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The Anarchist Encyclopedia:
A Gallery of Saints & Sinners ...

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Leonora Carrington
Born April 6, 1917, in Clayton Green, Lancashire, England. Her Irish mother was the daughter of a country doctor; her English father an industrialist. She first discovered Max Ernst in an illustration in a book by Herbert Read. When she met the older artist in 1937, she decided to live with him.

Carrington painting"The task of the right eye is to peer into the telescope, while the left eye peers into the microscope."

--, Hungry Flower Surrealist page includes extensive Leonora Carrington reference materials & links
--, Leonora Carrington page by Daniel M. Germán, with biography, chronology, exhibit of paintings
--, Mexican Arts in New York, exhibition online notice, June, 1998-April 20, 1999
--, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art; included a bibliography 5-p. Listing of books by and about LC+ (no longer online)
--, book cover, The Hearing Trumpet
--, book cover, reproducing The Giantess, c. 1950
--, interview with Paul De Angelis 8 pp., from EL PASEANTE 17, ed. Nadine Van Hasselt (no longer online)
--, four prints, 1977 Intro, portrait, 4tn

Painting, tetraptic

Individual Images, in Chronological Order

--, *The Inn of the Dawn Horse (self portrait) 1936-1936
--, *The Meal of Lord Candlestick, 1938
--, *Portrait of Max Ernst, 1939
--, Green Tea, 1942
--, The House Opposite, 1945
--, The Love Which Moves the Sun and the Other Stars, 1946
--, *Temptation of Saint Anthony, 1946
--,* The Temptation of St. Anthony, 1947[?]
--, Night, Nursery, Everything, 1947
--, Portrait of Mme Dupin, 1947
--, Tuesday, 1947/1987
--, Portrait of the Late Mrs. Partridge, 1947
--, Saint John's Mule, 1947
--, Bird Pong, 1949
--, The Hour of the Angelus, 1949
--, Ferret Race, 1950
--, Dar Vault, c. 1950
--, *The Giantess, ca. 1950
--,*The Giantess, c. 1950 (as book cover, with superimposed lettering)
--, The Casting of the Runes, 1951
--, *Samain, 1951
--, Le Bon Roi Dagobert (The Last Carol or The Elk Horn), 1952
--, Step-sister's Hen (or Marigold, Marigold, Tell Me Your Answer Do), 1952
--, *And Then We Saw the Daughter of the Minotaur, 1953
--, Are You Really Syrious?,1953
--, *Temple of the Word, 1954
--, Nunscape at Manzanillo, 1956
--, Who Art Thou, White Face?, 1959
--, The Magus Zoroaster Meeting His Own Image in the Garden (Brothers in Babylon), 1960
--, Bird Alchemy, 1963
--, The Magic World of the Mayas, 1965-1966
--, Noah's Ark, 1967
--, The Ancestor, 1968
--, The Daring Young Men on the Purple Balloon, 1970
--, Cocodrilos, lithograph, 1974
--, The Horsemen/Jinetes, lithograph, 1977
--, Mula's Ox, lithograph, 1977
--, Took My Way Down/Like a Messenter/To the Deep, 1977
--, Argument, lithograph, 1978
--, Sunday/Domingo, lithograph, 1978
--, *Big Badger Meets the Domino Boys, 1986
--, The Lovers, 1987
--, March Sunday, 1990
--, Tower of Nagas, 1991

“Do you believe,” she went on, “that the past dies?”

“Yes,” said Margaret. “Yes, if the present cuts its throat.”

Leonora Carrington

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