The Examiner The H1N1 Swine flu virus is a combination of viruses made from swine, bird and human influenza strains. What makes this strain dangerous is that it interferes with and can destroy DNA causing abnormal cell growth. It is the same strain that caused the 1918 epidemic which killed 20% of the world’s population. For first line defense Garlic and Silver are the two most...
The Examiner The one question that seems to be on everyone's mind right do I prevent the flu? I won't delve into the "shot or no shot" debate, as that is a personal decision each person must make on their own. Aside from the much touted vaccination, what can you do on a daily basis to prevent illness from overtaking your world? Prevention. It...
The ExaminerThere are three distinctly different types of silver that are labeled and sold on the market as colloidal silver; they are ionic silver, silver protein, and true colloidal silver. Consumers seeking true colloidal silver are often at a disadvantage because each of these products represents themselves as colloidal silver....
Pravda RURecent reports in the news indicate that there is a mutated and dangerous form of drug-resistant bacteria ("super-bug"), from India, that can be fatal to the infected host. How can we best deal with this increasing danger? BREAKING NEWS Russia Remembers Kursk Tragedy 10 Years After Photoshop: Celebrities' Best Friend More......
Pravda RUby Babu G. Ranganathan The best defense against swine flu, or any flu, is the age old remedy of colloidal silver. The metal silve r in its colloidal state can be safely consumed and used in the body. Bacteria and viruses cannot develop resistance to colloidal silver. Silver disables a vital enzyme and mechanism in all bacteria and pathogens so that they cannot survive. It is...
Pravda RUby Babu G. Ranganathan The best natural remedy against whooping cough, colds, and flus is the age old remedy of colloidal silver. The metal silver in its colloidal state can be safely consumed and used in the body. Bacteria and viruses cannot develop resistance to silver. Silver disables a vital enzyme and mechanism in all bacteria, viruses, and pathogens so that they cannot...
Ars TechnicaColloidal silver supplements, tiny silver particles that are suspended in a liquid, have been advertised as an alternative medicine. Companies selling colloidal silver claim that the supplements produce a wide variety of health benefits. For example, Ultra Silver declares that their products are "made to enhance the function of the immune system." Utopia Silver asserts that...
redOrbitPosted on: Wednesday, 4 November 2009, 14:37 CST Put new wrinkle in old approach Harvard materials scientists have come up with what they believe is a new way to model the formation of glasses, a type of amorphous solid that includes common window glass. Glasses form through the process of vitrification, in which a glass-forming liquid cools and slowly becomes a solid whose...
ProcessingtalkChemineer has revealed that a Greerco colloid mill is helping a mining company produce high-quality explosives for its zinc and lead extraction work in Australia's Northern Territory. Requiring controlled explosions in this part of the tropical savannas region, the mining operator introduced the colloid mill to bring about more consistency when mixing ammonium nitrate and...
DNA IndiaWashington: Harvard University's materials scientists have come up with what they believe is a new and better way to model the formation of glass, a type of amorphous solid that includes common window glass. Glass is produced through the process of vitrification, in which a glass-forming liquid cools and slowly becomes a solid whose molecules, though they've stopped moving, are...