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André Arru (aka Jean-René Sauliere)
French anarchist militant & pacifist.
Born September 6, 1911. Died January 2, 1999.
ALT SPELLINGS : Jean-Rene Sauliere, Rene Sauliere, Andre Arru

With the onset of WWII Andre Arru went underground, changing his name from Saulière to Arru &, moving from Bordeaux to Marseilles, helped form an anarchist group (which also included Voline) & participated in the underground Resistance, seeking to help anyone being pursued by authorities.

Arru became the general secretary for the French SIA (International Antifascist Solidarity) following WWII.

After the war, in addition to his pacifist engagement, he was an active organizer of the Libre Pensée, & the publication of the quarterly review (1969-1980) "La libre pensée des Bouches-du-Rhône".

Corresponded with Georges Fontenis, Eugène Humbert & Jeanne Humbert, etc.

Arru was a member, since 1983, of the ADMD (an association for the right to die in dignity). He ended his life voluntarily, at age 87, refusing to subject himself to the risks & dependency of advancing age & disease.


See "Anarchist Activity in France during World War Two" (from the C.I.R.A., Marseille, BULLETIN No. 21/22 (Summer, 1984); Translated & summarized by Charlatan Stew) & other pieces in the Charlatan Stew Collection at the Stan Iverson Archives.

Interview with French Anarchist André Arru in the Bulletin of the Kate Sharpley Library (#31, July 2002)

French language resources:

  • SAULIERE, René dit André ARRU: L'Unique et sa propriété de Max Stirner; prés. Aristide Lapeyre; avec des textes d'E. Armand et de P.V. Berthier. Le Havre: Le Libertaire, 1993, 37 p.

    Inventaire de l'archive de René Saulière (1911-1999) at the IIHS (International Institute of Social History),

    Le Libertaire (1919-1956) | 4. La Seconde Guerre mondiale

    Les anarchistes français de 1939 à 1945

    Numéro 21-22, septembre 1984 Les anarchistes et la Résistance. Avec un témoignage de Jean-René SAULIERE dit André ARRU, une «Réflexion sur des Histoires» par André ARRU et de nombreuses reproductions de photos, textes, attestations etc.

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