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Alphonse Sauveur Cannone
Algerian-born French anarchiste militante.
Biographical/historical notes:
Alphonse Sauveur Cannone born January 3, 1899, died of tuberculosis on February 15, 1939, in Paris.
Alphonse took part in the 1919 Mutinerie des marins de la mer noire (Mutiny of the Sailors in the Black Sea), refusing to fight against the Russian revolutionaries during the Allied intervention.Sentenced to 10 years in prison, he escaped, was recaptured & given another five years.
Released August 1926, he was active with the international "Black Group" (Groupe Noir) & a member of the CGT-SR.
Cannone fought on the anarchist fronts with the CNT & FAI during the Spanish Revolution of 1936.
"Marins français, ouvriers et paysans russes, femmes et enfants, se tenant par les bras, montaient vers la ville hurlant leur joie et leur espérance en des temps qui permettraient de connaître enfin le bien-être et la liberté."
— excerpt, Cannone sur les mutineries de la mer noire
Sources: Dictionnaire international des militants anarchistes & Ephéméride Anarchiste
page created February 2007
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