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Tag Archives: financial crisis

#282 | Protest in front of the parliament comes under attack as austerity package is voted in

7,000-8,000 protesters gathered at Parliament Square (Syntagma) again tonight, while in the parliament PASOK government’s parliamentary majority together with the extreme right-wing party LAOS were approving their own (and IMF’s) new austerity package. At about 21.30 GMT+2 and without any obvious reason, riot police attacked the protesters: Some of the protesters are currently (22.00 GMT+2) gathering at the Polytechnic School building in Patision [...]

#248 | We don’t have a budget, we have rage

The news is coming in from corporate media outlets: wealthy Greeks are flocking to London, cash-in-hand, ready to buy million-pound houses in their attempt to transfer their bank deposits out of the country in time. “Budget? I don’t have a budget” declared one of them to a stunned estate-agent – he just wanted to get [...]

#233 | Kidnap your boss! A Greek première

Following the fine tradition of “boss kidnapping” in France and elsewhere, workers at the courier company INTERATTICA in Athens decided to take direct action today, when it was announced that the company was going bankrupt and that all 205 of them would be sacked with no compensation. Immediately, all exits to the company’s building were [...]

#228 | Carmen M. is not alone… (the irresistible rise of grassroots base syndicalism in Greece)

Demonstration in solidarity with Carmen M. called by the Waiters’ and Cooks’ Base Trade Union: Propylea, Athens March 30th at 6pm. Carmen M. is a member of the waiters’ and cooks’ base trade union (σωματείο σερβιτόρων μαγείρων). After returning from a short medical leave she was fired by her boss, Stelios Karezos, owner of VIA-VAI [...]

#223 | I Against I(MF)

A cab spinning on Syngrou Avenue. The driver is boasting on the phone about the ride he’s picked to the leafy, seaside suburb of Faliro. Faliro; tranquility and sea views, an island of quiet in an erratic city […] I’m feverish and after all the madness of the past few days the promise of a [...]

#216 | A communique circulated in athens and thessaloniki 11/3

Democracy There’s no escape. The big pricks are out. They’ll fuck everything in sight. Watch your back. Harold Pinter (He already said it on February 2003) In the historical point we are now the contradiction of capital is increasingly becoming clear worldwide. Proletarians around the world are in turmoil while their own reproduction becomes more [...]

#214 | 16 people detained in Athens today, nine of them face charges; videos of some of the arrests

16 people were detained in total in today’s demonstration; of these, nine will face charges (i.e. the detentions were turned into arrests) and will be held, most likely, until tomorrow, to appear before an attorney. Two videos of three of the detentions just outside the Athens University building of Propylea, from Athens IMC:

#213 | Photos from today’s general strike in Athens

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