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Jean Grave

(October 16, 1854 - December 8, 1939)

Temps Nouveaux; source l'ephemeride anarchiste
A cover of the "Temps Nouveaux",
illustrated by Delannoy


Important activist in the French anarchist movement. Involved with Élisée Reclus' "Révolté". Initially a socialist, he became an anarchist after 1880 and a popularizer of Kropotkin's ideas.

In 1892 Grave wrote La société mourante et l'anarchie, prefaced by Octave Mirbeau, for which he was sentenced to two years in prison. Mirbeau, like Elisee Recluse, Paul Adam, and Bernard Lazare had testified in Grave's behalf, but to no avail.

In 1895 he began publishing "Les temps nouveaux," which was influential in literary & artistic circles of the time. Many reputed artists (such Aristide Delannoy, Maximilien Luce, Paul Signac, Alexandre Steinlen, Van Rysselberghe, Camille Pissarro, Van Dongen, George Willaume, etc.) illustrated and helped to finance the review.

In 1914 Grave joined Kropotkin in England, and incurred the wrath of antiwar anarchists by signing the "Proclamation of the 16," which favored the allies during WWI.

Grave also wrote Mouvement libertaire sous la IIIe république.

See: Les Temp Nouveau cover

Les Temps nouveaux (1895-1914) by Aline Dardel, Collection "Les dossiers du musée d'Orsay" #17 R.M.N., 1987, 64 pages  


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