Note: LAX Suspect Wanted To Kill At Least One Officer


The suspect accused of opening fire inside the Los Angeles airport was determined to lash out at the Transportation Security Administration, saying in a note that he wanted to kill at least one TSA officer and didn’t care which one, authorities said Saturday.

TPMEditors' Blog Opinions, Context & Ideas from TPM Editors

Wait? Is This It?

Could this be the end? Probably not. But maybe. The word out of Toronto tonight is that embattled, poll-rising crackhead Mayor Rob Ford is going to make a special "announcement" tomorrow on his weekly radio program which he does with his brother. In case you're keeping score at home, remember, that's Doug Ford, who sits on the City Council and was apparently was the big drug dealer in the Ford's home town when they were growing up.

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Toronto Puts the 'T' in Crack

Actually there's no 'T' in crack. But if there were, Toronto would put it there. Because this city seriously knows how to party. As you know, earlier this week news emerged that the Toronto police were investigating the city's crackhead Mayor and had found the infamous Ford crack tape. Now the Mayor is apparently on some sort of wild bender where the Deputy Mayor is trying to find time to talk with him but, in the words of CBC reporter Jamie Strashin, "the Mayor's executive have been unable to connect directly with Ford [for the] last few days." But now there's this.

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Hardcore Bender?

It Wasn't Crack! It Was Weed!

I've said it before but this may be the best story in several hundred years. Yesterday we reported that Toronto police have been investigating Mayor Rob 'Crackalack' Ford for months. And among other things, they've now got the infamous video - the one Gawker raised two hundred grand for, the one a couple people may have been killed for and so much more. But now it gets better.

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