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Marc Pierrot, anarchiste
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Marc Pierrot lives (1871-1950)

Doctor of medicine, anarchist propagandist. Born in Nevers, France, June 23, 1871; died February 19, 1950.

Marc Pierrot joined the "Etudiants Socialistes Révolutionnaires Internationalistes" (ESRI) in 1891, while a medical student in Paris. After receiving his doctorate in 1896 he continued as an agitator, promoting anarchism & revolutionary syndicalism, writing for Jean Grave's "Temps Nouveaux" & publishing many booklets.

Mobilized in 1914, Pierrot served as a doctor in Serbia, & was a signatory to the "Manifesto of the Sixteen" ("Manifeste des seize," [1916]), favoring the allies during the war.

Following WWI, in 1919, he began publishing, anew, "Temps Nouveaux", as well as the review "Plus Loin" (Further), which appeared until 1939, & counted among its collaborators his friend Paul Reclus.

Pierrot also participated on Sébastien Faure's "l'Encyclopédie anarchiste," went to Spain in 1936 to aid the revolution there, & was active in the SIA (International Solidarity Antifascist), founded by Louis Lecoin.

During WWII he was denounced as a Jew (though his wife was Jewish, he was not) & was interned until his release in 1944 at Compiègne.

Marc Pierrot died February 19, 1950, & his daughter Cécile collected & republished some of his writings in the book Quelques études sociales (1970).

"Les aspirations humaines vers la liberté sont impérissables. Et c'est la garantie que l'anarchie de quelque étiquette qu'on la revête, ne disparaîtra jamais."

"Plus loin," June 1932