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Nominate now for the Queensland Disability Awards

12 September 2013

Do you know an inspiring person or innovative organisation making a positive difference to the lives of people with disability? Nominate them now for a Queensland Disability Award.


Elderly Parent Carer Innovation Trial—successful projects announced

11 September 2013

On 11 September 2013, Tracy Davis, the Minister for Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services announced the five organisations receiving trial funding to build or create accommodation for adults with a disability who are being cared for by their elderly parent.


Two men smiling together

Queensland signs up to the NDIS

8 May 2013

Premier Campbell Newman and Prime Minister Julia Gillard signed a historic agreement on 8 May 2013 to start Queensland’s transition to the National Disability Insurance Scheme.


New Autism Spectrum Disorder resource

Autism Spectrum Disorder resource

30 August 2012

An online resource is available to support families, early childhood teachers and early intervention service providers to transition children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) into Queensland schools.


The Radio 4RPH logo.

4RPH—a radio reading service for people with a print disability

17 April 2012

People with a print disability can tune into RPH—a radio reading service that offers a spoken word alternative to print and online media, such as daily local, state and national newspapers and magazines.


Audio described theatre, ballet and opera

30 March 2012

Queenslanders who are blind or have low vision can enjoy the highlights of the theatre, ballet and opera season, with an audio description service offered for upcoming performances.


MyTime supporting parents of children with disabilities logo

MyTime is your time

19 February 2012

MyTime groups provide an opportunity for mums, dads, grandparents and carers of children with disability, developmental delay or a chronic medical condition to get together to socialise, gather information and discuss issues in a supportive environment.


Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia (CC BY 3.0)
Last updated:
1 October 2013

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