Anti-nuclear campaigners visit office of Martin Ferguson MP – 27 February

Outside Martin Ferguson's office in Preston

Outside Martin Ferguson's office in Preston

“Due to the campaign by Federal ALP politician Martin Ferguson to force a radioactive waste dump on communities in northern Australia we feel compelled to visit his office on a regular basis to remind him that his constituents do not appreciate what he is up to” – from the Friends of the Earth website (

As on previous occasions, the office was closed for the duration, and there were several police in attendance, but nothing for them to do, and there was no sign of any constituents hoping for an audience. Campaigners came equipped with banners and – empty – radioactive waste drums, as well as leaflets and stickers to hand to passers-by. Most traffic was actually not on foot but by car, and many motorists tooted support as they passed.
There is a brief video of the event on EngageMedia.
For more on Friends of the Earth’s Anti-Nuclear and Clean Energy (ACE) campaign, visit

Closed for the duration ...

Closed for the duration ...

‘Community Presence’ at office of Victorian water minister Tim Holding, 6 February

Friends of the Earth issued a call for activists and community groups concerned about the Brumby government’s proposed answers to the growing water shortage – a desalination plant at Wonthaggi and a pipeline to bring water from the north- to demonstrate outside the electoral office of the minister responsible, Tim Holding. The call was answered not just by locals, but there was a passionate contingent also from Wonthaggi, as well as representatives of climate action groups around Melbourne. There were speakers, including Dave Kerin of Union Solidarity, Sue Bolton of Socialist Alliance, and Steven Cannon of Watershed Victoria, and the event was rounded off with live music.
There are photos from the action on the Foe website and here. The callout can be found here.
There are videos of the action and Dave Kerin’s speech on EngageMedia:

The action

Dave Kerin

Here are some photos:

Overview of the protest

Overview of the protest

Cam Walker addressing the gathering

Cam Walker addressing the gathering

Dave Kerin of Union Solidarity speaking

Dave Kerin of Union Solidarity speaking

A message from Friends of the Earth

A message from Friends of the Earth

The car that brought some of the protesters

The car that brought some of the protesters

Ask the people of Tuvalu ...

Ask the people of Tuvalu ...

One of the musicians - from Tuvalu ...

One of the musicians - from Tuvalu ...

Save the penguins too

Save the penguins too