Welcome to MonkeyWrench Books Online, your collectively-owned and operated radical bookstore

MonkeyWrench Books is an all volunteer, collectively-run radical bookstore in North Austin. We provide an extensive collection of radical literature and media, prioritizing books, magazines, movies and zines that you won't find at your average corporate bookstore. MonkeyWrench is more than a bookstore. It's a place for meetings, film screenings, workshops, benefits, book readings and performances. The store facilitates greater interaction among individuals and organizations working toward social and economic justice. It's a place where both experienced organizers and people new to political activism can find support, information, and a range of progressive viewpoints. It's also a relaxed space to network and make connections over a cup of organic coffee or tea. At Monkey Wrench, we put theory into practice in the way we're organized. Since 2002, the store has been collectively owned and operated in a manner consistent with our vision of a just world without hierarchical domination. In other words, we have no bosses. Decisions are made collectively using consensus process, and members of the collective are empowered to exercise creativity on individual projects. The bookstore is maintained by volunteers who believe in the importance of establishing alternatives to corporate capitalism, built on the values of cooperation, solidarity, equity and self-management. Through strategic alliances with our community allies, we strive to create a vibrant, independent Left culture in Austin.
Monthly Sustainers

At the Wrench, we work hard to make sure that our store can keep it's doors open. Between a thousand a month in rent, taxes and  utilities, it can sometimes be difficult to keep our shelves brimming with all your favorite redical liturature. If you want to help us out, we gladly accept monthly sustainers. Getting a fixed amount of money every month really helps us to plan what we can and can't do with the store. If you want to be listed on this site as one of our sustainers, you can also tell us what name to put it under. In addition to helping out the store, you also get some sweet benefits when you come in:

  • $5 monthly - 10% discount on all books, MWB mug/button/magnet, free coffee whenever
  • $10 monthly - 15% discount on all books, MWB mug/button/magnet/shirt, free coffee
  • $15 monthly - 20% discount on all books/posters, MWB mug/button/magnet/shirt, free coffee, one free ticket to our big benefit parties/dinners
  • $20 monthly - 20% discount on all books/posters, MWB mug/button/magnet/shirt, free coffee, free organizer or calendar, two free tickets to our big benefit parties/dinners

Thanks so much!

Monthly amount
Name for our sustainer's page?