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Simone Larcher Simone Larcher, (1903-1969)

French anarchist, proofreader, antimilitarist.

Simone Larcher (true name Rachel Willissek) was born April 30, 1903, in Oise.

Jailed for distributing the anitmilitarist booklet "Crosse en l'air".

With her companion Louis Louvet she published the newspaper "L'anarchie" (taking the title from the paper originally founded by Libertad), which published until 1929.

Both were involved, from 1927 to 1937, in organizing the debates of the "Causeries Populaires" (Sebastien Faure, Han Ryner, Jeanne & Eugene Humbert, & many others participated in these), & the publication which grew from this, the quarterly review "Controverse".

Simone Larcher became a proofreader in 1928 (a time when press proofers was a macho bastion) & was the first woman on the trade-union committee of the correctors in 1941.

Following the war she collaborated on the newspaper "Ce qu'il faut dire" (C.Q.F.D), undertook giving a series of talks, & wrote the booklet "La renaissance libertaire".

Separated from Louis Louvet in 1947, Larcher drifted from active involvement in the anarchist movement, but maintained friendships with many libertarians, such as May Picqueray & Maurice Laisant, until her death April 10, 1969, in Lozere.

page created September 2001; links updated April 2006

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