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Monthly Archives: October 2013

Let’s get done with the system that breeds fascism – An interview with Dimitris Kousouris

via Reinform NL Dimitris Kousouris is one of the first political victims of Golden Dawn attacks. On June 16th, 1998, in a café outside the courts of Athens, he was attacked brutally by a group of Golden Dawn members. He had to go through a difficult brain surgery and he barely escaped death. The attackers [...]

Event by Occupied London in NYC: Fascism, Crisis and Conflict in Greece

Fascism, Crisis and Conflict in Greece, a talk and dicussion with Dimitris Dalakoglou of Occupied London Collective Since 2010, Europe is going through a profound crisis of its capitalist establishment. Greece is in the centre of that crisis. Unemployment and poverty prevails while class war has been declared on the society by the elites. The [...]

Against fascism (via docupraxi)

via docupraxi

Athens, October 1st: Anti-fascists march through Agios Panteleimonas and by the Villa Amalias building

Approximately 700 anti-fascists marched through central Athens today, down Acharnon Street, through Agios Panteleimonas and by the Villa Amalias building. The demonstration had been called by the “anti-fascists in neighbourhoods of central Athens”. The demonstration ended at Victoria square; people distributed texts and put up posters. The multicultural neighbourhoods of central Athens were vibrated by [...]