Prisoners´ Complains followed by Repressions in Sofia Central Prison

Early April the director of Sofia Central Prison, Peter Krestev was
appointed acting director of the national prison body. Soon after on the
11th April Yanko Vatashki was released from the isolation unit and returned
to a general wing. The former acting vice director is now acting director
of Sofia Central Prison. Returning Yanko to the general wings was a good
beginning for the new acting director, but obviously not nearly enough.

On the 11/3/2013 a guard assaulted a Chechen refugee in 13th group. About 7
witnesses wrote statements of complaint to prison authorities. However,
instead of investigating the very serious problem of guards assaulting
prisoners, the prison administration started an investigation into how the
association helps prisoners express themselves, specifically how prisoners
were able to print their witness statements. The knee jerk reaction of the
administration is typical of the Bulgarian justice system ie don't
investigate the claims of the complaints, but instead divert attention to
how the complaints were made.

Well the association can assure the Commandant and the acting Director of
Sofia Central Prison that, yes the complaints were printed legally by a
lawyer. The real question is of course, what will the Sofia administration
do to reduce the ever increasing amount of guards assaulting prisoners.

The fact that more people have been questioned as to how the complaints
were made and sent then about their content is alarming, what's more not a
single witness has been questioned about the assault. A clear indication as
to prerogative.

The Association calls on the Sofia Central Prison administration to cease
their persecution of prisoners who dare to use their right to complain.

Essentially free speech is still a crime in bulgarian prisons. It is part
of the regime of tyranny that prisoners encounter daily. A guard will
assault a prisoner, the prisoner can not resist or face further and more
severe assault. So then said prisoner appeals by writing a complaint, the
victim and the witnesses are then harassed and bullied by the Social
Inspectors and the Director. The assault is subsequently covered up by the
prison administration and the prosecutors office.

Yanko Head Secretary of The Association was isolated for his written
complaint, i was also punished in 2012 for complaining about guards
thieving from visitors and now again the entire prison administration is
harassing prisoners for reporting an assault.

Of further note: over 35 refugees illegally convicted and serving illegal
sentences in Sofia Central Prison 10th group, have started a hunger strike
on the 26/4/13. They are demanding an end to the criminalization of seeking
asylum in Bulgaria. Unfortunately Bulgaria has not lived up to their
international commitments to protect the rights of asylum seekers.

There are also sporadic but constant hunger strikes in the Busmantsi
immigration prison, by immigrants who want to return to their home country.
The EU must bring their border into line with EU policies for asylum

Chairman of the Bulgarian Prisoners' Rehabilitation Association.
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