Popular on Last.fm

Trending artists this week

  1. 1. Little May

    folk · indie
    3,681 listeners
  2. 2. Mutual Benefit

    folk · birp
    17,496 listeners
  3. 3. The Avengers

    punk · punk rock
    17,356 listeners
  4. 4. Dead Gaze

    shoegaze · lo-fi
    18,276 listeners
  5. 5. Echosmith

    rock · pop
    3,137 listeners

Top tracks this week

  1. 1. Royals

    213,152 listeners
  2. 2. Roar

    Katy Perry
    176,990 listeners
  3. 3. Do I Wanna Know?

    Arctic Monkeys
    234,436 listeners
  4. 4. Wrecking Ball

    Miley Cyrus
    139,141 listeners
  5. 5. R U Mine?

    Arctic Monkeys
    263,642 listeners

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