Labor to challenge carbon tax repeal

Labor to challenge carbon tax repeal

Updated | Labor will attempt to force the Abbott government to adopt an emission trading scheme, rather than Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s direct action plan, when the Coalition tries to dump the carbon tax in parliament.

Karen Maley

Big four banks defy prophets of doom

Big four banks defy prophets of doom

Updated | It’s been a miserable week for the large foreign hedge funds that have built up big short positions in Australia’s large banks in the belief that their share prices will tumble as the local economy loses its gloss.

Soul Patts seeks extension on shareholder meeting

Washington H Soul Pattinson is seeking court approval to postpone a shareholder meeting to ensure it can compile its own expert’s report on the $2bn break-up proposal from Mark Carnegie and Perpetual Investments.

Mystery deepens at DJs after sales beat forecasts

Updated | The mystery behind Paul Zahra’s intended departure from David Jones has deepened after the upmarket retailer’s first sales growth in nine months indicated its turnaround strategy is delivering results.

Why the property upswing is different this time

Why the property upswing is different this time

The property market is alight again, helped along by low interest rates and confident vendors and buyers. But unlike booms past, each state has its own set of circumstances: can the momentum be sustained?

Rio prepares to repatriate foreign workers at Mozambique Coal

Rio Tinto is making arrangements for the family members of foreign employees of its Mozambique coal operation to return home as instability in the region escalates.

Howes slams Andrews for ignoring CSG benefits

Victoria’s simmering onshore gas debate has split both sides of politics, underlining the dangers of an issue that pitches industrial jobs and investment against Greens and farmers.

Ex-Daily Telegraph’s Lewis joins REA board

Will Lewis, the former editor of London’s Daily Telegraph, is to join the board of News Corp-controlled REA along with News Corp Australia chief operating officer Peter Tonagh following the retirement of Stephen Rue.

ASIC urges Senate to increase its powers

ASIC has called for decade-old penalties for white collar crime to be updated to bring Australia in line with global jurisdictions, as well as greater protection for whistleblowers.

Huawei hits back at Coalition’s NBN ban

Updated | Controversial Chinese technology supplier Huawei has said it is “extremely disappointed” in the Coalition’s decision to uphold Labor’s ban of its products being used in the national broadband network.

Evans & Partners posts 63pc profit rise

The former chairman of the Essendon AFL club, David Evans, has capped off a personally challenging year after his stockbroking firm posted an impressive 63 per cent rise in profit to $6.88 million.

Interactive | A go-slow on the high-speed NBN rollout

Interactive | A go-slow on the high-speed NBN rollout

Households are now becoming more interested in joining the NBN just as the government hits pause on its rollout.

Half of expats aren’t happy where they are

Half of expats aren’t happy where they are

Australian expatriates are flooding out of traditional destinations such as Britain and Europe and into more lucrative destinations in south-east Asia – such as Indonesia where nearly one-quarter of expats earn above $US250,000 – the world’s biggest survey of expatriates has found.

The global advance of activist shareholders

The global advance of activist shareholders

Citigroup has taken stock of the growing wave of shareholder activism, and concluded that what was once primarily an American phenomenon is spreading abroad.

Markets Summary

Change % Chg
S&P/ASX 200 5411.1 - 14.4 - 0.27%
Dow Jones 15545.75 - 73.01 - 0.47%
FTSE 100 6731.43 - 46.27 - 0.68%
SPI 200 DEC3 5390.000 0.000 + 0.00%
AUD/USD 0.9474 0.0016 + 0.17%

Markets Data »

Price % Chg
DLS D/SEARCH $ 1.390 + 7.34%
DJS D JONES 95 $ 2.900 + 6.62%
MQG MACQ GROUP $ 53.100 + 4.22%
TEN TEN NET $ 0.290 + 3.57%
BPT BEACH $ 1.480 + 3.50%

Markets Data »

Price % Chg
NST NTH STAR $ 0.815 - 8.43%
SXL STHNXMEDIA $ 1.770 - 6.35%
ASL AUSDRILL $ 1.445 - 5.56%
PNA PANAUST $ 1.910 - 5.45%
SLR SILVERLAKE $ 0.730 - 5.19%

Markets Data »

Street Talk

Online retail takeover fascinates market

Online retail takeover fascinates market

Mnemon’s plans to buy of online retailer DealsDirect Group is being watched by investors, who welcome opportunity to take a peek inside the mostly privately-owned online retail sector.


NAB's waiting game

Tough new rules surrounding dividend payments could force National Australia Bank to reassess its future dividend plans, as the bank reports profits from lower bad debts.



Australia eyes US move to allow device use on flights

Australia eyes US move to allow device use on flights

Updated | Passengers on US airlines are expected to be able to use electronic devices during take-off and landing by the end of the year – but the timeline in Australia is less clear.


John Roskam

The age of entitlement really is over

John Roskam

The hardest task in life is to say no to someone you care about. A weak government tends to give its citizens everything they wish for. A strong government has the will to say ‘NO!’

Julie-anne Sprague

Smart move to switch off

Smart move to switch off

Being pushed “off the grid” after losing your smartphone can prove both terrifying and illuminating.

Forex probes raise fears of a repeat of Libor scandal

Forex probes raise fears of a repeat of Libor scandal

Barclays on Wednesday became the latest bank to confirm it has launched an internal probe into its foreign exchange trading, adding to a growing sense among bankers and investors that an industry-wide investigation is rapidly spiralling into a scandal that might eventually match the scale of the Libor manipulation saga.


News of the World phone-hacking rife: prosecutors

News of the World phone-hacking rife: prosecutors

Top executives at Rupert Murdoch's News of the World knew that staff were routinely hacking celebrities' phones, British prosecutors said as they opened their case in the trial over the scandal that sank the tabloid.


Macquarie on the road to recovery

Macquarie on the road to recovery

Macquarie has confirmed expectations it is positioning itself for a turnaround in equity and investment markets with a strong half-year result and a surprise distribution of Sydney Airport securities.


Fed holds fire with focus on employment, inflation

Fed holds fire with focus on employment, inflation

The US Federal Reserve’s unsurprising decision to indefinitely continue its increasingly contentious quantitative easing program omits even a mere mention of one important factor: there is no recognition of the impact the easy money policies are having on financial markets.

Personal finance

Property through the eyes of bond geeks

Property through the eyes of bond geeks

Says one bond investor – if you rent a house, you’re short the housing market, if you own the house you live in you’re neutral and if you own an investment property, you are long all the way.


Charm offensive in the Cook Islands

Charm offensive in the Cook Islands

Soak up hospitality as warm as the sunshine in the untrammelled Cook Islands, where newlyweds tie the knot on golden sands and families are freed from the trappings of modern holidays.

Elusive prize awaits PNG’s intrepid travellers

Elusive prize awaits PNG’s intrepid travellers

Finding rare birds in the wilds of Papua New Guinea is not for the faint-hearted and it takes local knowledge and skill to attract the shy, emblematic bird of paradise.

Delhi: City of living history

Delhi: City of living history

Legions of writers have long flocked to New Delhi. Sophisticated Traveller goes in search of what makes this city so fascinating and discovers a wealth of stories worth telling.

Latest TV

Gonski slaps super funds for “short termism”

Future Fund Chairman David Gonski has told a Sydney business function the economy is too short term orientated, especially super funds.

Goyder's retail optimism

Wesfarmer's Richard Goyder sees consumer confidence as the last hurdle for retailers and hopes Australia provides bold leadership during the G20 summit next year.

Symond and Keen bicker over bubble

Professor Steve Keen and Aussie Home Loans founder John Symond have butted heads over a potential property bubble at the Citi Investment Conference. Reporter Samantha Hutchinson was there.

ANZ's Smith wary of wholesale funding

ANZ CEO Mike Smith is puzzled by the bank's low share price, and says the US political standoffs have shown the danger of wholesale funding.