- published: 31 Jan 2009
- views: 79906
- author: swisslowrider

City of Bern
Berne the capital city of Switzerland lies in the Swiss plateau within the Canton of Berne...
published: 31 Jan 2009
author: swisslowrider
City of Bern
Berne the capital city of Switzerland lies in the Swiss plateau within the Canton of Berne, somewhat west of the center of Switzerland and 20 km north of the...
- published: 31 Jan 2009
- views: 79906
- author: swisslowrider

Bern 93A
train from Lucerne to Bern, walk in Old Town on main street, Clock Tower, open market, par...
published: 10 Aug 2009
author: denniscallan
Bern 93A
train from Lucerne to Bern, walk in Old Town on main street, Clock Tower, open market, parks, arcade streets, street trams.
- published: 10 Aug 2009
- views: 44169
- author: denniscallan

Ausflug nach Bern
In der Schweizer Hauptstadt Bern gibt es viel zu sehen und entdecken. Dank dem ausserorden...
published: 04 Aug 2011
author: blsLoetschberger
Ausflug nach Bern
In der Schweizer Hauptstadt Bern gibt es viel zu sehen und entdecken. Dank dem ausserordentlich gut erhaltenen Stadtbild wurde die Hauptstadt 1983 von der UN...
- published: 04 Aug 2011
- views: 10793
- author: blsLoetschberger

Urban Swimming in Bern, Switzerland
You might know Switzerland for its snow-capped mountains, but on a hot summer's day people...
published: 13 Aug 2009
author: Peter Schibli
Urban Swimming in Bern, Switzerland
You might know Switzerland for its snow-capped mountains, but on a hot summer's day people take to the rivers and lakes to cool down. Take the plunge in the ...
- published: 13 Aug 2009
- views: 50102
- author: Peter Schibli

Ausschreitungen in Bern
Nach dem Tanz dich frei-Event in der Nacht vom 25. Mai 2013. Mehr hier: http://nicolashein...
published: 26 May 2013
author: Nicolas Heinzelmann
Ausschreitungen in Bern
Nach dem Tanz dich frei-Event in der Nacht vom 25. Mai 2013. Mehr hier: http://nicolasheinzelmann.com/2013/05/26/ausschreitungen-in-bern/
- published: 26 May 2013
- views: 28852
- author: Nicolas Heinzelmann

Stéphane Bern : "Ce n'est pas de l'outing, c'est une boutade !"
L'animateur s'explique sur la polémique provoquée par sa sortie face à Geoffroy Didier ce ...
published: 04 Jun 2013
author: Le Figaro
Stéphane Bern : "Ce n'est pas de l'outing, c'est une boutade !"
L'animateur s'explique sur la polémique provoquée par sa sortie face à Geoffroy Didier ce week-end sur Canal+. Stéphane Bern parle de "boutade" : "Je ne sais...
- published: 04 Jun 2013
- views: 1977
- author: Le Figaro

Brig - Spiez - Bern : Cab Ride
Schweiz . Brig - Lötschberg-Bergstrecke - Spiez - Bern : Führerstandsmitfahrt....
published: 06 Sep 2012
author: Saalbahnhof
Brig - Spiez - Bern : Cab Ride
Schweiz . Brig - Lötschberg-Bergstrecke - Spiez - Bern : Führerstandsmitfahrt.
- published: 06 Sep 2012
- views: 47823
- author: Saalbahnhof

Cash Bern: Swiss may grant unconditional income for all
Swiss citizens are demanding a crucial change in the constitution, pushing for the introdu...
published: 04 Oct 2013
Cash Bern: Swiss may grant unconditional income for all
Swiss citizens are demanding a crucial change in the constitution, pushing for the introduction of a guaranteed income for everyone. RT teamed up with RUPTLY video to follow the story.RT's Peter Oliver is in Bern where supporters of the basic income idea have gathered for a rally.
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- published: 04 Oct 2013
- views: 301

Shopping in Bern+CHOCOLATE Heaven!!! Day in the Life
The reason I speak quietly in many of the stores is because I do not have official permiss...
published: 21 Apr 2011
author: TheThirdShift
Shopping in Bern+CHOCOLATE Heaven!!! Day in the Life
The reason I speak quietly in many of the stores is because I do not have official permission to film there and many stores don't like random people filming ...
- published: 21 Apr 2011
- views: 35140
- author: TheThirdShift

Der Harlem Shake in Bern: Grosses Kino!
Am Samstag 23. Februar haben sich hunderte Jugendliche auf dem Bundesplatz versammelt um d...
published: 23 Feb 2013
author: JournalBern
Der Harlem Shake in Bern: Grosses Kino!
Am Samstag 23. Februar haben sich hunderte Jugendliche auf dem Bundesplatz versammelt um den «Harlem Shake» zu tanzen. Zum Berner Harlem Shake Video: http://...
- published: 23 Feb 2013
- views: 10425
- author: JournalBern

1 Teil - Soteria Bern - Akut (Schweizerdeutsch 1/3)
Soteria Bern Die Soteria Bern behandelt junge, an einer akuten Psychose erkrankte Menschen...
published: 14 Feb 2013
author: Einhornfilm
1 Teil - Soteria Bern - Akut (Schweizerdeutsch 1/3)
Soteria Bern Die Soteria Bern behandelt junge, an einer akuten Psychose erkrankte Menschen erfolgreich mittels eines integrierten Ansatzes. Milieutherapie, o...
- published: 14 Feb 2013
- views: 1603
- author: Einhornfilm

Stéphane Bern à Nabilla : non mais pardon quoi !
EXTRAIT - Stéphane Bern revient sur ses propos concernant Nabila dans Des Clics et Des Cla...
published: 07 May 2013
author: Europe1
Stéphane Bern à Nabilla : non mais pardon quoi !
EXTRAIT - Stéphane Bern revient sur ses propos concernant Nabila dans Des Clics et Des Claques. http://www.europe1.fr/MediaCenter/Emissions/Des-clics-et-des-...
- published: 07 May 2013
- views: 1989
- author: Europe1

Usgang-TV Mad Wallstreet Bern
published: 06 Aug 2012
author: 4utvschweiz
Usgang-TV Mad Wallstreet Bern
- published: 06 Aug 2012
- views: 7100
- author: 4utvschweiz

Löschzug der BF Bern rückt aus
Berufsfeuerwehr Bern, ELW50, TLF13, ADL17, TLF15, Löschzug....
published: 20 Apr 2013
author: Berufsfeuerwehr Bern
Löschzug der BF Bern rückt aus
Berufsfeuerwehr Bern, ELW50, TLF13, ADL17, TLF15, Löschzug.
- published: 20 Apr 2013
- views: 903
- author: Berufsfeuerwehr Bern
Vimeo results:

You tell her you love her. And she loves you. Things have neve...
published: 05 Jan 2011
author: Ari Kruger
You tell her you love her. And she loves you. Things have never felt better. But one day, you notice something about her you hadn't noticed before...
Starring : Clyde Berning and Abigail Parker.
Cinematograpy : Gavin Goodman
Art Director : Rebecca Brett
Music : Rus Nerwich
Written and Directed : Ari Kruger

The Maestro
A destitute man, living on city streets liberates a device and escapes to a symphony of li...
published: 22 Feb 2011
author: Tony Gardiner
The Maestro
A destitute man, living on city streets liberates a device and escapes to a symphony of light and sound.
The idea came about by wanting to play with timelapse as a way of showing different realities. The Maestro obviously sees things differently than most people and by working the timelapse effect into the narrative, it allows us to see the world from his point of view.
The Maestro was shot in Sydney, Australia with a crew of four people on the Canon 5D Mark II using only available light. The visual effects featured were all shot in-camera and later composited in post.
Director / Producer / Writer / Editor / Art Director / Costume Designer - ADAM ANTHONY
Co-Producer / Co-Writer / Visual Effects - EDWARD COPESTICK
Cinematographer - TONY GARDINER
Second Camera - NATE MARTIN
Sound Designer - ROSIE CHASE
Sound Mixer - SAM HAYWARD
Colourist - TRISH CAHILL
Hair and Make-up - JODI GARDNER
Additional Hair and Make-up - KATY CLUCAS / RACHEL COENEN
Wardrobe Aged by - MARC BAROLD
Location Sound - CHRIS FRITH
Squeegee Kid - NICK MARICIC
Double Bay Kid #1 - ALEX THOMPSON
Double Bay Kid #2 - KIRSTY O'CONNER
Double Bay Kid #3 - OLIVER LEIMBACH
Awards and Screenings:
Tropfest 2011 - 3rd Prize, Best Cinematography
New York City International Film Festival - Official Selection
St. Kilda Film Festival - Official Selection
Palo Alto International Film Festival - Official Selection
Edmonton International Film Festival - Official Selection
Shnit International Film Festival (Bern, Switzerland) - Official Selection

Le Peuple de l'Herbe - Parler le fracas
Le Peuple de l'Herbe - Parler le fracas
feat. Marc Nammour ( La canaille )
Official music ...
published: 25 May 2012
author: wasaru
Le Peuple de l'Herbe - Parler le fracas
Le Peuple de l'Herbe - Parler le fracas
feat. Marc Nammour ( La canaille )
Official music video
buy music here : http://shop.lepeupledelherbe.net/10-cd
English (+French & Spanish soon) subtitled version available here : http://dai.ly/Klz19M
Director :
Wasaru - http://www.wasaru.com
Character design:
Jérémy Couturier (Jebedai) - http://whozjebedai.blogspot.fr/
David Cazeaux - http://dcazeaux.blogspot.fr
Nicolas Coppin - www.studio-freelance.com
Nicolas Dufresne - www.duduf.com
Jean-philippe Florin - www.calicobubba.com
Martin Laugero - the_figurehead176@hotmail.com
Benoit Somville - www.benoitsomville.fr
Script consultant:
Faouzi Boughida / Benoit Somville
12th Annual Independent Music Awards – Online / New-York, USA – Winner / Music Video
AniFest 2013 – Praha, CZECH REPUBLIC – Best Animated Music Video Award
Chilemonos International Animation Festival 2013 – Santiago, CHILE – 1° Animated Music video International Competition
Vimeo – Vimeo Staff Pick
Film skillet – Online / Santa Barbara, USA (online) – Finalist & appear on Best of Independent Animation DVD
Colchester Film Festival – Colchester, ENGLAND
Tehran International Short Film Festival 2013 – Tehran, IRAN
Séquence court-métrage – Toulouse, FRANCE
Anibar International Animation Festival – Peja, KOSOVO
Exground Filmfest – Wiesbaden, GERMANY
Festival du film d’animation pour la jeunesse – Bourg-en-Bresse, FRANCE
ArtFutura 2013 – Barcelona, Buenos Aires, Lima, Madrid, Montevideo, Santiago…, WORLDWIDE
Sedicicorto IFFF – Forlì, ITALY
Supertoon – International Animation Festival – Šibenik, CROATIA
FESTANCA International Animation Festival – Bratislava, SLOVAK REPUBLIC
Corti a Ponte – Ponte San Nicolo, ITALY
Mieux vaut en rire qu’en pleurer – Choisy le Roi, FRANCE
9th International Short Film Festival Detmold – Detmold, GERMANY
Chilemonos International Animation Festival 2013 – Santiago, CHILE
ANNECY International Animation Film Festival 2013 – Annecy, FRANCE
12th Annual Independent Music Awards – Online / New-York, USA
6th International Festival EcoZine – Zaragoza, SPAIN
AniFest 2013 – Praha, CZECH REPUBLIC
Anima 2013 – Brussels, BELGIUM
Ciné-court animé – Roanne, FRANCE
Protoclip / Festival international du clip musical – Paris, FRANCE
Festival National du Film d’Animation – Rennes, FRANCE
International Short Film Festival Ciudad de Soria – Soria, SPAIN
Lueften Arts and Music Festival – Frankfurt, GERMANY
Desert Dust Cinema film festival – Lobo/Texas, USA
Festival International du Court Métrage de Lille – Lille, FRANCE
Festival internacional de animaciòn – Querétaro, MEXICO
Anim’est 2012 – Bucharest, ROMANIA
Shnit animate – Bern, SWITZERLAND
Curtas film fest – Vilagarcía de Arousa, PORTUGAL

LAIKA, a dynamic typeface.
For our bachelor thesis, we engaged o...
published: 10 Oct 2009
author: Michael Flückiger
LAIKA, a dynamic typeface.
For our bachelor thesis, we engaged ourselfs with dynamic typography, especially with dynamic typefaces. Since not much work has been done in this field, we devised a system in which a typeface would not be defined static fonty styles anymore but would be able to change it‘s shape and appearance at any moment reacting to a broad spectrum of inputs.
Bachelor Thesis von Michael Flückiger und Nicolas Kunz
Hochschule der Künste Bern 2009.
More about and a little playground: http://laikafont.ch
Youtube results:

Helvetic A319 - Short Approach to Bern-Belp HD
Helvetic Airways' new Airbus A319-112 (HB-JVK) with its approach over the old town of Bern...
published: 23 May 2013
author: Berne Aviation HD
Helvetic A319 - Short Approach to Bern-Belp HD
Helvetic Airways' new Airbus A319-112 (HB-JVK) with its approach over the old town of Bern followed by an impressing circling and landing on runway 32. The f...
- published: 23 May 2013
- views: 903
- author: Berne Aviation HD

AK72 feat. Fresh L - Für mis Bern (Official Video)
Vorabtrack von TBMB II: AK72 feat. Fresh L (New Jack) - Für mis Bern freedownload uf: www....
published: 25 Jul 2011
author: VajdaBeats
AK72 feat. Fresh L - Für mis Bern (Official Video)
Vorabtrack von TBMB II: AK72 feat. Fresh L (New Jack) - Für mis Bern freedownload uf: www.ak72.ch www.ak72.ch www.ak72.ch www.ak72.ch www.ak72.ch www.ak72.ch.
- published: 25 Jul 2011
- views: 66163
- author: VajdaBeats

city: Bern, Switzerland | euromaxx
Join us for a trip to the historic city of Bern, the seat of the Swiss parliament....
published: 26 Apr 2011
author: Deutsche Welle
city: Bern, Switzerland | euromaxx
Join us for a trip to the historic city of Bern, the seat of the Swiss parliament.
- published: 26 Apr 2011
- views: 9640
- author: Deutsche Welle

Top 5 Travel Attractions, Bern (Switzerland) - Travel Guide
Take a tour of Top 5 Travel Attractions of Bern, Switzerland - part of the World's Greates...
published: 13 Jul 2010
author: geobeats
Top 5 Travel Attractions, Bern (Switzerland) - Travel Guide
Take a tour of Top 5 Travel Attractions of Bern, Switzerland - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats. Hey, it is your host, Naomi. I wo...
- published: 13 Jul 2010
- views: 33722
- author: geobeats