Dagsrevyen 16. juli 1987
00:43 Prinsippavtale om salg av Kongsberg Våpenfabrikks flymotordivisjon 03:28 Norsk...
published: 27 Feb 2012
Author: harrunostasj
Dagsrevyen 16. juli 1987
00:43 Prinsippavtale om salg av Kongsberg Våpenfabrikks flymotordivisjon 03:28 Norsk-amerikansk skadevurdering etter KV/Toshiba-saken 06:31 Utredning om kjøp av nye jagerfly til Luftforsvaret 08:47 Høring i Iran-Contras-saken (John Pointdexter) 12:25 Norske skip har fraktet olje til Sør-Afrika 15:03 Wilh. Wilhelmsen inn i Norsk Internasjonalt Skipsregister 15:18 Undersøkelse av seksualvaner 17:44 HIV-testing av vernepliktige 18:02 Iran truer med diplomatisk brudd med Frankrike 18:44 NM i trekkspill, Mysen 21:18 Norske resultater i Tour de France 21:35 Værmelding
Alexander Rybak in the news program "Dagsrevyen" after his violin-exam at Barratt Due. 07.06.2012
Recording by Venche M. English translation by Tessa Lande. English revision by Anni Jowett...
published: 09 Jun 2012
Author: TeamFacebookies
Alexander Rybak in the news program "Dagsrevyen" after his violin-exam at Barratt Due. 07.06.2012
Recording by Venche M. English translation by Tessa Lande. English revision by Anni Jowett. Subs and Russian translation by Zhanna Sergueeva. Polish translation by Martyna Agnieszka Jasińska. Slovak translation by Danka Čolláková. German translation by Sabine Fundel. Romanian subs by Laura Ser. Croatian translation by Karolina Pavlov.Dutch translation by Marijke Arentsen. Spanish translation by Veronica Tovar.
The Gathering 92 Dagsrevyen
Norwegian news report from The Gathering 1992....
published: 18 Jan 2007
Author: Mobeus
The Gathering 92 Dagsrevyen
Norwegian news report from The Gathering 1992.
Dagsrevyen 12 04 06 The Gathering 2006
published: 21 Mar 2007
Author: andreas889
Dagsrevyen 12 04 06 The Gathering 2006
Dagsrevyen ending theme
At the very end of the norwegian news program, Dagsrevyen produced by NRK Nyheter. The vid...
published: 25 Dec 2008
Author: petterhot
Dagsrevyen ending theme
At the very end of the norwegian news program, Dagsrevyen produced by NRK Nyheter. The video first shows a summary of today's headlines, then the outro. The ending is the same in Kveldsnytt and the district news.
Eddie Eidsvåg - Dagsrevyen
Eddie Eidsvåg, Bjørns lillebror, visjoner for dagsrevyen....
published: 11 Mar 2012
Author: MortenHoltheHanssen
Eddie Eidsvåg - Dagsrevyen
Eddie Eidsvåg, Bjørns lillebror, visjoner for dagsrevyen.
Kroniske smerter
Besøk "Forum for kroniske smerter" på nettet!...
published: 20 Aug 2008
Author: verket07
Kroniske smerter
Besøk "Forum for kroniske smerter" på nettet!
Dagsrevyen 2000-2008
Intro for Norway's national news programmes...
published: 03 Jun 2011
Author: nickbilmes
Dagsrevyen 2000-2008
Intro for Norway's national news programmes
Dagsrevyen 10. april 1987
00:45 Smuglerkjøtt-sak 03:55 Salmonella i sjokolade 06:26 Henleggelse av sak mot an...
published: 26 Feb 2012
Author: harrunostasj
Dagsrevyen 10. april 1987
00:45 Smuglerkjøtt-sak 03:55 Salmonella i sjokolade 06:26 Henleggelse av sak mot ansatte ved Lunden barnehjem 07:12 Forslag om ny utlendingslov 07:45 Gorbatsjov inn for forhandlinger om å fjerne kortdistanseraketter 10:14 Prisstigning 13:29 Kværner utestengt fra Oslo børs 14:07 Nye teletakster 14:25 Promilleaksjon 14:38 Påskeutfart 16:56 Streiker i Spania 17:13 Energimelding om gasskraft og vannkraft 19:37 Melding om ojevirksomhet og videre utbygging 22:19 Nye sjefer i Forsvaret, bl.a. ny forsvarssjef 26:32 Trekning i Pengelotteriet 27:08 Værmelding 30:18 Fredagsforum: Inge Lønning og Ragnhild Queseth Haarstad om prioritering mellom bondenæring og utdannelse
Alexander Rybak in the news program Dagsrevyen after his violin-exam at Barrat Due. 07.06.2012
Alexander Rybak in the news program Dagsrevyen after his violin-exam at Barrat Due. 0 take...
published: 09 Jun 2012
Author: seebawaih1
Alexander Rybak in the news program Dagsrevyen after his violin-exam at Barrat Due. 07.06.2012
Alexander Rybak in the news program Dagsrevyen after his violin-exam at Barrat Due. 0 takemyimage.com "Alexander Rybak (Musical Artist)" His Bowling After Eurovision College "Eurovision Song Contest (Award Category)" Before Norway Song Contest "Award (Chivalric Title)" University School Chicken Soup Student Graduation Robot Students Campus News Education Iceland Norwegian Community Study Entertainment Norsk Class Day "Robot Chicken" Program Institute Nightmare Winner Turkey
Adil Khan on Dagsrevyen back in the days :)
A young 16 year old Adil Khan on the national news talking to the Norwegian Minister of Ju...
published: 20 Jul 2010
Author: chrisbonga1
Adil Khan on Dagsrevyen back in the days :)
A young 16 year old Adil Khan on the national news talking to the Norwegian Minister of Justice Odd Einar Dørum about keeping the youth culture houses open to keep the youth busy with positive things.
Tangen - Carreras - Dagsrevyen 28.04.10 - April 10 - Dagsrevyen - Nyheter - NRK Nett-TV.rm
Translation: R1: In the midst of preparation for the MGP, Didrik Solli-Tangen will have a ...
published: 28 Apr 2010
Author: MrTessaLa
Tangen - Carreras - Dagsrevyen 28.04.10 - April 10 - Dagsrevyen - Nyheter - NRK Nett-TV.rm
Translation: R1: In the midst of preparation for the MGP, Didrik Solli-Tangen will have a dream fulfilled. R2: Sunday, he will be on stage in Hamar together with one of the greatest opera stars in the world R3: The Norwegian Grand Prix hope is a bit in the skies during nowadays. In the midst of busy days with advertising recording in Telenor Arena, he will sing a duet with one of the world's greatest opera stars. D: It is a dream come true, and I think back to December, for three months ago, I was not any at all, and now I will be allowed to sing with one of my biggest idols. R3: Josè Carerras has been in Norway before. This is from a concert in Stavanger in 2001. The Spanish world star formed The 3 Tenors together with Placido Domingo and Luciano Pavarotti. On Sunday, he sings in the Viking Ship in Hamar with Didrik. R3: How are your nerves? D: So far they are pretty calm. I know that the nerves will come. It's a full orchestra, and that he is there, not to mention the audience. But I have so many other things happening all the time, so I have almost no time to fearness. I mostly looking forward to it.
Dagsrevyen 17. mars 1987
00:48 Forslag om opphevelse av agnatisk tronfølge 04:34 Transportarbeiderforbund &o...;
published: 02 Mar 2012
Author: harrunostasj
Dagsrevyen 17. mars 1987
00:48 Forslag om opphevelse av agnatisk tronfølge 04:34 Transportarbeiderforbund ønsker fortsatt lønnsvekst 07:19 Finansminister Berge angriper Høyre over skattesyn 09:52 Regjeringen uenig med Sjømannsforbundet om Norsk Internasjonalt Skipsregister 11:47 16-åring siktet for drap i Trondheim 12:10 Jonas Wold forklarer seg i tingretten om hasjsmugling 14:37 Kandidater til bispeembetet i Bjørgvin 15:04 Oslo kommune øker bevilgninger for å løse bemanningssituasjon 15:29 Anslag om økt antall flyktninger til Norge 18:26 Om friere presse i Sovjet 20:57 Forslag til nytt statsbudsjett i Storbritannia 22:47 Intervju med USAs nedrustningssjef Kenneth Adelman 25:26 Regjeringsforhandlinger i Finland 27:44 Forslag om reklame i nærradio 27:58 Prisøkning på leiligheter i borettslag 28:14 Fler forbrukerklager mot banker 30:05 Luftputebåt i Oslofjorden 31:57 Sport 33:04 Værmelding
Dagsrevyen - Lips parted, eyes wide open
This music video I made at Strykejernet (Art Schoo in Oslo in 2008) the song is a murder b...
published: 02 Jun 2008
Author: yoofukk
Dagsrevyen - Lips parted, eyes wide open
This music video I made at Strykejernet (Art Schoo in Oslo in 2008) the song is a murder ballad of the Norwegian band Dagsrevyen from Kristiansand. Vertigo was an influence and other gruesome scenes to symbolise this unescapable deadly love.
Youtube results:
Gjest i NRK Dagsrevyen 28 2 12
published: 01 Mar 2012
Author: mlouis72
Gjest i NRK Dagsrevyen 28 2 12
Rolv Wesenlund - Dagsrevyen-parodi
published: 05 Jan 2011
Author: harrunostasj
Rolv Wesenlund - Dagsrevyen-parodi
Tooji Keshtkar Dagsrevyen
Interview the day after he won...
published: 12 Feb 2012
Author: toofanbanned
Tooji Keshtkar Dagsrevyen
Interview the day after he won
Dagsrevyen - For tidlig start
(Ikke lyd)...
published: 11 Sep 2010
Author: harrunostasj
Dagsrevyen - For tidlig start
(Ikke lyd)