Remembering Chile 9/11/1973 – 11 September

On September 11th members of the Chilean community in Melbourne held a commemoration at Federation Square in honour of the victims of the CIA-sponsored military coup which overthrew the democratically elected Marxist government of Salvador Allende on that day in 1973, initiating the brutal regime of General Augusto Pinochet and leading to the murder and torture of thousands of government supporters. Later in the day, Chileans, anti-war protesters and others gathered at the US Consulate in St Kilda Road to express their condemnation of the role of the US in this and other outrages:

Anti-war banner at US Consulate

Banner at Consulate: Freedom for all political prisoners in Chile!

Poster ring base of sculpture outside Consulate

Posters commemorate those who died

Photos of some victims of the coup on hedge at  Consulate

Photos of some victims of the coup