Cat Has Had the Time of His Life

thin line

Our Daily Bleed...



American Fluxus poet, Buddhist, political activist.


PUBLIC HOLIDAY, Guinea-Bissau: Observance of the birthday of guerrilla fighter & revolutionary thinker Amilcar Cabral. Claimed by Marxists as one of their own because of his early works, Cabral was assassinated while theorising upon class self-determination & autonomous collective forms of social organisation in the post-colonial situation. In his own words:

"Povo na manda na su cabeca" (Let people do it for themselves).

San Patricio meets Zapata on the way to the cantina & over a tequila they discuss how best to be rid of snakes.

México: SAN PATRICIOS (St. Patrick's Battalion), Irish-American Army deserters who went over to the Mexican side to fight the US invaders, are honored on this day. In 1993, the Irish began to honor them in Clifden, Galway.

Tainos, West Indies: FEAST OF ATABEI, the Goddess Mother.



1740 -- Having corresponded for several years, Voltaire & Frederick the Great finally meet.

1838 -- Last Hawaiian monarch Luli'uokalani lives.
Daily Bleed Saint 2003        LILI'UOKALANI

"To gain the kingdom of heaven,
hear what is not said."

— Deposed benevolent leader of Hawaiian Islanders.

1846 -- Elizabeth Barrett, 40, & Robert Browning, 34, secretly marry at London's St. Marylebone Church. Muses William Wordsworth, "Well, I hope they understand one another — nobody else would."

1846 -- US: At Nauvoo, Illinois, the first real exchanges of gunfire & cannon fire begin between anti-Mormon "Regulators" & the Mormon "Spartan Band" (assisted by newly settled non-Mormon sympathizers, the "Kill Devils"). For the next four days there are forays & skirmishes across roadways, backyards & cornfields.

1853 -- US: Reverend Antoinette Brown Blackwell is ordained at the Congressional Church in South Butler, New York, becoming the first female minister in the United States.

1860 -- Honduras: American adventurer William Walker, who became dictator of Nicaragua before being deposed by Cornelius Vanderbilt, then attempted to invade Honduras, is executed by a firing squad after being captured by the British.

1866 -- US: During this month (exact day unknown) the first African-American trade union, the Colored Caulkers' Trade Union Society of Baltimore, is founded. Isaac Myers was the union's first president.

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1870 -- (18)Sixties dropout Fitz Hugh Ludlow dies, the morning after his 34th birthday, Geneva, Switzerland.

Daily Bleed Saint, 2003
The Hashish Eater, an American Thomas De Quincy.

1872 -- US: The Malheur reservation in eastern Oregon is established for several Indian bands of Northern Paiutes.

1876 -- England: Elizabeth Freeman lives. British-born suffragette, civil rights worker, militant pacifist.

1880 -- H. L. Mencken, misanthrope, editor, satirist, author of The American Language, lives, Baltimore. One of the most influential American critics in the 1920s. Says of himself,

"I never listen to debates. They are dreadful things indeed. The plain truth is that I am not a fair man, & don't want to hear both sides. On all known subjects, ranging from aviation to xylophone-playing, I have fixed & invariable ideas. They have not changed since I was four or five."

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1891 -- Puerto Rico: Independente Pedro Albizu Campos lives, Ponce. Major figure of the Puerto Rican independence movement.

1892 -- Alfred A. Knopf, dean of 20th-century American publishers, lives, New York. Of his friend H. L. Mencken: "We had the same birthday but we never were together on it because it came at the height of his hay-fever season. Anyway he disliked all such celebrations."

1896 -- Russia: Elsa Triolet lives. French writer, wife of Louis Aragon & a sister of Lili Brik. The first to translate Mayakovsky's poetry to French. Triolet & Aragon participated in French anti-fascist resistance movement.

Daily Bleed Patron Saint December 14, 1997; June 16, 2006
Russian Bohemian, Futurist, bon-vivant, French Surrealist muse.

1897 -- EG, anarchist feministUS: Emma Goldman returns to Boston, where she speaks on the September 10 killings of immigrant miners striking in Hazleton, Pa. (known as the Lattimer Massacre). She travels to New Haven & New York to speak again on the Hazleton killings.

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1898 -- US: American artist & social critic Ben Shahn lives.

1902 -- US: Today is known as "Black Friday" because of the "Yacolt Burn": Vancouver, Portland, Tacoma, & Olympia were covered in smoke. St. Helens was dark at noon.

According to a newspaper account in the area, the land of Lewis River was a "hot & silent valley of death."

Further details / context, ECOLOGY[Details / context]

1907 -- In Belfast, Ireland, Louis MacNeice lives (-1963). Poet/playwright, a member, with W. H. Auden, C. Day-Lewis, & Stephen Spender, of a group whose low-keyed, unpoetic, socially committed, & topical verse is the "new poetry" of the 1930s.

"The move from delight to wisdom... — this move performs the work of art. MacNeice's disaffection from Ulster does not preclude an ongoing affection, & in his resolution of this doubleness he became & remains a vital figure in the history of modern Irish poetry."

— Seamus Heaney

1909 -- México: A young man, Emiliano Zapata, is elected to head the town council by villagers of Anenecuneo. (see 8 August, 10 April)
 Viva Zapata!

1910 -- US: Social worker = cop? Former social worker, Mrs. Alice Stebbins Wells, becomes the LAPD's (& the world's) first policewoman.
Source: [Calendar Riots]

1912 -- Nicaragua: 2,500 US marines invade the country, to "protect US interests", remaining until 1925 — interests, which are many & seem to revolve around taking anything of value it wants.

1913 -- US: Jesse Owens lives, Oakville, Alabama. One of the greatest track & field runners in history. Achieve fame at the 1936 Summer Olympic Games in Berlin, where he snags four gold medals, dispelling Hitler's notion of the superior Aryan race & the inferiority of black athletes.

1915 -- Turkey: Genocide of Armenians begins.

1918 -- First use of an army tank, in France.

Eugene Debs
1918 -- US: Eugene Debs on trial (9th-12th) under the espionage act; sentenced to 10 years on the 14th for his June "Canton Speech," against the Slaughter to End All Slaughter. (Poet Bill Witherup reads Debs' speech aloud on September 18, 2006, Cafe Allegro, Seattle.)

1919 -- EG, anarchist feministUS: Still in prison for opposing the war once opposed by Beloved & Respected Comrade Liberal Leader Woodrow Wilson, the anarchist Emma Goldman is served a warrant for her arrest & deportation; bond set at $15,000.

1921 -- Stanislaw Lem lives. Author best known for his satire, humor, & irreverent reflections of society.

Polish satirical/philosophical science fiction writer, & critic whose novel Solaris (1961) is among the classic science fiction novels of the 1960s; it was filmed by Andrei Tarkovsky in 1971. Lem's books have been translated into some 30 languages.

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Jackson MacLow, anarchist poet
1922 -- US: Jackson Mac Low lives. American poet & anarchist pacifist involved (1944-54) with Why? & edited(?) Resistance.

Also writes performance pieces, essays, plays, & radio works.

Mac Low has always been a political activist, a self-proclaimed pacifist-anarchist. This political stance is evident in the content of the verse written before 1954, as it is also in Mac Low's activity as an editor of an anarchist publication.

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1924 -- Amilcar Cabral lives, Bafata (then Portuguese Guinea). AMILCAR CABRAL
Alternate Patron Saint, AMILCAR CABRAL
Agronomist, African revolutionary, martyr.

1928 -- Sinclair Lewis, visiting Plymouth, Vermont with Dorothy Thompson, sends a postcard to H. L. Mencken on his 48th birthday.

1931 -- African-American novelist who examines black life & racial relations in the US in her children's stories & works for adults, Kristin Hunter, lives, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

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1931 -- US: Thalia Massie, a Caucasian woman, allegedly beaten & assaulted by a group of Hawaiian & Japanese men. The incident leads to controversial court decisions & vigilante action.

Child laborer, by Lewis Hine
1932 -- US: Got Coupons? Unemployed march on grocery stores & seize food, Toledo, Ohio.

Boss Shipped to Toledo in Mail Bag

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1934 -- US: In response to textile labor strikes & agitation, by today National Guardsmen are on duty in every New England state except Vermont & New Hampshire.

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1935 -- Richard Hunt lives, Chicago, Illinois. African American, A leading sculptor, collected by the National Museum of American Art, the Whitney Museum of American Art, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, & the Museum of the Twentieth Century in Vienna.

1939 -- France: Louis Lecoin, & other militant pacifists, distribute 100,000 copies of the leaflet « Paix immédiate » (“Immediate Peace”). Lecoin is arrested on the 29th & in the days which follow several signatories of the leaflet repudiate it.
12 septembre Louis Lecoin tract « Paix immédiate ». 29 septembre Angers. Arrestation de Louis Lecoin. signataires du tract « Paix immédiate » le désavouent.

fireball, animated
1940 -- US: Hercules Powder Company plant in Kenvil, New Jersey blows up, killing 49 people, injuring 200 others.

Michael Ondaatje
1943 -- Michael Ondaatje lives Colombo, Ceylon (Sri Lanka). Canadian novelist/poet who blends myth, history, jazz, & memoirs to create his musical prose & poetry, His 1970 pastiche, The Collected Works of Billy the Kid: Left-Handed Poems drew on his fascination with the American west, & his 1992 novel, The English Patient, got him a popular audience & an award-winning movie.

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1943 -- Italy: Mussolini viene liberato dai tedeschi a Campo Imperatore sul Gran Sasso (Aquila) dove era stato confinato.
[Crimini e Misfatti]

1943 -- Italy: Popular uprising against the Nazis, in Piombino, a steel town with a great libertarian tradition & a tradition above all of revolutionary syndicalism. Among the anarchists in the uprising is Adriano Vanni, a Maremma partisan also on the local CLN (National Liberation Committee, a body made up of a spectrum of anti-fascist parties) stands out.

Ford: Quantity is Job #1
1945 -- Canada: Ford workers in Windsor, Ontario begin strike, leading to introduction of the Rand Formula.

1948 -- Spain: Antonio Ortiz, takes part with Primitivo Gomez & José Perez in an attempt to bomb (using a small private plane) the official platform where Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Franco is speechifying, in San Sebastien. Antonio Ortiz

He was intercepted by Spanish fighters, but managed to escape.

Ortiz was a member of the CNT in 1936 during the Spanish Revolution & Civil War. Participated July 19/20 1936, in the Barcelona attack against the military barracks.

Ortiz directed the "Red & Black" column which won part of Aragon from the fascists, allowing the development of the libertarian communities.

A video cassette recalls the life of this little known anarquista: Ortiz, General Without God Nor Master.

Collage by James Sebor
1951 -- "Declaración Previa" appears.

Comienza la participacion de los surrealistas en LeLibertaire, periodico semanal de la Federacion Anarquista Francesa, con el texto aqui presentado: "Surrealismo y Anarquismo — Declaracion Previa," firmado entre otros por André Breton, Benjamin Péret, Jean Schuster y Jean-Luis Bedouin.

Graphic: "I Am We" by James Sebor; see his art work at,
Surrealismo y Anarquismo,

1953 -- Russia: Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Nikita Khrushchev becomes Secretary of USSR Communist Party.

"We will bury you."

1953 -- Italy: La polizia di stato arresta Guido Aristarco, direttore di "Cinema Nuovo," e Renzo Renzi, autore della sceneggiatura "L'armata s'agapò" sul comportamento dell'esercito italiano durante l'aggressione alla Grecia. Accusa : vilipendio alle forze armate sulla base delle norme del codice militare. E' l'ennesima prova della continuità storica tra regimi statali (pre-fascista, fascista, post-fascista).
Source: [Crimini e Misfatti]

1956 -- Ace Backwards lives. Millions rejoice.

1959 -- Velveeta?: Luna 2 launched by USSR; first spacecraft to smack into Moon Cheese.

1962 -- US: Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader President John F. Kennedy speaks at Rice University's Rice Stadium to 35,000 Houstonians, saying of the lunar landing program, "...we do this not because she is easy, but because it is hard..."

1962 -- Jackson Mac Low reaches a new low, age 40. American poet & anarchist pacifist involved (1944-54) with Why? & edited(?) Resistance.

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1968 -- Albania abandona el Pacto de Varsovia por la invasión de Checoslovaquia.

1970 -- Puerto Rico: Comandos Armados Liberacion bomb US governors convention, San Juan.

1970 -- US: Timothy Leary escapes prison (San Luis Obispo) with help from the Weather Underground, joins Eldridge Cleaver in Algiers.
Leary was arrested regularly & was held captive in 29 different prisons throughout the world.

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Chile 1973 poster, by Arnd Schultheiss
1973 -- "Chile: 12 September 1973"

The United States of America bankrolled rightwing extremists in Chile to destroy the democratic government of Chile.

They replaced it with the brutal dictatorship of Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Agusto Pinochet. His terrorist regime lasted for 17 years & led to the murders of over 5,000 people.

Further, with the help of rightwing economist Milton Friedman & American corporations operating under the self-serving slogan "Free Market Economy," the economy was totally devastated.

Poster by Arnd Schultheiss (1974).

1977 -- South Africa: Student anti-apartheid leader Steve Biko, 30, murdered while in police custody, Port Elizabeth.

1977 -- American poet, WWII conscientious objector, Robert Lowell dies.

1982 -- US: First dump trucks loaded with PCBs drive into Afton, Warren County, North Carolina, the poorest county in the state, are met by vigil of 50 to 300 protesters waiting daily for the last month; 510 arrests made. (Protesters, not the PCB guys).

1982 -- US: Prolific serial killer Donald "Pee Wee" Gaskins kills his final victim, a fellow death row inmate, with a bomb concealed in a coffee cup, Columbia Correctional Institution, Columbia, South Carolina.

1986 -- Pappy!, You Old Dog You: Papillon lives! (1986-2001). HemoMeister's best friend. She patiently watches human beings move piles from one spot to another, again, again, again, again...

1988 -- Gilbert, strongest hurricane ever (160 mph), devastates Jamaica.

Dancin Bill, animated
1990 -- Where's Monica?: Christine McVie & Stevie Nicks announce they'll no longer perform with Fleetwood Mac. About two years later they reunite to sing at Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader President Willy Clinton's inauguration. Four years after that, they reunite for an MTV Unplugged special, returning to the White House for a Clinton "plugged" special.

1992 -- US: A freighter flying the Greek flag is denied entry at Long Beach, California, for repairs because its cargo of Chinese rice is bound for Cuba. (Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader President Bush enacted an Executive Order banning ships trading with Cuba.)

1996 -- Germany: During this month [I don't have exact date. — ed.] the Linienstrasse 158/159 squat is evicted. This follows on the heels of evictions in July & the last squat in West Berlin in August. A few squats were legalized bya the government, but over the next year the Squatter's Movement was under heavy government attack, some of it later ruled illegal in court.

1996 -- Oasis abruptly canceled its US tour two-thirds of the way into it. The band said it was due to "the basic fact that we really suck."

Posoda illustration
1997 -- México: 1,111 Zapatistas march to México City.

"You think it's the end. But it's just the beginning."

— Bob Marley

Saint Arnold beer coaster
1998 -- US?: Houston, Texass: 2nd Annual Saint Arnold Homebrew Day!!

Don't drink & surf!

At 2:30 PM (right after the brewery tour) we will be conducting a homebrewing seminar & demonstration. Ask Saint Arnold brewers all the questions you have been dying to ask. Local homebrew shops will also be here to assist & show you lots of really cool home brewing equipment. Of course, there will be plenty of Saint Arnold beer for everyone.

& to all the potential women brewers, until about 200 years ago, most brewers were women. Thus the term "alewife." So come out & teach the men how to brew.

2001 --

Cuba has learned with grief & sadness of the violent, surprise attacks carried out ... against civilian & official facilities ... Cuba's position against any terrorist action is known.

It is not possible to forget that for over 40 years our country has been a victim of such actions fostered from within the territory of the United States.

— excerpt, government statement, Havana, 11 September 2001

2001 -- anarchist diamond dingbatSpain: Dolores Prat Coll dies (b.1905). Militant anarco-sindicalista of the CNT at the age of 15, she appears in Lisa Berger's film "Chemin de Liberté" (Way of Freedom; 1997) & is the subject of Dolores: Une Vie Pour La liberté (A Life for Freedom; 2002) by Progreso Marin, her son.
Further details / context, click here[Details / context]

2003 -- Songster Johnny Cash cashes out.
Daily Bleed Patron Saint 2006-2008
American outlaw country music star. "Man in Black".

2003 -- Leonard Peltier's birthday. Cards, US postal money orders, paperback books, & pictures (not Polaroid) can be sent to:
Leonard Peltier
Leavenworth, KS 66044
Protest in support of people of Chiapas/Leonard's birthday:
Leonard was sent to prison in 1977 for two life terms in one of the most corrupt trials in recent US history.

1986, 1993, 1995, & 1997: US prosecutors admit they " not know who killed the agents ......." & admit in 1986 that falsified affidavits were submitted to Canadian Officials, in order to secure the extradition of Leonard Peltier.

Years of Dust poster by Ben Shahn
3000 --
pointer to Anarchist quotes pageQuotes from Anarchists The Daily Bleed: Jackson Mac Low, Emiliano Zapata, Emma Goldman, Eugene Debs, Stanislaw Lem, Amilcar Cabral, Antonio Ortiz, Steve Biko, Adriano Vanni, Dolores Prat Coll, Dada, anarco, sindicalista, anarquista, Fluxus; Timeline, Almanac of Radicalism, Arts, Literature, Authors, Poets, Anarchists... a radical annotated chronology, almanac, daybook, anarchist CALENDAR, anarchisten, anarchism, anarchico, anarchiste, anarquista, anarsizm, anarþizme, Anarþist, Anarquismo, Anarchismus, sindicalismo, anarquia, anarchia, anarchisme, anarchizm, anarkisme, anarki, anarkist, libertarian, syndicalist, anarcho-syndicalist, anarcho-communism, black cats, What Happened on this day, in recovered memory, suppressed history, A People's History, SEPTEMBER 12

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