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// -- Anarchist Encyclopedia: CARBÓ, Eusebio. Palamós 1883-Mexico 1958. Anarchist

CARBÓ, Eusebio.
Palamós 1883-Mexico 1958.

alt; Eusebio Carbo.

Biographical/historical notes:

Coming from a family of federalists and anti-clericals, he was active in the Federalist Youth before going over to anarchism following his reading of Godwin, Proudhon, Kropotkin and Bakunin and observation of the world around him.

A bit of a globe-trotter (even in his prison experience, seeing the inside of nearly sixty prisons from the age of 18 onwards) he lived for a long time in Valencia and travelled Europe and the Americas (he was especially familiar with Italy and knew many of the Italian anarchists, like Malatesta, Borghi and Fabbri, being much impressed by Malatesta). Early in the century (1905) he was close to the Avenir group and by the time the First World War came around he was an anarchist of some prestige.

In 1915 he attended the congress in El Ferrol (representing Solidaridad Obrera), in 1918 he was at the Anarchist Conference in Barcelona, was present at the International Labour Congress in Geneva and the sixth congress of the F.N.A. in Valencia (where he was outstanding for his vehemence and hard line). His presence at the La Comedia congress in 1919 has been described as crucial: he drafted the anarchist manifesto, was on the working party on propaganda and opposed the line taken by Quintanilla. In the ensuing years he was a leading representative of the most anarchist tendency (and from 1921 stood out on account of his condemnation of the dictatorship of the proletariat). He plotted against Primo de Rivera and acted as go-between for the anarchists and syndicalists in Valencia, intervened in the controversy about anarchist organisation in Italy, and was also caught up in the polemic that pitted Peiró against Pestaña.

In 1933 he opposed the FAI uprising; three years later at the congress in Zaragoza he came under severe criticism for non-completion of his mission to Paris.

Come the 1936 war, his ideological surefootedness went to pieces ( a short time before that he had reaffirmed anarcho-syndicalist orthodoxy from the secretaryship of the IWA) and like many another he took up political posts (as a member of the economic council in Catalonia, plus posts with the Generalitat’s propaganda commission and at the Education and Training Ministry).

Once it had become apparent that the war was lost he left for France and thence on to Santo Domingo (1940), winding up in Mexico where he settled until his death. In Mexico he held the secretaryship of the CNT (1942) and resisted the García Oliver line from the ranks of the Nueva FAI; these were years when he was returning to his ideological roots (turning down the offer of a ministerial post in the Giral government-in-exile in 1945); later, as the prospects of returning to Spain faded, Carbó the journalist came to the fore. But his gifts as a journalist were always in the service of his beliefs.

A great public speaker and a writer of excellence possessed of a punchy style, his output is strewn throughout countless publications: as a journalist, his writings may be found in El Corsario, Regeneración, Acción Social Obrera, Estudios, etc. In addition, he was an editor on Solidaridad Obrera (in 1930, in 1934-35) and director of the Valencia edition of Solidaridad Obrera, wrote for Reivindicación, La Guerra social, Más Lejos and Cultura y Acción .. as well as the leading CNT titles in Europe and the Americas.

He used a number of noms de plume (Negresco, Mario Negro, Gustavo, Simplicio, Romano, Rodrigo..) and was the author of El la línea recta. El naturismo y el problema social (Barcelona 1930), La bancarrota fraudulenta del marxismo (Mexico 1941), Reconstrucción de España, sus problemas económicos, políticos y morales (Mexico 1949) and Interviú con el gran revolucionario Enrique Malatesta (1921, location not given).

Online, one of 400+ entries (192 pages of extracts), at Christie Books, see
page added June 2003

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