Cat Has Had the Time of His Life

    thin line

    Our Daily Bleed...

Annotated Sources for the Daily Bleed Calendar.

The Daily Bleed, A Miscellany

When I first began this project in 1997 it was a rather casual affair & tracking it's development & growth never occurred to me.

Many readers are curious where I've gotten all my material, & it seems worthwhile to cite, so I have begun to reconstruct things, odds & ends, as best I can.

I was also lax in tracking or crediting my sources, so this page is an effort to rectify this. This has become especially useful as I've discovered many original dates & materials proved erroneous or flawed. As questionable materials have been corrected, vetted, clarified or otherwise verified, maintaining substantiating references has become more critical.

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Other Internet sites where the Daily Bleed gets used: Links, Internet Appearances, Influences, etc.


23 Apr 2002 From: Administrator Anarvisty Organization: / (no longer online as of 2005)

Hi David, Your Daily Bleed is a featured site of the week at
Greetings, Piero 2002-04-23 przeczyta³em: > Your links page at >
[poprzednie strony ]
Poprostu poleca witrynê tygodnia:
The Daily Bleed: Kalendarium wa¿nych i radykalnych wydarzeñ. Moc
historii wywrotowych ruchów spo³ecznych, sztuki, literatury, pracy, etc. - coœ jak
Agenda z PoProstu, tyle, ¿e znacznie szersze.
[ ]

Excerpts originally appeared on their "Agenda" page.

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Where the Daily Bleed gets used: Links, Internet Appearances, Influences, etc.

Recovered History: An American Time Line

cites "Thanks to the Daily Bleed"
See their timeline pages at the Progressive Review:

Daily Bleed material is excerpted & featured at: Anarchy Now!; Jay's Leftist & 'Progressive' Internet Resources Directory

The Daily Bleed also maintains an email subscription list (about 600 subscribers in April 2006 ), sent out daily with excerpts from the web page, along with updates.

Some individuals have set the Daily Bleed as their Home Page in their web browsers (there is a generic "today" page link, which is updated daily for just this purpose), automatically providing the current day's web page. A few Middle & High School classes use it as a "people's history", in both the US & in England.

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L'Ephéméride Anarchiste

L'Ephéméride Anarchiste, the largest calendar of anarchist events (until the Daily Bleed) in the world, in French. Includes some background information, but few external links to other additional sources.

Early on (1997 or 98?), I used L'Ephéméride Anarchiste as a source for much of the anarchist history cited in the Bleed, copying all their entries into the Daily Bleed database, then translating them.

L'Ephéméride Anarchiste also provides a linked index to their calendar, & I used this as the basis for my own Anarchist Encyclopedia, & then began enhancing with additional names, dedicated pages, translations, more informative links or links in English, or those dedicated to the individuals, groups or events cited.

We continue periodically to exchange updates & corrections affecting our entries.

Ephéméride Anarchiste

Le Libertaire Chronologie covers 1915-1956. Extensive dates & miscellaneous related documents, as well as a massive collection of materials from it's archives. Began incorporating this chronology into the Bleed in 2005, either as new material or as confirmation of existing dates & events.
Le Libertaire (1915-1956)

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Mikhail Bakunin,

The Bakunin Timeline, at Anarchy Archives, while sketchy, provides most of the dates & events cited in the Daily Bleed.
This Timeline has been translated into other languages & a good search engine will locate these.

See also 'Milestones in Bakunin's Life' in Robert M. Cutler (ed.) The Basic Bakunin: Writings 1869-1871 (Buffalo: Prometheus Books, 1992) which provides some specific dates (Julien Calendar) not in the timeline at Anarchy Archives.

Some dates in James Guillaume's "Michael Bakunin" A Biographical Sketch Written: August 1907" [in Bakunin on Anarchy, translated & edited by Sam Dolgoff, 1971]

Other Bakunin references, see our own Bakunin Pages from the Anarchist Encyclopedia & also:

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Emma Goldman

The two best sites for extensive materials for Emma are: The Emma Goldman Papers Project & The Anarchy Archives. Dates cited in the Daily Bleed are mostly from the Goldman Papers Project, & are usually identified with this ? red hot chili pepper (clicking on the image in the Bleed pages results in this source entry being loaded). The dates from their chronology were entered or verified 2000-May 2002, with a few minor additions & corrections from other various other printed or online sources.

Links to these sites are in the Emma Goldman Page in the Anarchist Encyclopedia at,

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Peter Kropotkin

Anarchy Archives' Kropotkin Chronology, year by year, with very few specific dates.

Anarchy Archives' has an impressive in-depth Kropotkin Bibliography with specific dates & links to many texts of Kropotkin's works they have online.

See also our own Peter Kropotkin Page at

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Anarchist, useful primary & secondary sources

Bulletin of the Kate Sharpley Library

Magazine with reviews, articles online, featuring little-known or wrongly forgotten individuals.

I periodically plumb the pages for dates, names, events, etc. Currently (2006) the first 28 are not online, but will soon be restored.

Index Page for the Bulletin of the Kate Sharpley Library

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Spanish Revolution & the Spanish Civil War of 1936 (July 1936-April 1939)

Anarchist chronology, in The Friends of Durruti Group: 1937-39, Agustin Guillamón, Translated by Paul Sharkey, AK Press

AK Press has put this book online at the Spunk Library; dates & information are used in the Bleed regards the Spanish Revolution & Civil War

Introduction & chronology, Friends of Durruti Group

See also the "Chronology of the War" which accompanies the Southworth Poster Collection at The Visual Front pages at the University of California at San Diego,

Also referenced is The Modern American Poetry site, which has an extensively detailed Chronology of the Spanish Civil War (Emphasizing the Lincoln Battalion Involvement), The Anarchy Now! provides links to many texts along with a small list of recommended books.

Barcelona 1917- 1923; Crònica, by Manel Aisa

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SI dingbat Situationist International / Internationale Situationniste

Two major Situationist sources of dates, images &/or information, quotes & primary texts are Ken Knabb's Bureau of Public Secrets & The Situationist International Archives maintained by

Two others, for primary materials, are Situationist International Online, & Situationist International maintained by Not Bored.

For dates cited in the Daily Bleed I have primarily used the detailed chronology at Situationist International Online.

(Adapted & expanded from Jean-Jacques Raspaud & Jean-Pierre Voyer, L'Internationale Situationniste: Chronologie, bibliographie, protagonistes (avec un index des noms insulté) (Paris: Champ Libre, 1972); Christophe Bourseiller, Vie et mort de Guy Debord (Paris: Plon, 1999); & Guy Debord, Correspondance (volumes 1, 2 & 3) (Paris: Arthème Fayard, 1999 , 2001 & 2003).


Much reference material is now accessible on various Wikipedia pages, such as,

There are many other sites with materials in languages other than English, & useful or secondary sites of interest in English which any decent search engine will locate.

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Anarchist (French)

Louise Michel Chronologie

Chronologie de la vie de Louise Michel, in French, very detailed. The site also includes articles & poetry by Michel, as well as material about her.

Chronologie de la vie de Louise Michel

Related: in Italian, see Centro Studi Louise Michel; in English, see short article with many dates, Workers Solidarity No 55

See also Edith Thomas, Louise Michel; ou, La Vellada de l'anarchie; translated into English as Louise Michel, (Black Rose Books, 1980) 443pp.

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Sacco & Vanzetti

The Sacco & Vanzetti Trial: A Chronology at the Famous American Trials site by Doug Linder is quite detailed. The site has an excellent collection of links to related sites, a bibliography, graphics & other materials.

The Sacco Vanzetti Project was an in-depth resource, including many graphics, & had a detailed Sacco & Vanzetti Chronology. The site appears to have folded in August 2005, but we have a copy of the page archived:
Additionally, we have posted our own Sacco & Vanzetti Timeline from our Daily Bleed pages

The @ infoshop Sacco & Vanzetti Memorial page has a short overview with suggested readings & a large collection of links to online resources.

In Italian, Sacco e Vanzetti La Storia site has in-depth background & examination of the case, with some graphic materials, & also a chronology.

See also

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Anarchist (Spain)

Historical Encyclopaedia of Spanish Anarchism by Miguel Iñiguez, a large collection excerpted, translated & published online, in English, online by Christie Books.

Diccionari de Sindicats, Sindicalistes i de la Història del Moviment Obrer de Catalunya (dels orígens fins l'any 1939).

Databases of regional, national & international Congresses: socialist, anarchist & communist. Includes listing of some participants. In Catalan, much detailed material on individuals & events in Spain. This site has also diaries, bibliographies & an extensive biographical section of syndicalists based on Diccionari Biogràfic del Moviment Obrer als Països Catalans. .

Cronologia dels Congressos, Obrers, Internacionals; Diccionari de Sindicats, Sindicalistes i de la Història del Moviment Obrer de Catalunya, etc.

Congressos Obrers Internacionals Archive

Extensive chronological list of anarchist, communist, socialist & radical labor congresses

Ateneo Libertario Virtual has an extensive listing of Mujeres anarquistas & Mujeres Libres members, many with dedicated pages.

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Source: Max Nettlau, Errico Malatesta: The Biography of an Anarchist. See:

See also the Anarchist Encyclopedia page,

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Anarchist (Italian)

Basta! Bisogna Abolire lo STAto! Crimini e Misfatti dello stato italiano dalle origini ai giorni nostri

Detailed chronology of the development of the Italian state, with emphasis on its criminal origins & activities. Includes an excellent & extensive bibliography of book sources.


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Chronology of The Angry Brigade

From Angry Brigade: Documents and Chronology, 1967-1984

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Pietro Gori Chronology

Italian language chronology by Franco Bertolucci, first seen August 2004; this chronology fully incorporated into the Daily Bleed for events I did not previously have; some dates & events already in the Bleed were further corroborated for accuracy.
In early 2005 this was no longer online, so I have republished my archived copy of the page at the Stan Iverson Archives.


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Anarchist (Spanish)


Spanish language chronology by Eduard Galindo i Jara, brief entries with pertinent dates. There are other informative pages (bibliography, background, short biographies, etc) relating the CNT & its history at this site.


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Anarchist, useful primary & secondary sources

See the Chronology in Albert Meltzer's I Couldn't Paint Golden Angels

Very useful for "guerilla" groups & events in England & Spain. Much related to the "Angry Brigade"

I Couldn't Paint Golden Angels

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Anarchist (French)

Le Libertaire (1917-1956)

The Le Libertaire (1917-1956) is quite detailed, with several pages of dates & includes events worldwide.

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Anarchist (British)

Slow Burning Fuse

The Slow Burning Fuse: The Lost History of the British Anarchists, byJohn Quail (London: Paladin Books, 1978). Useful book, about half the chapters are accessible online, part of an interesting collection at John Gray's site.


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Anarchist (Italian)

Alle radici dell’anarchismo modenese

Nice collection of biographical materials, many with scarce photos.


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Anarchist (French)

Catalogue général des éditions et collections anarchistes francophones (CGÉCA)

CGÉCA is a large cataloguing of French anarchist authors (3200+), titles (4770+), etc., referenced from CIRA de Lausanne, CIRA de Marseille, IIHS, Musée social & elsewhere; includes some short useful biographical entries.

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Anarchist, useful primary & secondary sources

People's History, large collection of "Biographical & historical information on individuals who have fought to change the world, & important figures in world history". Their pages include many other articles on regional movements, labor history, insurrections, organizations, cultural movements & more.

I periodically plumb the pages for dates, names, events, etc.

People's History

Pip Wilson's Almanac

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Anarchist (Latin America)

Anarchism in Brazil & Portugal

I've been chasing the Brazilian Arquivo De História Social by Edgar Rodrigues for years as they moved, disappeared & reappeared & seemingly permanently disappeared from the Internet in January 2006. In July 2006 some of the main materials appear to have found new or mirrored sites at various locations (in addition to those I was able to archive & mirror). Current links to those sites, & materials I was able to previously archive are included here to ensure online access. These archives include:

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Anarchist (Mexican) Massive & useful collection of early 20th century historical documents & related contemporary articles.

La Casa del Obrero Mundial; origin & a chronology.
El programa del Partido Liberal Mexicano de 1906 y sus antecedentes. Recopilación, notas, captura y diseño, Chantal López y Omar Cortés (edición cibernética)

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A Short Chronology of Japanese American History
Adapted from Japanese American History: An A-to-Z Reference from 1868 to the Present
Edited by Brian Niiya (New York: Facts-on-File, 1993). Online:

Also useful are "America's Concentration Camps Links", & the "Chonology of WWII Incarceration" at the Civil Liberties Archives & Study Center pages online:
PBS currrently has documentary material (unfortunately they have a history of removing their pages from the internet after some period),

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Vanessa Collection Chronology

Large chronology of radical, cultural & labor oriented events, I discovered this unique collection of materials sometime in 2001 at & copied & dispersed all the dates to the Bleed database. I have absolutely no recollection of this online source, & it quickly disappeared into a cyberspace black hole. As I continue update the Daily Bleed web pages in 2002 with these materials it was obviously large & unique, as I rarely find any similar references online to the material it provided.

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Insurgent Radio Kiosk

Provides a daily podcast of events & short informative background commentary. Neglected or little known American events, with a variety of topics, from abuse of Native Americans, to Feminism, labor, etc.

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Karol, K. S., China. The Other Communism includes "A Brief Chronology of China Since 1915". I have scanned this chronology, & will put online in the near future in the Stan Iverson Memorial Archives.

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San Franciso History Archive

Provides extensive, & informative Rock music & related events from around the Bay area during the 1960s. The Chronology of San Francisco Rock is very detailed with many useful links.
[The sponsoring site, The Museum of the City of San Francisco, has many other useful subject articles of interest,]

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The Whole World Was Watching: An oral history of 1968, includes a 1968 Timeline of some major events

Includes contextual background material, & some subsequent events are referenced in the text

"Remembering May 1968's "Days of the Barricades"" provides a sense of the global impact of the May events, along with links & reading suggestions,

Metropole's A Chronology of 'May '68' provides an overview of French events, primarily of the government during the upheavals

A lengthy piece from an anarchist/workerist perspective is of interest, "France: The general strike of 1968"

A major failure of most materials (including these above) on the May events in 1968 is their failure to understand or present the importance of the influence of the Internationale Situationistes; see our links above,
[Situationist Resources]

The Columbia University occupations are detailed by a participant at

See also the "Columbia '68" page,

Chicago '68: A Chronology, by Dean Blobaum is quite useful & detailed.

Along with his own material, he includes links, a bibliography & links to related sites.

Famous American Trials: "The Chicago Seven" Trial 1969 - 1970 has an excellent in-depth page, with detailed chronology, graphics, bibliograpy, etc.

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Pirate Radio Kiosk | List of Micropower Stations | Micropower Links

Pirate Radio Kiosk has an extensive chronological list of US government attacks on micropower radio stations, as well as current news

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Dick Nixon, Used Car Salesman, crook, liar, cheat, a man without honor, a disgrace to his country.
An excellent site for detailed pages on Nixon, based on the Nixon transcripts, was at; they have disappeared from the Web in 2003, but someone has mirrored those pages, & put them online, then they reappeared about a year or so later:

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A West Virginia Chronology
Includes numerous labor events & dates. This page is no longer online, but a copy of a cached version is mirrored at the Stan Iverson Archives.

Also extremely informative, with many dates, is "West Virginia's Mine Wars", compiled by the West Virginia State Archives:

See also

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Online resource useful for dates & background of US labor events.
An Eclectic List of Events in U.S. Labor History compiled by Allen Lutins

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May — Labor History Month, Compiled by William J. Adelman, Vice-President of the Illinois Labor History Society
A list of historical events that happened in the month of May.

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Seattle General Strike Chronology, from Sinan Demirel's thesis, The Roots of Large-Scale Collective Action: Tacoma and the Seattle General Strike, University of Washington, 1995.!/time.html

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Luddite Chronology, found on the internet & archived as a web page (Jan 2000), in the Stan Iverson Archives

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"This Month in Labor History",
Detailed resource with a timeline for labor events, especially relating to the TWU (Transport Workers Union of America).

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Literary Sources

LitCal. The original Internet Literary Calendar.
Apparently the first Internet Literary Calendar, begun in 1995 by Timothy Ervin. An early source for many literary dates in the Daily Bleed. Reciprocally, in the grand spirit of "take from the web, give to the web," BleedMeister made a number of contributions & a few corrections of error. An excellent resource, though dates are not always reliable since readers make many contributions which are not always vetted for accuracy.

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Literary Sources

Kenneth Rexroth, great writer, poet & social critic.

Kenneth Rexroth is cited throughout the Daily Bleed, & the best source for online texts is Ken Knabb's "Rexroth Archive Texts".

In addition Ken has generously donated some of Rexroth's books to me for reference & quoting in the Daily Bleed.
Ken Knabb is the author of The Relevance of Rexroth (1990) & is literally a one-man band whom we may thank for keeping that "relevance" alive & accessible.
Also very informative is Rexroth's An Autobiographical Novel for dates, names & events, particularly of a political/cultural context. Rexroth provides a rather unique explication of converging sensibilities, where most American politicos or cultural figures sadly do not, save perhaps Emma Goldman & Paul Goodman.

For more on Rexroth, see also the Anarchist Encyclopedia's Kenneth Rexroth Page, which some day will perhaps do him justice as I add new material.

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Literary Sources

The Jack Kerouac Chronology.

Kerouac dates are cited throughout the Daily Bleed, & my primary source is the massively detailed chronology, an ongoing project at Cosmic Baseball Research Alliance (COBRA). It is an attempt to build a chronology of events related to Jack Kerouac's life and work. Kerouac is considered the "father" of the Beat Generation. He is credited with the development and practice of "spontaneous bop prosody" a literary technique akin to jazz and automatic writing. A vanguard writer, Kerouac's importance to 20th century literature is undisputed. Additonally this site includes Kerouac-related Links & a References page.

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Databases: Sharing, Donated & Swaps

Reclaim Our History - Eat the State!
1998? We swapped about 5,000 entries with 5,000 entries from Eat the State!, thanks to Geov Parrish, who had originally gone through books while laid up in the hospital, putting dates & events on 3x5 cards, then online to feature as "Reclaim our History"

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Databases: Sharing, Donated & Swaps

Calendar Riots
This was a British online endeavor which eventually ran out of steam & disappeared from the internet; I was contacted by someone involved in that project, who kindly sent me a complete copy of their daily calendar, with entries for an entire year. I began entering these in the Bleed database on a daily basis in 2001 & completed this on May 4, 2002.
Some of their material I already had, some they appear to have gotten from the Bleed, but overall there was much new or original material (well over 300 events).

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Graphic Resources:

James Koehnline, collage artist extraordinaire:

Jim Koehline (pronounced Kenline) is a longtime collage artist, best known for his print collages. In recent years he has also incorporated computer technology into his work, experimenting & applying cutting edge possiblities.

Jim currently maintains some of this multimedia work online at his domain at

Jim's print work is reproduced at his "Jubilee Garden & Millenium Memorial Meme Museum", at,

Jim also began the Autonomedia Calendar of Jubilee Saints. The Saints & Jubilee events are one of the structural mainstays of the Daily Bleed, & the historical dates from that calendar are also incorporated. Interestingly, Jim created many of his own Jubilee "events" & holidays, many of which are now incorporated into calendars all over the internet. Self-fulfilling prophesies, indeed...

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Printed Sources & Individual Contributions


  • Autonomedia Calendar (updated & published annually, 1996-to present)
  • 1982 Cucumber Salad Calendar (Left Bank Books, 1981)
  • 1984 Anti-Authoritarian Calendar (Left Bank Books, 1983)
  • IWW Calendar (multiple years); Solidarity Bookshop Calendar (Chicago, published in the early 1970s);
  • L'Ephéméride Anarchiste, a fine online calendar of anarchist events & people, in French, as noted above.
  • Calendar Riots (was online; now defunct, they donated their dates (over 500 as I recall) & material to the Daily Bleed).


  • Jeremy Brecher, Strike! (SF: Straight Arrow Books, 1972; Reissued by South End Press); Eduardo Galeano, Memory of Fire trilogy (some dates from the books are also online at the Galeano site); see also the Stan Iverson Archives

    Individual Contributions

  • Sylvie Kashdan & Robby Barnes, longtime researchers & publishers (Charlatan Stew) provided the inspiration & bulk of the dates for the two calendars published by Left Bank Books (see above): I matched or added all the dates with hundreds of 3x5 cards they did, plus added dates that others in the Left Bank Collective provided, particularly by Sue Letsinger & David Brown (yours truly).

  • Piero in Poland (provided many dates corrections, & clarifications of Polish dates & events; no easy task with historical borders akin to a rubber band).

  • Chronologist Robert Braunwart provides meticulous corrections, as well as contributing dates & events. He maintains a massive private database, created over a 15 year period, of over 500,000(!) dates & events which he has kindly allowed me access for selecting items for the Daily Bleed. (Robert has painstakingly verified dates & information. If you have occasion to use his dates, attribution is requested.)

  • Ken Knabb provides many corrections of error & omission, as well as references & links. He also donated books by Kenneth Rexroth to aid in providing references & quotes in the Daily Bleed. Aside from authoring a number of books, he maintains a fine & carefully assembled archive of documents from the Situationist International & Kenneth Rexroth (Bureau of Public Secrets).

  • Thanks to who typed & provided text regarding events involving the Modoc Indians.
  • Research on Anarchism: Many on RA's subscription list -- scholars, librarians, writers & a couple deadbeats such as myself -- have been extremely helpful & generous with their time when I've appealed for help with questions.

  • Many other individual & collective sources have also provided ample source material & help...Many have kept me honest (more or less), raising questions about dates, events, & various statements. Many errors from various sources have thus been corrected. Too numerous to mention, some folks are credited, many not. Where feasible I will credit many over time as best possible.

    This effort, as is apparent, is truly a collective project, rather than that of any one individual. Thank you, Thank you....

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    I often find Internet resources I don't have time to fully explore, noted here for future reference. Some don't lend themselves for use in the Daily Bleed, but you may also find these of interest. In no particular order:

    The People's Embassy page from New Zealand includes the Working Class Encyclopedia (2,500 entries), Biographies, Timeline, Quotes, & interesting literary material worked in.

    German page, with English version, searchable Environmental historical database, with many dates of events/actions,

    In Polish, Kontrapunkt Istoria/Anarharisticki Kalendar is of interest,


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    Page updated & links verified April 2003; March 2004; June 2004, June 2005, March 2006; link added December 2006; link check May 2010

    anti-CopyRite 1997-3000, more or less
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    or send questions, suggestions, additions, corrections to:
    BleedMeister David Brown

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    The Daily Bleed is freely produced by Recollection Used Books

    anarchist, labor, radical books

    See also: Anarchist Encyclopedia
    Stan Iverson Memorial Library
    Anarchist Time Line / Chronology

    Visitors since May 29, 2005