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// -- Anarchist Encyclopedia: Pedro Barceló Cané. Barcelona 1896-Mexico 1973. Anarchist

Barcelona 1896-Mexico 1973.

alt; Pedro Barcelo Cane.

Biographical/historical notes:

Although born in the Barcelona district of Pueblo Nuevo, he lived from early on in Badalona where he worked in the glass industry; a staunch friend of Peiró, he was secretary of the glassworkers’ union and of the Badalona local federation for whose mouthpiece La Colmena Obrera he wrote articles.

In 1919 he was living in Seville and two years after that he was in Villaviciosa, only to return to Badalona prior to the Primo de Rivera dictatorship, joining the CNT’s revolutionary national committee and the underground anarchist groups opposed to the dictator; in May 1929 he fled to France only to return after a short while and was jailed.

During the Republic he was a prominent representative of the moderate line (and signed the Manifesto of the Thirty), not that this spared him the hatred of the employers (he was seriously injured in 1932); he was general secretary of the National Glass Industrial Federation and during the civil war he was mayor of Badalona (having been a member of the city’s public safety committee a short while before) and held the under-secretaryship for industry in Peiró’s ministry.

In the post-war years he stuck to his circumstancialist line and collaboration with other antifascists; in exile in Mexico he backed the García Oliver platform and held an under-secretaryship in Leiva’s republican government-in-exile.

Online, one of 400+ entries (192 pages of extracts), at Christie Books, see
page added June 2003

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