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Event by Occupied London in NYC: Fascism, Crisis and Conflict in Greece

Fascism, Crisis and Conflict in Greece, a talk and dicussion with Dimitris Dalakoglou of Occupied London Collective

Since 2010, Europe is going through a profound crisis of its capitalist establishment. Greece is in the centre of that crisis. Unemployment and poverty prevails while class war has been declared on the society by the elites.

The neo-Nazis of Golden Dawn were brought in the scene by the establishment in order to scare the people who may resist. Recently the government arrested the leadership of Golden Dawn, but most of them were mysteriously released.

What shape does the crisis take these days in Europe? How does neo-Nazism fit in that image? What are the skeletons in the closet of the Greek government?

Saturday, Oct. 6 2o13, at 20:00
The Base in Brooklyn
1302 Myrtle Ave and Stockholm
Central Ave M Subway Stop

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