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Mika Etchebehere, (née Michèle Feldman).

Argentinian anarchist
born February 2, 1902; died, July 7, 1992.

Biography / Notes


Mika Etchebehere was, by turns, a militant Marxist & then an anarchist. Fought in the Spanish Revolution with the P.O.U.M.

As a youth Mika was a member of the anarchist Rosario group. At the Université de Buenos-Aires in 1920, she met her future companion Hippolyte Etchebehere, & joined the "Insurrexit" group. Strongly taken with the Russian Revolution, they both joined the Communist Party, but were soon expelled for their "anarchist tendencies".

In 1931 they went to Europe. In July 1936, in Madrid, they joined the P.O.U.M (Parti Ouvrier d'Unification Marxiste) to fight the fascist uprising, & Hippolyte was killed on August 16, 1936. In his stead, Mika took up a rifle & was elected head of her company.

With the imposition of militarization she joined the 38e brigade. Her company decimated during a battle, she was integrated as an officer into the 14th division, directed by the anarchist Cipriano Mera. Mika fought in various battles on the front until June 1938, then served in the rear lines, providing courses to eliminate illiteracy.

When the pro-Franco troops defeated Madrid, she escaped to France. She spent the years during WWII in Argentina, returning to France afterwards. Arrows

Etchebehere's autobiography, Ma guerre d'Espagne à moi, appeared in 1975.

"Ce qui peut me rester de l'anarchisme, c'est mon incapacité à respecter les hiérarchies imposées et ma foi dans le cercle de l'égalité..."
ArrowsAy Carmela, Vallejo ! tisse trois voix : deux musicales, celle du peuple espagnol à travers ses chants de lutte et celle des poèmes de César Vallejo et celle autobiographique de Mika Etchebéhère qui devint à l'âge de 20 ans chef respecté et adoré d'une colonne de miliciens d'Extremadure, hommes sans peur et machos au grand coeur.

Mika Etchebehere; source;=

[Source: L'Ephéméride Anarchiste]

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