freddie Woo tells us "I'm having to drive 500 miles to pick up my son from the ex's house because she won't let him take the train in case he gets off at the wrong station. He's 19 years old and has A-Levels and everything." - Tell us about illogical and irrational people who get on your nerves.
Read all 135 stories (closed)
asked by Scaryduck on 10th Oct at 12pm
Everything in Reverse
This week's challenge is like all b3ta challenges at once: Make the World backwards. Like the audience on stage with the band watching. Like socialist tories and tory socialists. Like Princess Di papping photographers and the Queen begging for loose change. Like orange lemons and... you get the idea. Challenge suggested by Memaxx.
See all 138 images (closed)
set by Fraser on 10th Oct at 12am
A wild B3ta newsletter issue 601 has appeared. It uses floppy disks, Daily Mail and a lake that turns animals to stone. It's super effective.
Read newsletter 601
published by rob on 4th Oct at 2pm
Question of the Week
Why I Love/Hate Britain
This week's been all about the Daily Mail and why people love or hate their country. Tell us one thing you hate about Britain, and one thing about why you love it.

This shouldn't be an excuse for RACISTLOLS, or long lists of things you dislike. Be intelligent, be funny, and be interesting
Read all 147 stories (closed)
asked by Scaryduck on 3rd Oct at 1pm
Sausage Art
This week's challenge is to take the humble sausage and turn it into great art. You task is to adapt classics by adding porky extensions, or to create entirely new masterpieces. Extra points for real-life use of a sausage source.
See all 167 images (closed)
set by Fraser on 2nd Oct at 10pm
B3ta newsletter issue 600, drug of the nation, breeding ignorance and feeding radiation. This week: Batdad, bashing things, iOS7 and your most twattish friends.
Read newsletter 600
published by rob on 27th Sep at 5pm
Question of the Week
Pure Fury
A friend's dad once stormed up to me and threatened to "punch your stupid face in" because I pointed a camera at him. I was 11. Have you ever done something innocent or made a harmless joke that ended in threats to your person? Tell us about it.

Thanks to Skullfunkerry for the suggestion
Read all 151 stories (closed)
asked by Scaryduck on 26th Sep at 12pm
Controversial Computer Games
Rockstar are really upset by all the free advertising they're getting as a result of how 'offensive' GTA is. But what if all games were created to be controversial in order to sell? Design a new game or remix a classic in such a way to upset the red tops. Challenge suggested by monkeon.
See all 168 images (closed)
set by Fraser on 25th Sep at 11pm
B3ta newsletter issue 599 is a thing that exists in the world. Featuring clowns, sharks, airline safety and Katie Hopkins. Oh, and news of Little Kunt's new album. Scary.
Read newsletter 599
published by rob on 20th Sep at 4pm
Question of the Week
Twat Friends
BraynDedd tugs our sleeve and asks: "You know the one, the mate who is guaranteed to ruin every social situation by being an embarrassment/sexist/racist/bellend etc. Tell us about your twattiest mate."
Read all 105 stories (closed)
asked by Scaryduck on 19th Sep at 10am
Misheard Lyrics
Mishearing lyrics for the LOLs is one of the cornerstones upon which B3ta was built, yet we haven't done it as a challenge since 2004. Time to put that right. Suggested by PedroHin and Shallowz.
See all 203 images (closed)
set by Fraser on 19th Sep at 8am
B3ta newsletter issue 598 is out! - If you're a subscriber you'll have seen that we came painfully close to getting a flawless email past the Yahoo! gatekeepers this week. Highlights this week: Taylor Swiftler, Mysteries of B&Q;, Are you down with the Kids test.
Read newsletter 598
published by rob on 13th Sep at 5pm
Question of the Week
Break-up Stories
Freddie Woo sends us a tale of woe which ends: "I could live with being cheated on. What really got me that there was clearly a third person holding the camera, and the arse pummeling up and down sometimes had a tattoo, sometimes it didn't. I moved out that day." Tell us about how a relationship's come crashing down around you.
Read all 132 stories (closed)
asked by Scaryduck on 12th Sep at 1pm
20 Years after the Invasion
This week's challenge is to show us how life has changed 20 years after the hostile takeover by Big Bad Aliens Plc. Because it's going to happen. Challenge suggested by Colonel Boris.
See all 165 images (closed)
set by Fraser on 12th Sep at 12am
B3ta newsletter issue 597 out now! - featuring a B3tan who's eaten cat food. YES. Cat food.
Read newsletter 597
published by rob on 6th Sep at 11pm
Question of the Week
Lurid Work Stories
"I know a railwayman of 40-odd years' service," says Juan Quar, "and he tells me a new gruesome yarn each time we meet. Last week's was of checking the time on the wristwatch of a severed arm he'd just collected after a track fatality."

Tell us the horrible stories you tease the new hires with, or that you've been told.
NB By definition, these are probably all made up. Roll with it
Read all 130 stories (closed)
asked by chthonic on 5th Sep at 5pm
Three Pictures On A Theme
Three pictures on a theme: come up with an idea for a bandwagon, create the first three pictures in it, and join in on other people's bandwagons. A bit like like these, perhaps, but better. Challenge suggested by Monkeon.
See all 91 images (closed)
set by Fraser on 5th Sep at 12am