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Oriol Sole Sugranyes, anarchist
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Oriol Solé Sugranyes (19?-1976)

Oriol Sole Sugranyes, Spanish anarchist member of the MIL, & former Centro Iberico activist.

Oriol Sole Sugranyes was shot dead following his escape along with Resistance prisoners (all ETA members but him) from a Segovia jail.

alt; Oriol Solé
Spank the Bank!
Oriol Solé. Member of the MIL (Iberian Liberation Movement), anarchist group which practised political expropriations (bank attacks), with Salvador Puig Antich, Jean-Marc Rouillan, etc, in Spain during the 1970s, then still a complete fascist dicatatorship under Franco.

July 23, 1974, Sole is condemned by the conseil de guerre to 48 years in prison. Imprisoned in Segovia, he escapes along with some 30 ETA members on April 6, 1976.

A few hours later he was cut down by the Guardia Civil at the point of crossing the Franco-Spanish border.

Related links:

Timeline from Albert Meltzer's I Couldn't Paint Golden Angels

See also article at the Kate Sharpley Library,

In French, see the Ephéméride anarchiste Calendar

Last updated September 2004, October 2005

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