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Holiday Accommodation, Holiday Rentals and Corporate Accommodation in Australia

Property Managers

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Join Rent-A-Home

New Property Managers - ready to advertise your holiday rental home or furnished apartment? Boost your conversions and occupancy.

Learn more how Rent-A-Home works for you:

Benefit #1 - Free to Join! Only pay for successful bookings.
Benefit #2 - Easy to use online tools
Benefit #3 - Support Centre with tips, tools and help.

Existing Manager

Login to Portfolio Manager with your Reference or Username

Manager Login:

 e.g. R1000 or UserName


  forgot password?

  * NOTE: Stayz phone support currently unavailable 8/10/13 10:00am AEDT **
*Please note that the Rent A Home customer support phone lines are currently unavailable. For any urgent queries, please contact us at
We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause, and will update this message as soon as the phone lines are available.   
Thanks heaps Val
And instead of Stayz phonee 'Renta Home phone' sorry 
Staying Safe Online Update

Rentahome does not recommend property owners use Western Union or international Barclays 
accounts as methods of payment for guests, due to recent fraudulent activity being associated with 
these providers. 

Please be aware:

  • Rentahome will never request you to login or sync your account for any reason or request password or login details
  • Always type the rentahome address directly into your browser rather than clicking on a link
  • If you receive a change of email or password change notification and did not request this change do not use these details and contact us immediately on 1 300 134 004 or
  • Never click on a link in an email directing you to a rentahome login page
  • Whenever you login to your rentahome account ensure a secure page is showing. How this will appear will vary for different browsers but it will include a padlock or an s within the http address

Finalist NSW Tourism Awards 2009 Accommodation, Furnished Apartments and Holiday Homes Business Award Logo SSL Accredited Tourism Business