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Andre Girard (known as Max Buhr).
Anarchist militant & trade unionist.
Born 23 March 23, 1860, in Bordeaux; died 8 April 1942.

Employed with the Prefecture of Police, Andre Girard was fired following the discovery of his collaboration with the anarchist press, particularly with "Temps nouveaux" published by Jean Grave, with whom he was friends.

Girard became a proofreader & militant trade unionist. Following the anarchist congress held in Paris, in August 1913, he was one of eight members designated to found a new anarchist-communist federation.

In 1915, with Charles Benoît, Girard totally rejected, as did most of the anarchist movement, the "Manifesto of the 16", in the booklet, Un désaccord. (Issued during WWI, the "Manifesto" sided in favor of the Allies, a position argued by Peter Kropotkin & Jean Grave)

Girard also collaborated in Sebastien Faure's "Ce qu'il faut dire," & then wrote for "L'avenir international" (1918-1920).

The author of many booklets, in 1922 Andre Girard joined the CGTU, but remained faithful to anarchism until his last days.

In French, see

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