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William Charles Owen William Charles Owen

(February 16, 1854 - July 9, 1929)

Anglo-American militant & anarchist individualist propagandist.

Biographical/historical note :

Member of the International Workmen's Association. Discovers the writings of Kropotkin & becomes his translator.

Corresponds with the newspaper of the socialist league of William Morris in England. In 1890, in New York, with Italian Saverio Merlino he joins the league.

Collaborates with the newspaper "Free Society" & Emma Goldman's "Mother Earth."

In 1911, he takes part in the Magon brothers' newspaper "Regeneracion", & corresponds with the international libertarian press. He also published his own newspaper "Land & Liberty" (1914-15).

Owen evolved, under the influence of Benjamin Tucker, to anarchist individualism. During WWI he went to England where he took part in the newspaper "Freedom" & in 1926 withdrew to a small co-operative colony close to Storrington (Sussex).

Translator & author of several booklets.


Page created July 2002; updated 2009

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