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The Velvet Underground


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Velvet Underground, gruppo musicale rock & roll statunitense di fine anni 60, scioltosi definitivamente nel 1995 dopo la morte del chitarrista Sterling Morrison.

Gruppo formatosi negli Stati Uniti d’America nella seconda metà degli anni ‘60 dall’incontro fra l’allora studente universitario Lou Reed e John Cale, giovane musicista d’avanguardia allievo di La Monte Young, che nel gruppo suonerà la viola e il basso.

Reed era un compositore a pagamento di canzoncine che sfruttavano le mode del momento, ma per sé scriveva anche altre canzoni, con armonie semplici e testi che non avevano niente a che fare con la musica rock del periodo. Al gruppo si unirono anche Sterling Morrison alla chitarra e Maureen Tucker alla batteria (una piccola ragazza con il modo di fare da maschietto).

Il gruppo proponeva un rock assolutamente originale, che alternava e fondeva la dolcezza di melodie semplici e limpide alla crudezza di ritmi ossessivi e sensuali sui quali si innestavano orgie di dissonanze e il cantato-parlato di Lou Reed, che declamava testi in assoluta contrapposizione con la cultura Hippy del tempo, che trattavano temi come morte, solitudine, droga e sesso.

Per questa sua alterità e quasi programmatica sgradevolezza il gruppo non ebbe alcun successo fin quando Andy Warhol decise di produrre il loro primo disco affiancando al gruppo la voce di Nico, e di trasformare i loro live in una performance (dal nome The Exploding Plastic Inevitable) che univa alla musica la danza di due ballerini e le proiezioni dei cortometraggi dello stesso Warhol.

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  • choosefruit

    "we are too cool for you"

    14 Ott 21:56 Rispondi
  • Lord_Kur

    Loaded is one of the best albums ever

    10 Ott 12:05 Rispondi
  • choosefruit

    9 Ott 12:45 Rispondi
  • trashcity_

    They are all good, from VU to Another View to those bootlegs from the factory days.

    9 Ott 3:48 Rispondi
  • android9791

    the third record is also excellent. good day sir.

    8 Ott 8:03 Rispondi
  • shangoyal

    Their first two albums are stunning, something you should give a chance, whoever you are. Simply because it is seminal to the whole indie rock sound of the 80s/90s/2000s. Of course other bands were also influential, but they introduced a unique attitude to the music-making process. After them, rock music was not a stage performance, it became more of a psychological exploration of things. All the same, their third album is just a lullaby pop album which is kinda dispensable.

    7 Ott 1:00 Rispondi
  • Chadipoo

    Here comes are Lou Reed

    5 Ott 12:54 Rispondi
  • marckqo

    So underrated

    5 Ott 4:55 Rispondi
  • Luctoller

    Nico <3

    25 Set 8:03 Rispondi
  • Issa-Void

    All experimental music since the Velvet Underground has been experimental by comparison to the Velvet Underground, so obviously they are going to seem less experimental 45 years later.

    22 Set 16:46 Rispondi
  • hulkson

    Son lo más perfecto que existe.

    21 Set 8:12 Rispondi
  • displ4y

    AH4OYS I find it really overrated as well. IDK how this is even considered experimental. It's hardly experimental. But it's enjoyable. It's really fucking enjoyable, so I'm not going to fault it. And Nico's vocals are the best on the album btw wtf at people saying they aren't great.

    20 Set 5:40 Rispondi
  • AHandsomeDevil

    I'm trying to download Loaded as it's the only record I don't got of theirs (besides Squeeze, but lol) and want to know what else should I download. I've got The Quine Tapes, just trying to see what other live bootlegs of theirs I should have and if that Closet Mix of the s/t is worth downloading

    14 Set 8:57 Rispondi
  • electricturf

    V yup. If anything they are underrated. Constanly when people compose lists of the greatest bands of all time, they always mention Beatles, Stones, but often forget VU.

    12 Set 19:58 Rispondi
  • AH4OYS

    do only I find them overrated as hell? :3

    10 Set 19:08 Rispondi
  • CaptainTails

    soo good

    10 Set 4:12 Rispondi
  • Nimbie

    I'm listening to the Scotch Recording Tape for the very first time right now and am already stricken with its awesomeness. WHY DID I NOT LOOK FOR PEEL SLOWLY & SEE BEFORE

    3 Set 20:39 Rispondi
  • WaldoJeffers_X

    that's your opinion, i love her voice... and btw i prefer much more White Light/White Heat

    2 Set 15:00 Rispondi
  • nicosmells

    If it wasn't for Nico and her terrible vocals TVU&Nico would have been my favorite album ever.

    30 Ago 10:08 Rispondi
  • traytray89

    superman... BANANA

    29 Ago 21:53 Rispondi
  • Tutti i messaggi (5007)

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