The Anarchist Encyclopedia from the Daily Bleed: A Gallery of Saints & Sinners...
Anarchy Man!

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The Anarchist Encyclopedia:
A Gallery of Saints & Sinners ...

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// -- Alberto Ghiraldo page; from the Daily Bleed's Anarchist Encyclopedia

Alberto Ghiraldo, anarquista; source

Alberto Ghiraldo

One of the most notable intellectuals active in Argentine anarchist circles in the early 20th century was the playwright, poet & journalist Alberto Ghiraldo. He was at first close to the young people who formed Ruben Darío's coterie at the end of the l9th century & joined anarchist circles in 1900, when he took up editing the anarchist literary magazines Martín Fierro & El Sol; from 1904, he was editor of La Protesta.

"No hay país donde el anarquismo...."

Biographical/historical notes:

Alberto Ghiraldo book; source "- ¡Ajajá! Y ya estamos en plena revolución, ¿verdad?
- ¿Y por qué no? ¿Quién puede adivinar lo que produzca una chispa?
- ¡Ah, criollo ignorante y bárbaro!
- ¿Bárbaro? Puede. Pero para mí que los bárbaros, los ignorantes son ellos, los que solo hacen las cosas a medias…"

El rebelde, Febrero 10 de 1923

"No hay país donde el anarquismo haya tenido tanta influencia en la literatura como en la Argentina, si exceptuamos un cierto período en Francia... Se puede decir que la gran mayoría de los jóvenes escritores en la Argentina se han ensayado dede 1900... como simpatizantes del anarquismo, como colaboradores de la prensa anarquista y algunos como militantes..."

Although this seems somewhat exaggerated to me, it does contain an indication of the force of anarchism's influence on young bohemian circles in Buenos Aires at the beginning of the century. One of the most notable intellectuals active in anarchist circles at the time was the playwright & poet Alberto Ghiraldo. He was at first close to the young people who formed Ruben Darío's coterie at the end of the l9th century & joined anarchist circles in 1900, when he took up editing the anarchist literary magazines Martín Fierro & El Sol; from 1904, he was editor of La Protesta.

Another example was the Uruguayan Florencio Sánchez, a leading playwright in the early years of the century who wrote M'hijo el dotor, a play that gave full expression to the reality of life of the lower classes in Buenos Aires.

There was also Félix Basterra, who wrote El crepúsculo de los gauchos, as well as Armando Discépolo, González Pacheco, José de Maturana & Alejandro Sux.

It should be noted that they all had dual loyalties: on the one hand, to the anarchist circles in whose publications they wrote & at whose social gatherings their plays were presented & their poetry read, while on the other, they carefully preserved their links to the external literary world in which their works were published & which constituted both their market & the source of the literary criticism that determined their status. At the same time, however, this dual loyalty opened gaps between the intellectuals & the anarchist activists, & created tension between the two groups.

Most of the latter were autodidacts, who had acquired their education as they worked— so they may be termed "semi-intellectuals"— , & later applied it to their newspaper writing & propaganda efforts. The tensions continued throughout this period & culminated in the second decade of the century with the majority of the bohemian intellectuals leaving the anarchist ranks.

— excerpt, Yaacov Oved, "The Uniqueness of Anarchism in Argentina"

On Alberto Ghiraldo, see the Spanish language Wikipedia,
Discurso de Ghiraldo en el mitin de plaza once el 1º de mayo de 1901

Ideas y Figuras cover; source

A short timeline:

  • 1898 - Alberto Ghiraldo publica, en Buenos Aires, El Sol.
  • 1901 - Alberto Ghiraldo dirige La Organizacion Obrera
  • 1904-Se publica en Argentina la revista "Martín Fiero" siendo su director Alberto Ghiraldo.
  • 1904 - Alberto Ghiraldo publica Musica prohibida.
  • 1905 - Alberto Ghiraldo publica La tirania del frac
  • 1909 - Se publica en Argentina la revista Ideas y Figuras siendo su director Alberto Ghiraldo. / Alberto Ghiraldo inicia la publicacion de la revista Ideas y Figuras. Alberto Ghiraldo: Alma gaucha
  • 1915 - Alberto Ghiraldo publica su libro La Ley Baldon.
  • 1919 - En el mes de marzo Alberto Ghiraldo estrena en Valencia su obra teatral La Columna de Fuego, aunque en primer lugar será prohibida por el gobernador de la provincia. -Obra que refleja el ambiente de una huelga portuaria en Buenos Aires-.
  • 1922 - Alberto Ghiraldo publica La Argentina: Estado social de un pueblo.
  • 1922 - Alberto Ghiraldo publica su obra Yanquilandia barbara.
  • 1938 - Alberto Ghiraldo publica Cancionero libertario.
  • 1943 - Alberto Ghiraldo, El archivo de Rubén Darío

Muere en Santiago de Chile (23 de marzo 1946)

Una característica relevante de la producción bibliográfica sobre el anarquismo argentino es la concentración de los estudios en torno al papel desempeñado por los ácratas en el ámbito sindical, relegando a un lugar secundario otras cuestiones esenciales en la práctica de los libertarios, a saber : la educación libertaria, la literatura creada por los escritores anarquistas (Alberto Ghiraldo, Alejandro Sux, Florencio Sánchez, Félix Basterra, Antonio De Carlo, etc),

page created August 2007; links & corrections, February 2013

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